Chapter 5

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"Shall we take my car?" Scoups asks while the two roommates are walking down the stairs. Today is the day they're visiting Kyle and Dino has to admit that he's a bit nervous. The brunette wants to know who Scoups has been talking to in jail. What if Kyle is a bad person? Would he have an influence on Scoups? Dino sighs as they walk outside. The wind ruffles Dino's hair, but the brunette doesn't mind.
"I suppose that's a yes", Scoups mumbles as he makes his way towards his car, which is parked right next to a motorcycle. Dino forgot that Scoups even asked a question, which kind of makes him feel bad. But the younger also feels some sort of pride rising up inside of him for the answer he's about to give.
"No, I'm not driving with you", Dino says, shaking his head. Scoups turns around and looks at Dino in shock.

"Did you get your drivers lisence in Korea?" he asks surprised, but Dino only lifts his shoulders.
"Sort of", the younger answers as he walks towards the motorcycle. He grabs the keys from his pocket and he can feel Scoups' chin drop while he unlocks the bike. 
"Don't look so surpirsed, I can get a license too, you know", Dino adds as he turns around to face his roommate again. 
"I just didn't know you liked motorcylces", Scoups mumbles surprised.
"I didn't know either, until I saw the value of not having to walk all the damn time. I didn't want to get a car for my own, so this was the only good option. And believe it or not, I like it", Dino says with a smile as he gets on his motorcycle. He's about to start the vehicle, but Scoups walks towards him.
"What are you doing?" Dino asks confused. Shouldn't Scoups just be in his car?
"It's a bit useless and bad for the Earth to drive two different vehicles. You should probably get in the car", the black-haired male says firmly. 
"What's wrong with my motorcycle?" Dino asks a bit offended.
"I'm absolutely not sitting on the back of that", Scoups scoffs, referring to the motorbike and Dino rolls his eyes annoyed.
"Don't you trust me?" Dino asks, challenging his black-haired roommate.
"Not when you're driving, not yet", Scoups answers to Dino's surprise. The brunette coughs to hide his shock. 
"Well then, too bad because I'm going by motorcycle", Dino snaps. Scoups sighs disappointed, but Dino doesn't want to hear it anymore. He places his hand on the handlebar, but Scoups' hand grabs Dino's arm. The brunette is startled by the sudden strength his roommate has. Then he remembers that not only Scoups' hair shortened in jail, but his body also got even more muscular, now Dino can feel it. The younger slowly lets his eyes go from Scoups' hand to his face. The black-haired male stares right into Dino's eyes, which kind of freaks the brunette out. 
"At least wear a helmet", is the only thing Scoups says before he lets go and walks towards his car, only to get in and start the vehicle. Worrying that Scoups might leave without him, Dino rushes to put his helmet on and starts his motorcycle. Soon after, the two males are on the road, Dino is following Scoups closely to make sure he doesn't get lost. The wind rushes past him as they speed up a bit and Dino can't help but to feel the adrenaline rushing through his body. He really enjoys being this free, while he's also alone and enjoying the view. No one will disturb him here. A honking sound pulls Dino out of his thoughts and his heart skips a beat when he notices that he missed a turn. He didn't see Scoups turn into a street, Dino must have been very lost in thought. With a hard pull, the brunette turns his bike and the wheels make a squeeking sound. Luckily, Dino keeps his balance and he can simply continue driving. While he turns into the street, Dino catches a glimpse of Scoups' worried face behind the window. The black-haired male has stopped to wait for his younger roommate. Behind his helmet, Dino smiles. He really enjoyed it, even though it was a bit scary. Now he has showed off to Scoups, that's what he gets for telling Dino he can't drive. Before the brunette knows it, the two males have arrived at a large building: jail. Dino parks his bike right behind Scoups' car. The older has already got out and is now staring at the large structure in front of him. Dino can't tell what's going on in Scoups' mind, and to be honest, he really wants to know. Dino guesses that Scoups must be affected by the sight of his hell. Dino can't help but to think back to Scoups' conversation with Joshua. The brunette has been eavesdropping without the two older males knowing and he want to keep it that way, but he had no clue it was this bad. Ever since, Dino has been checking Scoups' room every morning, to see if the older has a nightmare. It's something he used to do with his younger sister. But it has made Dino doubt, how does he feel about Scoups? Is he still mad at the older, or just scared to hurt him? Dino wishes he knew. 
"Don't ever do something stupid like that again, understood?" Scoups snaps. Dino blinks startled, but his surprise soon turns into pride.
"You have to admit it was really cool", Dino grins, but Scoups only looks him in the eye with disappointment.
"It only proved my point. I can't believe they actually gave you the permission to go on the road." Dino blinks surprised by Scoups' words and wants to defend himself, but the older already turned around and started to walk towards the entrance.
"Come on, we're going to be late", Scoups explains and Dino is quick to run behind him and catch up. He's a bit excited and nervous at the same time, what should he say to Kyle?

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