bestie date?

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hello sweethearts!!

i know I'm late!!! but lets start!!


today is sunday, yesterday night went well as they didn't interact with each other, Boys has woke up and was chit chatting in drawing room, Jin came there to scold them as no one was helping him in kitchen but before Jin could speak anything door got opened grabbing their attention. 

a girl entered inside and removed her shoes, she was about to move ahead but stopped when she saw unknown faces in front of her, her eyes went on Jin and she asked,"Doc? what are you doing here at y/n's place?" Jin replied,"hello, m/s Areum actually we-" 

Areum said cutting him in between,"its okay you don't have to explain" she turned to others and her expression went cold, she greeted them,"Good Morning" her cold voice hitting them, She started moving to upstairs, Jungkook said,"her voice is so soft" they looked at him and heard a shouting"Y/N"

jungkook and other looked at the direction of areum shouting y/n's name and going in her room, they went behind her, door was wide open, they looked inside and saw Areum trying to remove y/n's blanket, they saw the interior is red and black themed looking dangerous and royal at same time. 

y/n sat up and said in her half open eyes,"what now Areum?" her voice was raspy,Areum replied,"what? i told we are going on bestie date! get up bitch" 

y/n looked at her direction and replied,"you know i don't like to go out then why are you doing this all, if you want to spend time with me then come sleep here" y/n again laid down and pulled duvet on herself, y/n pulled areum to sleep on bed.

Areum said coming out from y/n's embrace,"bro, i'm not your boyfriend to sleep with you!" Areum's disgusted made y/n chuckled but her face wasn't visible to BTS, Aerum looked at y/n's figure which was hidden in blanket. 

Areum picked glass of water and smirked, she poured all water on y/n and started laughing, y/n sat up in an intense, she looked at her soaked clothes and bedsheet then her eyes went on Areum's laughing figure, y/n took jug full of water in hands and Areum ran to another side of bed. 

y/n said in her angry voice,"PARK AREUM!" areum said still laughing,"why don't you sleep now? haha y/n you still wet you bed huh?!" she again laughed, y/n replied more furiously,"YAH! BITCH WAIT" y/n trapped her between wall and bed, y/n was about splash water on but Areum closed her eyes in fear. 

y/n stopped in mid-air, she knows about Areum's all trauma, y/n sighed and kept jug on ground, she hugged Areum and said,"if you have trauma about a thing then why you do that?" Areum sobbed, she could get flashbacks of her trauma. 

y/n was patting her back, later y/n said going in bathroom, pick a outfit for me I'm lazy to do that, Areum chuckled and saluted y/n as response, she turned and saw boys looking at the drama from opened door, her face turned cold she said,"where are you manner? don't you know you shouldn't look into someone else's room" with these words Areum closed the door on BTS face. 

they sighed and went back to drawing room thinking about what they saw in y/n's room and y/n's nature with Areum, they were talking about the things going in their lives when they saw y/n coming down in a yellow one piece along with Areum.

(yellow dress)

y/n asked,"which car you brought?" Areum replied,"our latest purchase, Porsche Cayenne" y/n nodded her head, she said,"so i'm also taking it" Areum squealed in happiness and said,"Car Race! yay!!! take your car quickly its been ages since we had o...

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y/n asked,"which car you brought?" Areum replied,"our latest purchase, Porsche Cayenne" y/n nodded her head, she said,"so i'm also taking it" Areum squealed in happiness and said,"Car Race! yay!!! take your car quickly its been ages since we had our race!" y/n replied taking car keys,"why are you happy when you'll lose as always" 

"Yah! KIM Y/N"areum yelled at her and y/n left laughing, BTS saw her laughing figure and they felt peace in there heart which got unnoticed by them, y/n and areum left. 

later at night, it was too much late but y/n hasn't returned home yet, BTS didn't wanted to wait for her but Jin asked them to wait, maknae was waiting for her to come home so that could scold her and tell her she can't make them wait like this.

it starts to rain badly, they looked at window but door got unlocked and opened, y/n entered all soaked, she couldn't even walk straight, she was walking like a lifeless person and , Jack entered inside behind her, he said,"m'am what to do with the body of m/s Areum?" y/n fell on her knees as she heard this.





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