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Today vas zhe day.
Alfred vas tied up in zhe middle of zhe abandoned building ve chose for zhis purpose und zhe members of zhe Axis vere scattered zhroughout.
Lovino vas perched in zhe rafters, ready to shoot at zhe captive blonde vhen Arthur vas taken care of.
Mathew and I faced eachozher on eizher side of zhe room vaiting to ambush zhe Ally gang leader.
I asked him if it vas okay zhat he vas zhe one killing zhe man who raised him, I even offered to let somebody else do it. But little Mattie strove for revenge.
I freaking loved zhat guy.
He smiled at me und I smiled back. Today vas zhe day to end zhe fighting.
"Is anybody here?" A British-Accented voice called out.
"Do you-a have the money." Feliciano asked it.
Ve had asked for ransom, claiming zhat Alfred had snuck into our territory and vas captured.
"It's right here." Arthur stepped into zhe light.
"Money first. Prisoner second." Feli could be hella badass vhen he vanted to be.
Suddenly shots rang out. I looked up to see a man vith a brunette ponytail, smoking gun in his hand, almost covered by long sleeves.
Lovino fell from zhe beams, hitting zhe floor hard.
Zhere vas no doubt, he vas dead.
"Lovi!" Feliciano shrieked, falling on his knees at his bruder's side. Tears ran down his cheeks.
He left Alfred unattended and Arthur free to strike.
He vhipped out his gun, but Mathew vas faster. A bullet ripped it's vay into zhe Brit's chest und he too fell to zhe floor.
"Matthieu! Mon ami!" A Frenchman gasped. He stepped out of zhe darkness und looked down at zhe still form of Arthur.
"What 'ave you done?!"
Mathew held firm. A quick glance told me not to move.
"What 'appened to you? We were worried to death!"
"I joined the Axis. They actually appreciate me here." Mathew explained.
"Do zhey really? Or are zhey just trying to get to us zhrough you?"
"Get out of this, Francis. I don't want to have to kill too."
"Non!" Francis pulled out his gun und I made mein move.
Zhe Frenchman vas on zhe ground before he could pull zhe trigger.
"Birdie!" I ran forward, wrapping mein arms around him protectively. Zhe man who shot Lovi vas long gone, rushed home zhrough orders or somezing.
"Gil. I'm sorry." He apologized into mein shoulder.
"For vhat?"
"Lovino. We should have been more careful." He said.
I could still here Feliciano's cries. His bruder vas lost, mein bruder vas lost, und Mattie's vas about to be. Ve vere quite zhe trio.
"Now for Alfred." Mathew stepped avay from me und held his gun out to his bruder.
Alfred's blue eyes widened und he let out a scream, muffled by zhe gag.
"I'm sorry about this. But it's for the good of the gang." He pressed his finger against zhe trigger.
A gunshot sliced through zhe air.
But it vasn't from Mathew's gun.
It vas from Francis's.
Mathew fell to zhe ground, his veapon clattering against zhe floor. Blood traveled to cover his shirt, blending vith zhe maple leaves covering it.
"Birdie!" I cried, shooting a river of bullets into Francis's head. But he had been dead already. Zhe last of his strength had been used up on Mathew.
I moved mein attacks to Alfred, finishing Mathew's job for him before falling to his side.
"Birdie? Birdie. Focus. Look at me. Focus." I vas shouting.
His eyes looked into mein. Purple on red.
"Gil. I failed you."
"Jou'll only fail me if jou die. Please don't leave me alone." I vas crying as hard as Feli vas. "Vhere's jour maple. Mattie? Mathew!"
Vhile I vas panicking, he had let his eyes flutter shut.
I vas sweating. I shook him und his eyes opened slightly.
"Don't. Die. On. Me." I vailed.
"Gilbert." He coughed und blood ran from between his lips. It mixed vith zhe tears I let fall onto his face. "Can you do something pour moi?"
I nodded, using my zhumb to vipe avay zhe blood.
"Please." He coughed again. More blood.
"Mattie! Say it! I'll do anyzhing!"
"Take care of Kuma for me." Und vith zhat, Birdie let out his last breath. I shook him lightly, but he didn't respond.
I screamed.
Mein Birdie was gone.
Und I vas alone again.

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