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hello sweethearts!!! its 1.2k reads!!!! omg!!! i can't believed!!! lets gooo!!! there is just one request please comment and vote


y/n was driving back to home, binita suggested,"lets go to club, its been ages since we visited club" y/n shrugged and said,"okay lets go" she turned the car towards a club. 

after enjoying and drinking, y/n and binita was about to leave but one girl came in front of y/n, she said to y/n,"my boy was looking at you, i dare you to finish 20 shots of strong drink" 

binita replied,"first of all, its not her fault that 'your boy' is looking at her" that girl said,"i didn't asked you unwanted person" y/n said,"you dated a boy not a man and its your fault"

y/n went and ordered 20 shots, she started drinking it one after one like water, people around them were making video, after finishing last one y/n said,"Kim y/n don't lose" 

y/n moved out of club walking with binita, as soon they came to car her legs stumbles, binita holds her and taunts,"yeah accept unnecessary dares" her words were colored with sarcasm.

she made y/n sit at passenger seat and herself sat at the driving side, after driving with alot of struggles with y/n as she becomes like a child when she gets drunk.they reached home.

coming out, y/n opened her arms and yelled,"ITS MY HOME!!" boys came out after hearing her yell, they saw her stumbling and binita gave them an apologetic smile. 

binita said,"somedy dared her and she accepted it so now she's in this state" she didn't owe an explanation but she did as they were glaring at y/n. 

y/n looked at binita and smiled, y/n said,"omo binie you grew so beautiful" binita facepalmed herself but she was happy that y/n called her with nickname after years. 

y/n said,"where is sa?" binita replied,"she isn't here lets go inside or else you'll get sick" y/n said in shock,"weren't you two always attached to each other so how you two aren't together now!" 

binita scolded her,"lets go inside, no more talk until we are in" y/n kept a finger on her lips to keep quite, binita took her inside where boys were present. 

y/n removed her shoes and started running in house with bare feet, binita yelled,"WHERE YOU GOING, WEAR YOU SLIPPERS!" y/n giggled this was the first time boys saw y/n like this.

y/n bend down behind sofa and when seokjin and hoseok turned to look at her she signed them,'don't look here, she shouldn't find me'

they turned to front and smiled softly at her cute faces, y/n was hiding when someone tapped on her shoulders she turned to look behind and it was binita.

y/n smiled and took slippers then wore it. y/n again ran to the center of room, she looked at boys with frowned eyebrows, she looked at jungkook and exclaimed,"bunny!" 

y/n went to him and looked at his face closely and announced,"mister you looks like bunny" then her eyes went to yoongi sitting next to him, she jumped and clapped her hands. 

y/n said,"he's a cat" yoongi looked at her shocked and said,"no!" y/n pinched his cheeks and said,"yes! yes! you look like a cat" 

binita came and pulled her hand away from yoongi and started dragging her to upstairs, y/n sat down on floor and said,"noooo, i don't want to go!! binie i want to play with cat and bunny!" 

binita said being ashamed,"y/n lets go to your room" y/n said something which made the room silenced,"you are doing this because now i don't have dad" her eyes were teary. 

binita looked back and shook her head as no, y/n continue,"you know how much i miss dad and i hate that man who killed dad!! that's why i don't like anyone in my life cause you all force me"

tears started dripping from her eyes, y/n said,"i miss you dad! binie you know how many times i tired to go to dad but i failed each time, it feels like now dad don't love me that's why he isn't calling me" 

binita said,"no y/n, appa loves you and he will never want his princess to die this soon" y/n looked at her and said crying,"then why he left me! alone you know they used to bully me in school *sobs* i have do business when i never wanted to do*sobs* now i am scared to even love someone because everyone i love leaves me" 

binita sat down at y/n's level she wiped her tears, binita said,"so that means you don't love me?" y/n's eyes widen with her red cheeks, she shook her head at denial. 

binita said,"did i or saanvi or eomma....." binita looked at boys and continued,"or your brothers has left you?....no one has left you, we are with you" y/n looked at boys then at binita.

y/n said,"you will not leave me?" binita shook her head, y/n said,"promise?" binita chuckled and intertwined her pinky finger with y/n. 

y/n said being sad,"aru also promised but she left" tears again gathered in her eyes and jungkook's too as aruem told him her best friend calls her aru. 

binita's eyes were numb, y/n hugged binita and said crying,"when? WHEN WILL THESE DARK CLOUDS GO? you know binie dad knew i was scared of thunderstorms but after him i have stay with myself in thunderstorms....and aru was with me but now no one..." she slept.

binita looked at y/n when she stopped talking and realized that she slept, binita blinked her tears away and looked at boys and said,"anyone of you help me to take her to room"

taehyung picked y/n and took her upstairs binita picked y/n's bag from table and then took it to her room when she reached her room taehyung was tugging y/n in duvet. 

he turned and left the place, binita kept her bag on side table then kissed her forehead, she also went after closing door behind her. 

binita went in her room, she didn't even closed the door and quickly sat on ground beside her bed, she hugged her knees and tears started flowing down her cheeks which turned red. 

someone tapped on her shoulder, she quickly wiped her tears and looked at seokjin sitting beside her, he said,"you don't have to be strong everytime you can cry" 

binita couldn't hold her tears and they fell down her cheeks, she remembered y/n's words

 'binita he is the one who made your parents plane crashed ' 

binita's sobs increased she started struggling to breath, seokjin hugged her and she was still crying her heart out, he rubbed her back and tried to calm her. 

she said sobbing,"you d-don't know h-how *hiccups* i-important it is f-for us t-to find h-him" her tears never stopped. 

seokjin said,"shh i know its important but your health is also important so stop crying" he was rubbing her back constantly. slowly binita stopped sobbing and her snores took its place. 

seokjin saw binita slept, he picked her and laid her down on bed, tugging her in duvet he said,"i don't know what i am feeling or its to early to call this tingling feeling love" he kissed her forehead and walked out only to find yoongi with a small mischievous smile. 

yoongi said,"I'm not saying anything" seokjin hit his shoulder and walked towards his room, yoongi went in balcony few tears dropped from his eyes, he said to himself,"so hyung really loves her, its okay yoongi she wasn't for you but i will always love you" 







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