Tit for Tat

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                                                                             Mrs.Min POV

sacrifice makes you as strong as you need to be in the situation. this is the principle i have live upon. just like today sacrificing my daughter for my new family, i can't loose my love again and i also don't know how to win my daughter's heart.

instructing a worker to clear the table at corner which is loved spot by my baby, i released a sigh cause today maybe was the last day i saw her, arranging my desk sound of bell which is indicating someone came in,"welcome in Twin Paradise" greeting, my eyes fell on the person.

"y-y/n" her name came out as whisper, she ordered,"one espresso" her figure going towards her favorite spot was bringing me flashbacks, i made her order but didn't had courage to face her allegations, i don't know how should i clear myself in her eyes.

she is really grown up, when i fed her almost after years a sense of happiness rushed through me but it was ephemeral when Ji-Osung asked to choose, y/n received her order she said something to that worker which is out of my hearing range. 

He came back to me, "mam, she asked a minute with you so what should i say?" he told me what y/n wanted, "you go and focus on your work I'll be back" saying this my feet rushed in her direction, she was talking with someone when i reached there. 

she looked at me and gestured me to sit, her eyes were looking out from glass and she was still talking on call, today i don't see myself as a criminal in her eye but it was grief and guilt of something, she was sipping her espresso it may look weird but i will stare her cause maybe this is last time.

she gestured me to wait a little and i nodded in response, my daughter is now responsible, i don't know how to show you my love baby, my vision got blurred and i realized tears are forming in my eyes. blinking it away i continue admiring her.

Finally, her all attention is now on me, she bend over a little in a sudden, aura around me got serious, she said her voice as always cold,"i.....I am sorry" .............. thunderstorm landed on me maybe but when i saw in those brown crystal eyes there was sincerity. 

"i got to know that you weren't at fault and its a misunderstand.....i apologize......for my behaviour" she continued but her eyes were no more looking into mine, a tear escaped my eyes moving near her i wrapped my hands around her taking her into my embrace, after years. 

being overwhelmed in felicity tears came in my eyes,"stop crying" she said and i know she isn't a fan of skin ship, maintaining my posture after getting separate from y/n i place myself in front of her.

she continue sipping her espresso, she said looking outside,"but don't forget we don't have any relation with each so don't hug me again" i said my voice cracking due to lump in my throat,"h-how is your wound?" she replied looking deep into my eyes,"I'm fine" 

..................................................................POV end...............................................................................

"oh so now you both are meeting like this?" a man said standing in front of their table, Mrs.Min looked at him and called his name,"hobi?" y/n didn't even glanced at them. 

Namjoon said calmly,"we thought pay you a visit as you are now......separated from your daughter" he looked at y/n and these words bought y/n's attention towards them, she sipped last from cup and placed it on table, y/n took her bag. 

keeping cash on table y/n started to leave the place, as y/n was moving between them she gave a smirk to yoongi, he furrowed his eyebrows even others did the same, out of nowhere media entered inside the cafe. 

reporter asked boys,"information is released that you all are somewhere a part of mafia gang 'Bangtan'?" they were off guarded, other reporters were also questioning in dirty way, y/n was standing being aside watching all this with a small smirk lingering on her lips, cameramen were pushing boys in order to get pictures. 

when y/n saw Mrs.Min getting pushed too, Mrs.Min's hand got a deep cut as she got pushed, y/n saw blood dipping from her hand, y/n yelled,"STOP!" she came in front of boys and said to media,"we are spending time together as family and again you all are intruding in our privacy"

reporters and cameramen moved a little back, y/n called someone and asked that person to come here, she said looking into their eyes,"because of your rubbish rumor-based news you hurt a citizen and that also my mom" Mrs.Min looked at her with teary eyes. 

y/n was fuming in silent anger, door got opened and a lady came inside, y/n said to her,"Cha-Young unnie, handle this matter" Cha-young nodded her head and said,"I'm their lawyer and you can't hurt a citizen because of covering news" 

y/n made Mrs.Min stand up and made her sit on chair, a worker came with first aid, y/n crouched near her, as she was applying meds y/n's hand aquiver, as she finished Cha-young was also done with media. 

Cha-young informed y/n,"everything got handled nicely" y/n nodded her head standing up, y/n once looked at Mrs.Min and then at boys, y/n said to boys,"now you all have to play along with me because of your beloved 2nd eldest brother"

y/n said looking at Yoongi,"you called....wait! no! sneaked media in my private ward as for revenge cause i told your beloved younger brother that you hit Aruem from your car, now wait for me to play because in my dictionary its always Tit for Tat"

y/n walked out from there and Cha-Young said before leaving behind y/n,"take care of yourself, aunty" as soon y/n and Cha-Young got out from cafe, Cha-young said looking in front,"he came to Korea, as you demanded" y/n nodded her head and said sitting inside her car,"lets start






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