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*Gonna give you guys a longer chapter because you guys fucking deserve it. (3000+ words)


Present Day

You stared down at the stone ring wrapped around your finger, taking deep steady breaths. You couldn't believe Geralt had asked you to marry him. With all the missions and all the saving, all the magic, Yennefer, it would almost be impossible to have a wedding.

"You've been staring at that ring for the past four hours, Y/n," Geralt said, sitting down next to you. "I'm starting to worry you're changing your mind."

You turned to look at your fiancé, a smile on your face.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't have anywhere to go," You teased, and Geralt rolled his eyes. "I just don't know when we'll have time to have a wedding."

"We'll find time," Geralt promised, placing a kiss to your head. "I promise you, Y/n."

You nodded, leaning into his chest, curling up next to him.

"I promise."



The wind howled, as you settled against Geralt, as Roach rocked side-to-side.

The mountain was snowy, but the air itself didn't feel cold. With Geralt providing warmth, it was almost comforting. You felt protected.

"We're nearly there," Geralt told you.

Around the corner of a mountain, it was almost like a stone castle was built into the mountain. Geralt led Roach to the stables, helping you off, before dismounting and tying Roach to the post.

"This is your home?" You asked. "How many did you say there were?"

"I didn't," Geralt said, with a smile, as he turned to look at you, as you were staring up at the castle like building. "But last I checked...we were 20. Now, maybe less."

He led you towards the doors, in silence.

"Are you sure we're safe here?" You asked, almost jogging to catch up with his large strides.

"Keep up," Geralt said, before pushing open two heavy wooden doors.

Chatter and laughter echoed the large, firelit room, but as the doors shut, everything stopped.

"Lampchop," Someone said. "Here comes trouble!"

You stepped a little behind Geralt, and he swiveled his head around to check to make sure you were still there. He walked forwards, and you stayed back, to scared to move a muscle.

"Where the fuck have you been?" A man asked. "We thought you got lost. Or killed."

"Not yet," Geralt said, and the man chuckled. "Sorry."

Geralt then stepped forward, and all the men wrapped each other in hugs, causing you to cock an eyebrow in confusion.

"Knew you'd make a fuckin' entrance!"

I Wanna Be Yours - Geralt of Rivia x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now