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𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚔, 𝙸𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝟼:𝟺𝟹 𝙰.𝙼 𝙵𝙴𝙱 𝟸𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾

As we sit in the sterile hospital room, the doctor turns to Rose and inquires about Jayden's health issues. Her face is drawn with worry, and she nods solemnly as she answers, "He recently had a heart transplant." It's a revelation that takes me by surprise; Rose had never mentioned Jayden's heart condition to me before. My heart sinks as I realize how much she must have been hiding from me.

Jayden lies on the hospital bed, his face pale and tear-streaked, clutching his chest. I move away from Rose and sit down next to him, taking his small hand in mine. I can't help but feel overwhelmed by the sight of him in pain. It makes me feel weak and powerless, a feeling I'm not accustomed to.

"I hate scaring Mom like this," Jayden whispers, his voice quivering. It's evident in his words that he's not only worried about his own well-being but also deeply concerned about his mother.

Rose is still engaged in conversation with the doctors, handling the situation with an expertise that leaves me in awe. She's a master at protecting her family, putting their well-being above her own.

As Jayden shares a painful truth with me, my heart aches. "That's why she married you. He promised to pay the bills, and he hit Mom when she asked for the money." It's a painful revelation that further cements the image of the kind of person I'm dealing with, a person who would harm his own family to keep them under his control.

I look down at Jayden and offer him a weak smile. "I'll help pay your bills, I promise," I whisper, making a commitment that comes easily. It's one promise I can keep without a second thought.

"Really?" Jayden asks, his eyes are wide with hope.

"Yeah, but let's keep it between us until they're paid, so we can surprise your Mom, okay?" I suggest, hoping to give Jayden a moment of relief from the financial burden that has plagued their lives.

He nods and wraps his small arms around my neck, seeking comfort in our newfound bond. "I hope you and Mom stay married. I love having a father figure," he whispers, his voice filled with longing and innocence.

I can't help but feel the weight of his words. It's a strange and powerful desire to have this little human call me "Dad." I want to be a true family to Rose and Jayden. However, I'm haunted by the looming question of what Rose will think of the real me—the man behind the facade. The one who isn't just a small-town guy with a heart of gold but has a darker side. I'm gripped by fear that when she discovers the truth, she'll run away from me in fear and disgust.

𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚔, 𝙸𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍, 𝟽:𝟹𝟸 𝙰.𝙼 𝙵𝙴𝙱 𝟸𝚗𝚍 𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟾

As we sit together in the hospital room, I can't help but worry about Rose. Her cheeks are flushed, and her eyes are bloodshot from the stress and anxiety.

I can see the pain etched across her face, and I reach out to comfort her. "Are you okay?" I ask, my concern for her well-being genuine.

"I was hoping it was over," she whispers, her voice breaking. "He was born a month early, and his heart had two holes in it. They said something like this would happen, but I never thought it would be this scary."

I press further, wanting to be of help in any way I can. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I inquire, my voice filled with empathy.

"It's not your issue," she sighs, her shoulders slumping.

I don't accept that response. "Yes, it is. We're married now," I insist, determined to take on whatever challenges come our way, no matter how difficult they may be.

Rose gazes up at me, her brow furrowing, her eyes searching mine. "This was for business. That was the mentality I was told to have in this marriage. I'm ready for anything, Jaxon. A divorce, jail time, all of it, because I have nothing," she admits, her voice heavy with despair. "I can't pay his bills, and they were saying he needs another transplant. I can't do this," she says, tears welling up in her eyes.

I pull her closer, wrapping my arms around her in a tender hug, holding her gently but firmly. It's a moment that stirs something deep within me, a yearning for her that I never expected to feel.

Her arms encircle my neck, drawing her closer to me, seeking comfort in my embrace. She rests her head on my shoulder, her sobs slowly fading, but her body still quivering with emotion.

"We can get through this. All that stuff about business and me divorcing you, let it go. This is what I want," I whisper, the words coming from my heart, surprising even myself. I realize that I mean every word of it. This is what I want, and this is perfect.

She sinks into me, her breathing slowing down, finding solace in my embrace. As I hold her, I'm struck by the realization that just seventeen days ago, I married this incredible woman. Now, as we face adversity together, my life feels more perfect and complete than ever before.

A Ruin Of Roses (Used to be: My Mysterious Husband)Where stories live. Discover now