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hello sweethearts!!

this is the last chapter and we are done with stepbrothers!!


y/n was sitting with vincenzo and cha-young, she said,"how did you both proposed each other?" they looked into each others eyes and chuckled.

cha-young said,"we didn't, we never said anything to each other" vincenzo drank his makkoli without being bothered with his-never confessing-girlfriend.

y/n sighed and stood up after finishing makkoli from bowl, y/n said,"i am leaving and don't forget to spread the news that ichor has disappeared as if she never existed"

vincenzo nodded and y/n shook hands with him saying,"thankyou for teaching me and making me enter in this illegal world of ours, I'm not out I'm just resting" she winked to them and left.

vincenzo and cha-young looked at each other and sighed , cha-young said,"another chapter ends here" vincenzo looked at her and nodded slowly then looked at path from where y/n left.

y/n drove back to home after changing her outfit in headquarters, everyone was shutting everything off, they closed the headquarters as if nothing like that was in existence.

nobody knew where ichor is, the one of dangerous lady vanished, no one knew her face or her identity, her all illegal business came to an end in one night.

y/n entered inside her house only to find pin-drop silence, she came into the room and surprising all boys were sleeping in one room. she adjusted their blankets and went out.

she came towards a balcony but her eyes went on one opened room, she looked into it and saw aruem, saanvi and binita sleeping, she smiled softly and said caressing their hairs,"your suffering came to an end, now"

y/n came downstairs and went into garden playing music, thunderstorm rang and it started raining heavily, boys and ladies in another room got up hearing to thunderstorm.

they came in lobby and some music met their ears, they moved towards garden and saw her dancing with a long smile on her face.

she spin herself and stopped with music while rain drenched her white shirt with caramel brown colored pants, water dropping from her hairs on her face. y/n yelled,"I AM HAPPY! WORLD I AM SO MUCH HAPPY!!"

she smiled widely and played with rain just like a small kid, it was as if she has got her life back, they went inside after seeing y/n happy, they went into their own rooms.

y/n's head was in the direction of sky from where the raindrops fell down on her face with closed eyes, a voice met her ears,"princess"

she stopped, she turned back and saw a man looking at her, a word left from her mouth,"dad" he nodded and she moved closer to him.

Mr.Kim shook his head, she ask,"you are here?" Mr.Kim shook his head in denial, he said,"i just came to tell you princess, move on!"

her eyes welled up as she asks,"you are again leaving me alone?" Mr.Kim said,"alone? now you have such a big family and *chuckles* a lover"

y/n looked down in shyness, he said,"go to that boy, he is a nice choice" y/n looks at her dad and asks,"are you happy dad?" Mr.Kim nodded and said,"now you are secure, its my time to leave, stay safe, princess"

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