Chapter Three - Me? In Diapers? No Way!

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Now I know what you're thinking, my JJ Besties. "Jillian, that's so unlike you to say that! I thought that you liked diapers!"

I do now, my little fam. But if you were to speak to the Jillian Jenners of five years ago, she would think that you were out of your mind. The me of the past would not be caught dead in diapers.

Getting back to the story, I was just laying there in a fetal position, sobbing my eyes out.

The door to my room burst open and my twin sister stares at me in horror.

"Oh Jill!" she shouted. "You puked all over the place and it's all on the pajamas I lent you!" she paused as she saw that I did more than just throw up. "And you peed yourself..." she glanced at the air mattress, which had a puddle of pee on the sheets. "And you peed the bedding!"

My face became redder than a volcano when I realized what I just done. "I'm sorry!" I screamed. "I didn't mean to!"

Jen carefully hugged me. I'm sure that she didn't want to get too much vomit or pee on herself. "Jill...It's okay. You got drunk and you peed everything and threw up. We'll get you cleaned up, okay?"

I was still embarrassed and sad. Why did I do this? I can't even remember peeing myself! The last thing that I remembered was waking up to hear myself scream, throw up, and cry. Now I have a huge headache and I feel a little dizzy. "Uh..." I whimpered, my face becoming cold and clammy. My sister Jen was fading out of my view.


I woke up naked, feeling the blast of the shower head in my face. My sister was standing next to me, cleaning everything off of me. "Um...What are you doing?" I screamed.

Jen gave me a worried look. "I'm taking care of you! You blacked out and I had to drag you to the bathroom. I then undressed you so I can clean you up..."

The red on my face returned. I turned the shower off. "Well, please let me finish doing it myself. I don't feel that dizzy now. But I have a huge headache..."

"It's a hangover..." Jen told me. "You should feel better by tonight..."

A hangover? If this is what a hangover is, I never want to have one again! I looked around for a clock. "What time is it?" I asked my sister.

"4:17 in the morning." She told me, sounding a little tired.

I sighed, when I remembered the promise that I made to my sister. "Are we going to do Pilates?" I asked her.

"No!" she answered almost immediately. "You're hung over plus you made a mess and peed yourself. I want you to get better this morning. Okay Jill?"

"Stop saying that!" I shouted. Really Jen! Do you have to embarrass me even more? "Babies pee themselves! Not full grown women like me!"

Jen shook her head. "But those greatly intoxicated do it too. I'm sorry that we let you have a whole bottle of wine. What you drank was basically five or six glasses worth. No more wine for you, Jill. Go back to your soda."

"Gladly!" I shouted. "I don't really drink that much anyway..."

Jen looked at me, knowing that I looked very uncomfortable with her seeing me naked. "I'll finish letting you shower. I'll clean off the vomit on your air mattress and get you new bedding and new pajamas. You didn't pack a lot of underwear so I'll let you wear some of mine. Don't worry about the carpeting. I will call a steaming service and they will come in and clean it up. I will make it late morning so you can sleep a little longer. Sound good, Jill?"

I nodded, then stared down at my breasts. "Will I have to wear your bras too?"

Jen nodded. "For now. I will want you to buy some of your own."

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