Chapter 2: The First Encounter

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Later on that night, Lilly and I were heading towards the venue in the middle of the bustling city. As we approached the Nation Theater, where the BTS fan meetup was being held, there was a bunch of anticipation. We had deliberately arrived a bit later, hoping the initial frenzy would have died down by then. The event itself was supposed to run until 7:00pm, promising to accommodate every fan who had won raffle tickets or any other ways to attend. Thanks for Lilly's Father's connection to HYBE, we had a privilege of choosing what time we would be able to arrive.

When we made our way inside, I couldn't even look around because I was so nervous. We were talking to fans while waiting in line who informed us that the line earlier, was wrapped around the same block as the theater itself, twice, to prevent things from going into chaos.

Once we made our way inside, my nerves started to grow more and more that I didn't even focus on my surroundings. Thankfully, Lilly, with her natural confidence, led the way, assuring me with a supportive smile. Lilly went first, since she was more confident than I was. I couldn't even tell you what the theater looked like since my nerves were getting the best of me.

"You'll be fine, I promise. Just take a deep breath." Lilly told me as she turned around to offer her encouragement to me.

She was the next one in line after the girl before her. On the stage was a long table for all the boys to sit at as they sat in a specific order. First was Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jin, Jimin, Taehyung then finally Jungkook. Thank god Jungkook was last or I wouldn't be able to handle myself in front of the others. Though Yoongi is my bias wrecker, I'm not sure how I can handle of this to be honest. As I'm meeting the boys, they are all very sweet and kind.

Namjoon grabbed both of my hands and we had an engaging conversation about our favorite authors, since I know he loves reading as well from everything I've watched about them. Then it was Hobi's turn, which immediately made me smile with his infectious energy. Yoongi on the other hand, gave me an odd look initially, forcing himself to smile, which made me a bit unsettled. Maybe he just wasn't having a good day. I tried to brush it off, but I couldn't help but think about it the rest of the time.

Jin, his smile was so infectious and exuded a bubbly personality. I even mustered up the courage to ask for a hug, which he graciously granted. My interaction with Jin might be changing my mind...

Jimin was next. Something about him seemed really familiar the closer I got to see him face to face but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Sure, he's a member of BTS. But I don't know if I was going crazy, but as I was looking at him, I noticed we had some of the same facial features. Maybe it was just my imagination but I knew it was going to bug me the rest of the night.

Second to last was Lilly's bias, Taehyung. I can't wait to hear about her meeting him for the first time. Taehyung was beautiful up close as he was in videos and on TV. His charm was off the charts today and I couldn't help but smile the entire time. He was really making me melt with his boxy like smile.

Up next is my final boss, Jeon Jungkook. He was a my ULT bias for a reason. He was everything I had ever imagined, and more. His gorgeous looks, adorable personality and signature were fully displayed. Not to mention the new additions to his tattoo sleeve, rocking a new lip ring and an eyebrow piercing. Seeing them up close was like a fever dream that I couldn't believe I was living.

"Hello." Jungkook greeted warmly as he went to shook my hand. In the other hand, he grabbed my album and signed it. "What's your name?" He added, his signature memorized as he never kept his eyes off of me. I whipped the sweat that was dripping on my hands down the sides of my purple dress.

"I'm Y/N..." I stammered, trying to clear my throat to sound more calmer than I was. I could tell my face was getting hot, knowing I was blushing, making me look away from him slowly.

"I've been a fan for as long as I can remember. You're music has meant a lot to me." Jungkook smiled in response and leaned closer onto the table to get closer to me.

"Please don't be shy. I'm just like any other person in this world who just so happens to be famous is all." He said, throwing those words out nonchalantly. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I know... but you are my bias... I mean... I love all of you guys but-" I was struggling with words, trying to come up with an excuse to cover up how I just admitted that he was my bias, which to me, was totally embarrassing. He chuckled, but not in a mean way, but in a light hearted way.

"It's ok, I totally understand." He said, sending me a wink. "It was nice meeting you Y/N." I smiled as he handed me my album and I walked off the stage that the table was sitting on and ran to Lilly who was standing outside. She wasn't allowed to stay since her turn was already over and security didn't want her to hold up the line. But once I got outside and found her, I scrambled towards her and into her arms into a big bear hug.

"Holy shit I can't believe that just happened!" I shouted while jumping up and down.

"Me neither! This calls for celebration. I know the perfect place to go. It's a local jazz club that turns into a Kpop rave at night. It's awesome, trust me. I know you haven't seen my brother, Leo, in a long time, but he works there and is able to get us in." She said with a wink, as she was already holding out her hand, calling out for a taxi.

"I can't wait to tell you my experience. You will not believe what happened." I stated as a car pulled up. We held onto our albums tightly, not wanting to let go of them for dear life.

"Tell me on the way there, I'll tell you mine!" As we got into the cab, we were talking non stop about our experiences and we reminded each other to thank her Dad the next morning before he went to work. What a way to start off my new life in Seoul.

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