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hello sweethearts! 

I'm back with another chapter! lets start.....


when jungkook heard what Jack asked, he sprint towards y/n and asked,"w-what he is saying?" y/n was looking down at floor without giving any response to Jungkook, when he saw y/n not replying he shook y/n's shoulders and again repeated himself. 

Jack replied instead,"miss aruem is no more" hearing this jungkook went silent, y/n and jungkook were seating just like lifeless body. 





at funeral of Park Areum. 

(idk anything about funeral so I'll write few things and to all christian i'm sorry if there is any mistake)

they were at church crematorium, sitting quietly, y/n was near coffin of Areum, Mrs.Kim was silently crying in embrace of Mr.Min, priest was reciting prayers. 

priest asked,"family member of Park Areum, please share your words" there was silence, y/n somehow got up and went to podium, she said in her lifeless voice,"thankyou for attending and being here in our sorrow, may Aruem's soul rest in peace" 

y/n walked down and again placed herself where she was before, mumbles took place in there as they were feeling pity for y/n....
"Never saw m/s kim like this"
"I have heard that m/s park was the only friend m/s kim had"
"So sad that she have to see her young friend died like this"
"I heard m/s park got attacked and she was burned brutally....tck tck what must m/s kim feeling right now"
"m/s park had no one in her life except m/s kim"

people present there was mumbling more, they heard a loud voice,"YOU ARE HERE TO ATTEND A FUNERAL SO MAINTAIN SILENCE" they looked at direction of voice so two lady was entering  place, one was in black Indian Clothes and other in black tux, both had cold expression with sadness filled eyes. 

they first walked to Mrs.Kim, they bowed to her, Mrs.Kim said,"B-Binita and S-Saanvi? you both here?" binita replied,"how come we aren't here don't forget mom she w-was also our best friend". they looked at the direction of coffin of Aruem. 

they went towards coffin and showed their respect to Areum, their eyes went of y/n who was only looking at coffin, Saanvi went and hugged y/n binita joined too, y/n said in cracked voice,"s-she l-left me..." 

tears build in eyes of Saanvi and Binita, they got separated and looked at y/n who was still looking towards coffin, priest said,"now it's time for burial, lets take coffin" 

as few men came and start to take coffin, y/n yelled,"W-WHERE ARE YOU T-TAKING HER!" saanvi and binita hold y/n from going ahead, y/n looked at binita and said,"WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE STOP IT!! PLEASE!" y/n looked at saanvi and said"SHE IS YOU BEST FRIEND TOO STOP NA! LOOK THEY ARE TAKING HER AWAY".

y/n again said,"t-they a-are t-taking her a-away from m-me" y/n was on her knees as aruem's coffin got vanished from her sight, Mrs.Kim was crying badly after seeing y/n's condition. 

with BTS, they were seating silently, jungkook was crying badly Jimin and Taehyung were consoling him,they don't know why jungkook is behaving like this, they were watching all things going on there. 










Mrs.Kim just came out from kitchen as she cooked dinner, she called everyone to dining table, they were going but they heard doorbell ring, Mrs.Kim went to open door as she opened two faces came in her view. 

both person came and bowed to her, Saanvi said,"Mom, you know na that if we don't stay here then y/n will break our bones" Mrs.Kim nodded and said,"i know, come have dinner with us, there is this few house-help i called they'll keep your bags in room"

"no eomma, we had our dinner ouside" binita replied, Mrs.Kim saw both of them going towards their room, she said,"binita and saanvi, please talk to y/n.....she is in her room" they nodded. and went to their room. 

later, after seeing off their mom-dad and having dinner, boys were going towards their room, they saw binita and saanvi were going to y/n's room, jungkook went there cause he know that they must ask how aruem died. 

binita was about to close door but when she saw jungkook, she stopped, she can see that sadness and pain which is killing him just as slow poison, binita let door be opened little bit, boys joined jungkook and saw that y/n was seating on bed blankly.

saanvi was rubbing her hand but y/n was not reacting, binita came and sat near y/n from another side, she engulf y/n in her hug and saanvi  was rubbing her back. 

y/n wasn't reacting but after few minutes she was crying badly, her sobs were filled in room, y/n got separated from binita and said to them,"she also l-left me like d-dad and him" she's crying badly. 

y/n said,"i-i was j-just there when s-she s-screamed for her life" she was crying, she continued,"WHY I'M ALIVE, I SHOULD DIE!!! I-I'LL KILL MYSELF" she looked here and there to find something. her sobs didn't stop for once. saanvi and binita also had tears in their eyes.

jungkook fell on knees as he heard y/n, Jin tried to hold him but couldn't he was so shocked, others were just seeing whats going inside, hoseok tried to console him. 

when y/n saw knife on fruit basket, she sprint towards knife and picked it, y/n was about stab herself but saanvi placed her hand between y/n's stomach and knife, saanvi screamed in pain as knife touched her hand. 

y/n saw saanvi's hand bleeding, binita came infront of them and when she saw saanvi's hand bleeding she yelled at y/n,"OMG! ARE YOU MAD Y/N?! YOU WERE TRYING TO HURT YOURSELF AND YOU HURT SAANVI TOO??" 

knife slipped from y/n's hand, binita took saanvi and made her sit on couch, y/n brought first aid and she starts treating her wound without saying anything,  y/n's eyes were down focusing on saanvi's cut while treating. 

saanvi looked at binita and found her looking too, both of them smiled softly, saanvi said,"see, if you would have done anything then what we would have done?" after treating y/n looked at saanvi with guilty eyes. 

they made y/n sit on couch and saanvi asked,"now tell us calmly how did this happened and h-how we l-lost a-aruem?" her voice cracked by the end. y/n said while remembering......

                                                                                                                                                                                                         WHO IS HIM? HOW DID ARUEM DIED?




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