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By zhe time I got back, he vas all done up in a little red and vhite outfit vith a graphic of a maple leaf on zhe front.
I tried not to notice how adorable he looked vithout his glasses or how cute he vas period.
I vas a gang leader now. I didn't have time for cute zhings.
"Vell, Gute Nacht." I muttered coldly, slipping into mein bed.
He did zhe same vith zhe pile of blankets, resting his head on Kumajiro's belly.
Man, vas he ever adorable.
No. Stop it. This vasn't right.
I turned off zhe light und lay on mein back, trying to get ahold of mein zhoughts.
Sure, he vas cute. But zhat vasn't a reason for me to get distracted.
Ludwig didn't-
Actually, zhat vasn't true. Luddy did have a zhing for Feli.
No matter how much he denied it, ve all knew it vas zhere.
Maybe zhere vas a chance.
Stop it!
"Gil?" I heard his voice pop up. It vas so tiny. So-nein! Stop it brain.
"Ja?" I spoke into the dark.
"Did you just tell me to shut up?"
"Vhat? Nein!" Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. I said it out loud.
"Well, you said something..."
"I-uh...vas talking to mein brain. Ja."
Mathew giggled. It sounded so sweet.
Nein. Stop zhat.
If Ludwig could hide his attraction, so can jou. I reminded meinself.
His death really never hit me until nighttime.
Schieße. I really should have zhought of zhat before I decided Birdie had to sleep in mein room.
I tried to hold onto my tears. It verked for a little vhile, but zhey soon built up in mein eyes und I accidentally let out a choked sob.
I froze.
Did he hear me?
If he did, he didn't say anyzhing.
I let some of mein sorrow leak out, but by bit, focusing on keeping mein breathing steady.
I hadn't heard him coming, vhether it vas because I vas concentrating so hard or because he vas a naturally quiet person, I vasn't sure.
But I didn't know he vas zhere until I smelled zhe maple und felt his arm fall over mein chest.
"What's the matter?"
The normal awesome me vould have made a joke, like, "Anything Vith mass zhat takes up space," but I vasn't in zhe mood.
"Mein bruder died a veek ago." I admitted.
"And you still manage to run a gang?" I could feel his breath on mein cheek.
Vas zhis a sign of friendship or vas it more?
Damn it, Gil. Jou just met zhe guy. He's just being kind.
"Ja, vell, zhey didn't really have anybody else to take over."
"It's okay to cry, Gil. I won't tell." He vhispered, or vas zhat his normal voice. I couldn't really tell.
"Zhanks Birdie." I choked back before breaking into full on sobs.

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