Chapter Two: SOS

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               ( Pico POV )

     I know that I told Aqua to run, but I may or may not of done the exact same thing. While I was running my ass off, I ran into some other rando hood looking guys. Must have been goons hired by Cass. Apparently, both of them were just weens looking for money, because it took just one punch to knock out one of them, so i grabbed his gun for protection, and the other ran away with his arms flailing like he'd just seen a demon . . . wait. I turned around, and saw Aqua being cornered by another goon. Goons fucking with me is one thing, but them fucking with Aqua is a COMPLETELY different story, so I shot him.

                    I turned back to Aqua, and she looked a bit paler than usual, probably due to stress. I walked up to her to see if she was okay, and as soon as she looked up to me, she backed up in terror, then immediately regretted her decision and got a bit closer.   "Yeaahh, that's it. you're okay." I said. She got a bit closer, but then gasped and winced with a hand over her chest. Uh oh. "What's wrong?" I asked, and she lifted her hand to reveal . . . a bullet hole. They got her. I failed. "O-okay, uh, can you t-try t-to get c-closer to m-me?" I asked. She adjusted her legs and put her arm out, but as soon as she did, her eyes got misty and she started falling backwards. No no no no no no no no no! I caught her and urged her to stay awake, but her eyes fluttered and she passed out. Blood loss. I had to do something, so i took off my ribbon that I always have on my wrist and wrapped it around her wound. I checked her pulse, and thank the fucking lords, it's beating. WHOOOFF! That gave me a heart attack, no pun intended. I kept her close to my chest as I stood up and looked for an exit. After a bunch of searching, and encountering dead bodies, I finally managed to avoid Cassandra's gang and find an exit. That didn't mean that I didn't stop running when I got out, though.

           I ran for a good 5 or 10 minutes before I snapped out of my paranoia of being followed and found an empty alleyway. That would have to be good enough. I ran into it and sat down. I checked if she was still alive, and she was. Even if she was wounded, she still looked beautiful. Her glowing green hair that went with her eyes, her sense of understanding and kindness, her voice smoother and softer than velvet . . . God I hope she's alright. But then the thought hit me. I . . . I think I love her. And i think she thought the same, since she acted softer, kinder, nicer  around me than anyone else. I pulled her a bit closer. "Aqua," I started. "if you can hear me," I pulled her even closer and put my hand on the side of her face. "I wished this could be a little more romantic." and i kissed her. Even if she was asleep, something just felt . . . right. I eventually pulled away, put her in a comfortable position, took my sweater off and laid it on top of her, and fell asleep next to her.

Hi! Sorry for any errors or cringy bits. I'M TRYING, OKAY?! Like I've said in my profile description, this is the first time I'm doing something like this, other than the terrible comics I made as a little bippity bopper in the sandbox. I have officially decided that I'll make two or three parts every weekend, unless I take my computer to my mom's one week or log into my account on my phone. See ya later today, tomorrow, or next week!

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