Chapter One - Down on my Luck

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Hi! I know that all of you already know who I am, but here it goes.

In case any of you just skipped the introduction or for some reason have not heard of me yet, I will tell you again. My name is Jillian Marie Jenners. And before you're left wondering, yes. The same Jillian Jenners that's part of the Jenners Twins, or the nickname that's more familiar in the community: the JJ Diaper Twins. I'm the one "J" and my twin sister Jennifer is the other "J". We are identical twins, but we couldn't be anymore different! Yes, we shared the same egg and womb at birth, but that is where the similarities end.

And to address your comments on the tabloids and fake news, don't believe any of the fake stories that the media conjures about us. None of it is true (as I'm sure that all of you already know). Their agenda is solely there to silence us and our cause. A cause that they for some reason see as a threat to their agenda. What? Do they not want us to share the spotlight with the other celebrities? It's clear that the Hollywood Elites write all the rules of who stays and who goes in Hollywood and it's very clear to them that a pair of ABDL twins are not allowed to have any of the spotlight as they want it all to themselves. What gives them the audacity to try to silence or cancel emerging icons representing a cause that they don't even understand? They don't want to, so they'll make up fake stories to keep us from becoming stars. Well you know what, Hollywood? Your attempts are not working. Our movement is stronger than ever, and it's about to tear down the walls of your Elitest club of yours. But anyway, I digress.

Now for the most intense burning question that any of you ever gave me. And believe me. I hear this one every time when I stream with my twin to this day: "How did you and Jenny become the JJ Diaper Twins?" I get this question every single stream. Every. Single. Stream. Well, question no more my fellow JJ Little Besties! I am about to tell you everything. How my life was changed forever. How my sister's video game console launched my career. How an embarrassing accident and mishap during a stream transformed my career. All of you are responsible for making my career the success that it is, and I thank every one of you. Now after I tell you everything, please help the mods in answering the question. All of you will have the answer now, and you'll be able to share it with every person that doesn't know about this story yet. So, you wanna know how Jillian Jenners (that's ME!) went from a nobody to a big YouTuber and streaming celebrity? Hang on to your diapys (and make sure it's a fresh one) and listen to my story. This is my humble beginning and I hope that it can inspire you from wherever you are to achieve your dreams and aim for the very best.

How did I get into wearing diapers in the first place? To answer that question, we have to go all the way back to June of 2023. Yes. Five years to get to the very beginning. I was a fresh college graduate from the University of Cleveland while my twin sister chose Penn State to get her Master's Degree in Accounting and earn her CPA. Yes, we went to different schools. As I said earlier, we may be identical but we couldn't be more different! It was only one month since I graduated. But since my sister was in an accelerated program (that, and she used all her free time to take extra classes), she graduated one year ahead of me and went on to earn her CPA license. She just celebrated her fourth month at Conway, Phillips, & Associates (one of the leading accounting firms in Philadelphia where she lives now). What was I doing? I was starving. My emergency fund was starting to dry up. My sister's numerous scholarships (plus her firm paying for her Masters Degree while she interned there) got her a full ride through all of her college education. On the other hand, I was sacked with debt from the Bachelor's of Science Degree in Communication that was doing nothing for me at the time. And my parents couldn't help me with my schooling either since my sister and I came from a poor family. I mean, $145,000 in college debt? Everyone, all I did was cry that entire month after I graduated. Failed interview after failed interview. My grades were really good, but the market was competitive. Who would hire me as a news anchor when so many other candidates had better qualifications than me? Wasn't the news station that I interned at in Cleveland good enough for all of you? Well laugh it up, because my sister and I are making more than all of you now! Five figures? Try seven! But seriously. The economic times were really tough in 2023 (and they still are now in 2028).

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