Chapter 9: Bittersweet Pastries

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Having been told by Blitz to close up early, and with the knowledge that he would be busy on a date, Millie and Moxxie decided to go on a date of their own. Finally, some actual alone time together with assurance that there would be no boss/friend/stalkers to interrupt and spy on them. They were leaving the movies, holding hands, eating cotton candy, and generally being adorable when Moxxie's phone buzzed.

"Oh, sh*t." Moxxie let go of Millie's hand to open the notification.

"What is it?" Mille leaned over his shoulder, "Oh, sh*t."

It was an alert from a security company that one of Moxxie's locks had been opened.

"Which one is that, Mox?" Millie asked, knowing he had quite a few secured locks hidden around, which at first she thought he was just being paranoid, but it made more sense now knowing how he'd grown up.

"It's the lockbox I keep hidden in the office break room. The one that holds my secret lemon bars! Some criminal is stealing my lemon bars! What if they figure out my the secret ingredient?" He began panicking.

"Hun, I doubt someone broke into the office just to steal some lemon bars, or the recipe." Millie resisted the urge to roll her eyes.

"Maybe not, but now that they've found it, who knows what they'll do with it!" Moxxie turned to his wife, "We did lock all the doors behind us, didn't we?"

"Yeah, I triple checked it. And you do know that if Loona or Blitz ever find your lemon bar stash, they will eat it. And call you fat. And not let you live it down for the rest of your life." She said with an incredulous look.

"Yes, that's why it's a secret stash." Moxxie stated like it was obvious.

"I'll call Loona. Wouldn't want to interrupt Blitz's date." Millie pulled out her own phone.

"Like he's ever afforded us the same luxury." Moxxie grumbled.

Going about 40 over the speed limit, as Blitz had taught her, Loona picked up her phone to see Millie calling her. That was weird. She put it on speaker and threw the phone on the dashboard.

"Sup." She said, as she cut someone off on the road.

"Hi, Loona! You at the office?" Millie sounded peppy as usual.

"No, I'm driving the van right now." She swerved as some *sshole in a semi decided that they owned the road.

"Oh. I thought Blitz took the van to his date." Millie said, confused.

"Where'd ya get your license, the f**king junkyard?" Loona screamed at another driver before getting back to the topic, "Uh, yeah. I got him right here with me. Pretty sure he's passed out, though. He called me from the bar and I portaled to him so I could drive. He got completely wasted. Anyway, what did you need?"

"Oh, it can wait til tomorrow. Drive safe!" Millie said in a cheery voice.

"F**k you!" Loona copied her tone, and hung up.

"Shouldn't we tell them?" Moxxie asked with furrowed brows.

"No, I think we can take this on our own." She wrapped an arm around him, "M&M secret agents, returning from a spy mission to find our base has been infiltrated. Oh, what will happen next?"

"Let me guess, we use our bad*ss skills to take them down and stomp on their bodies." Moxxie smiled.

"They take them down using their bad*ss- Hey! You ruined my moment!" She put both her hands on her hips and pouted.

"Sorry, sorry! Go ahead, say the thing about busting their skulls open." He chuckled.

"Well, now it's no fun anymore. Let's just go. I'll get us an Lyft-iathan." Millie said and started walking.

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