Chapter Eight - My First Stream!

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This is it, my JJ Little Diaper Babies. The very first stream of JillianPlays. Excited? Well, don't be. If you were to see this very first stream, it's really nothing to write home about. While a lot of you are used to seeing an audience of 50-60,000, the actual audience was...drum roll please...a sizable audience of just...two. And these numbers do not even include me, the broadcaster.

But before we get to the "wonderful and exciting stream that started it all", we need to hit fast forward from where we last left off.

When I woke up that Wednesday after the Fourth, I felt a little bit better. Yes, I humiliated myself the night before, but it's a new day. And to greet the new day with me, my twin sister Jen entered the room and gave me a big hug. When she did this, I just couldn't hold in the tears anymore, so I cried my eyes out.

My sister remained in her embrace, trying to calm and console me from the night before. "There there Jill..." she told me. "It's going to be alright. Just...stop. Please stop. You're...doing it to me now. Now I'M crying! Oh Jill!!!!" I watched as a stream of tears began to come out of my sister's eyes. "It will...get...better, Jill. Take the rest of the week off...before you look for work...*sniff*. I want you to be healthy...*sniff *sniff* "

I held Jen in a sisterly embrace as I wanted her to stop crying. I then realized that my diaper was totally soaked, and I needed to get a shower. So, I excused myself and got a shower. My sister nodded as I got up and left my room to clean up.

And...yeah. Wednesday was just another chill day. I really didn't feel like doing much, so I didn't. I just ate and sat in my room all day, looking at some occasional texts from Gary, updating me on his Fourth of July and how it went.

And before I knew it, it was Wednesday night. I diapered myself once again (12 diapers left! I'm going to need to buy some more soon...), did my nighttime routine of hygiene, hugged my sister Jen goodnight, and went to bed.

Now for the day that you're probably all waiting for. The day that I did my stream. Considering that I wanted the same schedule every day that I streamed, I decided to start my stream at 3:00, since most people coming home from work could catch my stream that way.

Now my sister Jen had already left her house since Joey was back home. She was going to be spending the rest of the day there, and come back home later.

Gary too, was on his way to my apartment since he came home yesterday. Even though he knew about my wearing diapers now, I still felt self-conscious about them around Gary. I had everything in my closet, including all of my trash.

About seven minutes after 1:00, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and it was Gary. As he walked in, I noticed that he was carrying two bags...from Walgreens? He...he...he didn't...My face turned red with embarrassment.

Gary looked at me with a face that reflected respect. "Jill," he told me. "I got you a couple of things that you need. I know how expensive they are, so I wanted to help you out. Do you wear medium?"

I shyly nodded. "Y-yes..."

Gary placed the two bags in my hands. "Here. Go and take care of these. I'm not going to watch you do this. It's the least I can do..."

I blushed and smiled at the same time and looked at Gary. "Um..." I stammered. "Thanks...Gary..."

Gary understandingly nodded. "Jill, I already told you. My younger sister had to deal with this every single day. She was very self-conscious about it so we never made a big deal about it in my family. So, I get it. Take care of those and return when you're ready, okay?"

I nodded and entered my room with the diapers that Gary got for me.

I closed the door and took the sacks out of the bag. I gasped, my jaw hitting the floor. They were the same Certainty unisex fitted briefs that I bought for myself before! With each of them containing 32, that gave me 64 more diapers. And to include the 12 that I had left, that gave me a total of 76 diapers. So much for buying more diapers since my boyfriend already took care of that. I opened the closet and placed both sacks inside, along with the Walgreens bags. I then closed the closet door. I then exited the room again.

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