Chapter 1

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I wake up with the morning sunrise peaking through my curtains, knowing that today was going to be an amazing day. I was going on a train from my hometown in Busan to Seoul today. Since I was 21, I can finally leave my foster home. I have had some ups and downs with this family but I've grown to love them as my own. My foster parents weren't abusive but there were times when things got heated.

But I promised myself, at age 21, that I was going to be moving from Busan to the capital city of Seoul to pursue my dreams in music, art and literature at a prestigious art college I've been saving up towards all my life. Today would start the day of my new life and to start it off with a bang, I was going to a BTS meetup with a real blood cousin of mine that also loves them and was able to score it for us. I couldn't be more excited. I could watch two full In The Soop videos at least on this train ride so that even made me more happy.

As I made my way on to the train station platform I texted my cousin, Lily, telling her I was about to board.


A few hours later, I was approaching the city. I couldn't wait to see with my own eyes, the city that had always been a distant dream for me with endless possibilities. There were towering skyscrapers, the streets below buzzed with life, colors and sounds. I could see street vendors lined all the way up and down with delicious food I couldn't wait to eventually try.

As the train pulled in, I got my stuff and went downstairs towards the bustling streets, overwhelmed with the vibrant energy of Seoul. I called a taxi, to bring me to my cousins apartment in Seocho-gu, a little bit past the main part of the city. I told her to track my location incase anything were to happen and if I got lost somehow. But she told me she would meet me outside of her building.

She definitely kept her promise as I pulled up to her building and there she was.

"Hi! I'm so glad you made it! I'm so excited you're here!" Lilly shouted, running over to give me a hug as the taxi guy was nice enough to take my bags out of the trunk for me.

"Me too! AND WE'RE MEETING BTS TONIGHT!" They jumped up and down while the taxi man crossed his arms, clearing his throat trying to get there attention.

"Oh I'm so sorry, here keep the change." Lilly said as she handed him a random amount of money with an extra tip. Did I forget to mention that she was rich? Her Father owns part of HYBE labels which is why she was able to get us into the BTS meetup. I heard the car screech as it pulled away leaving the both of us two ourselves.

"C'mon, I'll bring you upstairs and give you a tour, since you'll be staying here for a while."

"Seriously, thank you so much Lilly. I don't know what I'd do without you, I'd be homeless." Lilly laughs as she takes one of my bags and throws an arm over my shoulder.

"Well, we better hurry, we got some idols to meet later tonight!" The both of squealed as we rushed towards the main lobby and up the elevator to her apartment.


Once we entered, I was wowed. Even though Lilly was rich, she wanted to stay humble and have a medium sized apartment. She didn't anything too large that she couldn't handle. From my tiny home in Busan, this was ten times better. We were on the 15th floor so we can see so many things. Since there wasn't a building blocking the view on the windows side, you can see all the skyscrapers of Seoul. When we entered, there was a small foyer with shoe racks and a mirror to check yourself before you left.

To the right side, there was a equipped kitchenette with sleek granite and hanging shelves filled with pots, pans and other cooking utensils. There was a dining nook by the window at the end of the chicken so you can see the Seoul skyline. There was an open arch way that leads to the living room with a sofa and matching blush love seat. The TV was wall mounted and can be swiveled around so you can see it at every angle. The window behind love seat was ceiling to floor so you could see all of the view.

The bedroom was lofted over the living room so you could see down to everything, including the window. There was a ladder that lead upstairs to it so you would have to bring your clothes up slowly instead of bringing everything up at once. The bathroom was upstairs as well, tucked away in a corner. Even though she had a queen sized bed, she had bought a twin size bed on the other side for me to sleep in, which I thought was very sleep. She also had a bookshelf up here which I really appreciated.

"You're place is so cute Lilly, I'm obsessed. Before I get used to the ladder, would you be able to help me with my bags?"

"Of course. Once you get used to it, you'll be throwing shit over your shoulder and going up with one hand like a lumber jack." Lilly was unintentionally funny sometimes.

"I'll unpack later. All I have to do is change and get ready for tonight!" We both held each others hands, jumping up and down and squealing.

"We're meeting BTS!"  


I'm so happy to finally be back! I edited this book a little bit before posting. (I had posted it before but then deleted it) so I'm finally publishing it. I'm not sure how to upload my chapters (I only have 5 chapter so far). Since I have graduated from college, I have plenty more time on my hands. The first few chapters will be short to get into the story. But later on they will become longer, trust me. 

So good to be back! 


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