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You were laid down on Roach, your arms wrapped around his neck and Geralt keeping a firm grip on his reins. You were exhausted. Your powers were slowly weakening you, and Geralt could see it too. He's been more protective of you ever since, and you were even too tired to protest.

"Y/n," You heard Geralt say, as he gently shook you. "We're at the river, I'm gonna try and cross to see if it's safe."

"What do you mean, safe?" You muttered.

"I'll try to draw it out first," Geralt said, referring to the Stone Dragon. "Stay here."

He gave your hand a firm squeeze, placing a kiss to your knuckles before he strode forwards. He moved his way through the river, and suddenly the Stone Dragon came screeching, flying out from behind the trees.

"Geralt!" You cried, attempting to get off Roach. "Geralt!"

The Dragon flew right past Geralt and headed right towards you, but Geralt used his magic to push it aside. It came soaring back, but it went straight past Geralt again.

"Y/n, get down!" Geralt shouted frantically, and you were able to jump off Roach and onto the ground, as the Dragon's claws sliced right into Roach. "Run! Run!"

You struggled to get up, groaning with tiredness as you managed to get your legs to run and move you forwards. You hid under a cliff, Geralt catching up to you and hiding. After a couple minutes, you both went running back to Roach, who laid on the ground wheezing.

"Is there anything we can do?" You asked, stroking Roach's mane, but Geralt looked at you with sad eyes. Knowing what he had to do, you got up to look away as Geralt killed the rest of her away. The last whine, and she was gone. 

The roaring in the distant continued, and Geralt got up, making his way towards you.

"It's time," He said. "Are you sure you can do this?"

You nodded.

"Go up to the rock," Geralt ordered, and you nodded again. "And please, do not use your magic." You couldn't promise him anything, as he handed you your potion, both of you drinking them. His eyes black, yours white. A low hum filled your body, as your wings and hands suddenly formed, and you made your way to the rocks.

Standing up there, you heard wingbeats approaching you. You turned to see the Dragon flying, as it headed straight towards you.

"Now!" Geralt shouted, and grabbing your dagger from your belt, you swung it at the Dragon, which Geralt leaped into the air and caught as he sliced it through the flesh of the Dragon and it fell into the river. You stared down at it, and you felt Geralt's eyes up at you, and you made your way down.

You collapsed against him, as he held you tightly. You were exhausted.

You both continued your journey on foot, one of his hands holding yours, the potion wore off by now.

"I'm sorry," You mumbled, and Geralt stopped walking and turned to face you. "About Roach, and my powers, about all of this-"

"Don't be," Geralt cut-off. "I'm proud of you, Y/n. You're amazing, even in your state. I love you."

You smiled up at him, before continuing your walk.

I Wanna Be Yours - Geralt of Rivia x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now