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*Short Chapter


The portal threw you around, causing your stomach to turn. Unexpectedly, you landed on the ground with a hard "thud", causing your mind to spin, and you threw up, Yennefer landing beside you.

"Well, you did it," Yennefer wheezed.

"Where the bloody hell are we?" You asked, panting, looking around to find yourself in a dark abandoned house. A horse neighed just outside the house, causing you both to turn your heads and stand up. "Should I try and make a portal to get back to Geralt?"

"No," Yennefer said, quickly. "That was impressive, but no. Let's keep our insides on the inside."

You walked around the house, turning to face a room, and nearly screamed. Two people laid dead against the ground, their skin burnt off, skeletons itched black.

"Fire fucker," Yennefer muttered. "Come on."

Your mind whizzed, now horrified. You wanted Geralt, feeling very unprotected in this situation, as Yennefer grabbed you by the arm and pulled you outside. 

"Do you think he works for Nilfgaard?" You whispered, referring to the fire guy, causing Yennefer to turn around to face you. "What if he's got Geralt?"

"Geralt's strong," Yennefer said. "He'll have held his own."

"You don't sound sure, Yennefer," You hissed.

"If Nilfgaard's got him, if," Yennefer said. "They'll have kept Geralt alive to help track you down. They'll hold him to lure you there."

"Where?" You asked.

"Their nearest outpost," Yennefer said, with a shrug.

"The Mountains," You whispered, and Yennefer nodded. "I've fantasized about finding the Black Knight and cracking his neck with my Xoigeilth. Geralt wouldn't want me to go. He'd want me to avoid danger."

"Geralt will hold out as long as he can," Yennefer said. "We must go to the Mountains. Together."

You both made your way to the stables, before you stopped, grabbing her arm.

"Yennefer, wait," You said. "You've seen what happens to people who try to help me. I have to go alone."

"Y/n, I'm not leaving you," Yennefer said. "If anything were to happen to you, Geralt would never forgive me."

"Too bad you're not his fiancé," You scowled, untying the reins to a white horse, and leading it out, Yennefer still quick behind you with her own horse.

You both mounted, before making your way across the plains. The ride was long, but the scenery was beautiful.  It was about an hour of silence, before you could hear Yennefer shout over the wind, "These horses are no good to us dead!"

"The longer this takes the longer I have to think about what they're doing to him," You shouted back, both of you slowing the horses down to a trot.

"I can't believe you agreed to marry him," Yennefer said. 

"I mean, he's a grump of the first order, has the social graces of a wild boar, but he's..."

I Wanna Be Yours - Geralt of Rivia x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now