Chapter Twenty-Four; Part Two: that way and those eyes

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     I was almost sad when I had to step out of the booth and rejoin the security who walked me back to the car, again with zero talking (which I was thankful for) but also zero eye contact or smiling which felt strange seeing as they were allegedly humans not clones.

Though I guess that, then again, there was no sure way to prove that. And given that they were in the market of making boy bands, I guess it would only make sense that they could be clones.


I let that unsettling train of thought occupy me all the way back to the house, which was in chaos, as expected. Paul (the one member of security who I was fairly certain wasn't a clone) was shouting after Louis and Zayn, who apparently were back to being friends again. The duo was racing around the house with what I was pretty sure were cans of Silly String.

Liam, Gracie and Niall were all sitting in the living room looking like the five stages of grief. Liam, sitting on the far edge of the couch with his head buried in his hands, was obviously in denial. Niall, who was lying on his back, calling out pleas for Louis and Zayn to stop was bargaining. And Gracie, who was sitting in the middle of the couch, watching the chaos around her, was acceptance.

I sat down next to her thinking now all we needed to complete the set was anger.

(AN: I hate to break the flow of your reading but I feel like I should just confirm that her (Morgan) coping mechanism is making jokes about things you shouldn't joke about. Ok, bye!)

Gracie turned to me, talking slightly louder to be heard over her brothers screeching. "We were supposed to already be in the car."

"Well, they had to use up their endless supply of energy somehow." I replied, listening to the not so distant sounds of falling and cursing. Something broke with a crash and I flinched.

Liam sighed, finally looking up, "I have the worst hangover and I barely drank. How's Tomlinson even thinking?"

"I just want to go," Niall said, not paying attention to Liam's remark. "Paul said we can't eat here and now those two idiots are gonna make me miss breakfast."

"It's almost ten o'clock." Gracie said, opening her phone to double check the time.

Liam looked over at me, confused, "Hold on where were you?"

"Um," I stalled for time, trying to come up with a good excuse. Thankfully, Louis came running into the room at a break-neck speed, diving onto the couch beside his girlfriend like this was a normal thing to be doing.

"Paul's pissed, he threatened to make me do push ups again." He said, out of breath with the widest grin I'd seen. Then, turning to his girlfriend. "Also Zayn and I made up so don't worry."

"Believe me, I wasn't. You too clash over that twice a month. At least." She laughed, shrugging it off.

I wasn't exactly sure what that was but I wasn't going to ask for details seeing as I'd known Louis for two weeks and Gracie even less than that. Whatever it was it was their own business not mine.

Maybe ten minutes later Paul came in with Zayn thrown over his shoulder, both of them looking dead on their feet. "Cmon then. I need to get you lot to the airport."

Louis stood, "I'll grab Harry then—"

"No need." Paul cut him off, giving the group of boys (and me I guess) an exasperated smile."Unlike all of you, he's already in the car. Get your stuff together and let's head out before you miss your flight."

"I thought the jet was supposed to wait for us." Louis muttered, grinning all the while.

"I heard that and no it doesn't. Move your ass along Tomlinson."


The ride to the airport was a nonevent and thankfully short seeing as the universe truly was not on my side today. They crammed all of us into one SUV and Louis kept creating ways to get me into the conversation, mainly with questions about the States. I'll admit it was weird hearing him call the US that but I suppose that was one more thing I would have to get used to, like the elevator being called a lift or the trunk of a car being referred to as a boot.

I know in their eyes the USA was some sort of strange, silly place (and I'll agree that it really kinda is) but in my eyes the UK was just as strange. Just in a different fashion I suppose.

Regardless, we all boarded the plane with minimal casualties, aside from Harry knocking his head on the overhead baggage bin, which everyone proceeded to make fun of him for. Tomlinson most of all which invoked a bit of a memorable insult--

"Listen it's not my fault they make everything Louis sized." He replied.

In turn Louis flipped him off with both hands before Gracie smacked them down. Rolling his eyes, he just said "Watch your mouth Harold."

Harry shrugged noncommittally, sitting down near the front of the cabin, pulling out his phone, choosing not to respond. Louis raised his eyebrow but shrugged, pulling his girlfriend into seats in the middle and handing her a pair of headphones as well.

This left me feeling more than a little out of place, especially given whatever happened this morning with Harry, which I guess he had decided to drop. Which should've made me feel a little better but it didn't.

"Hey, Morgan." I turned and Niall was sitting a few rows behind me, guitar in hand and already smiling. "I could use a bit of help if you don't mind."

I was already sitting down, grateful for the distraction. "What's up?"

"I'm workin' on a song for our next album-"

"Already?" Surprised was a massive understatement.

He nodded, strumming random chords. "Yup. Modest doesn't like to waste time."

"Clearly. What do you got so far?" I watched his hands switch between the strings with a mix of impressed and jealous. In spite of what him and Harry claimed, I actually really did suck at playing guitar.

"Not much, just some verse, wanna see?"

I laughed, "Is that even a question? Give it over."

He smiled and passed along the piece of paper full of messy boy-like handwriting, scratched out phrases and notes in the margins. I read the first couple lines-

Been a lot of places

I've been all around the world

Seen a lot of faces

Never knowing where I was

On the horizon

Hmm, well I know, I know, I know, I know

The sun will be rising back home

Immediately, I already loved it. Niall had a good tone and I'll be completely honest, I was always a sucker for emotional songs. Who isn't really?

I looked up at him, grinning. "Do you have a pen? I think I've got an idea for the next verse."


AN: That's all for now folks! Lemme know what you think!!!


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