Chapter Eleven - Diaper Dependence?

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Welcome back, my JJ Fam. Are you enjoying the warm fire that got started by TikTok? Admit it. You just had to get your mandatory fix of watching Diaper Girl once again. But let me tell you, JJ Besties. Get prepared, because that gasoline just got poured on that fire and it's about to explode. So you thought that things were crazy now with that video and all the new traffic that I was getting for my JillianPlays channel? This is only the beginning. The beginning of my crazy journey into a new future. A future that I was uncertain of whether or not I wanted to accept it.

My incontinence was getting worse, and I wanted answers. Yes, the wine made me piss myself and puke all over the floor. But something just didn't make any sense about my worsening incontinence. No wine can magically make someone incontinent. As I laid in bed the night before, I started thinking about the words that Glytter spoke to me. Look at the details. My twin sister was the only key to figuring out what those details were.

After giving CBS Philadelphia my rejection, I pretty much just focused on getting things ready for my streams. Considering how many subscribers I was gaining every day since the day of the Diaper Girl video, Twitch was slowly turning into my job.

Gary briefly stopped by during the day to drop off my Trest Diapers that arrived that day at his house. Gary had not been on Twitch since Saturday, so I made no mention of the TikTok video or my new Twitch numbers. He would learn about that soon enough. I just helped him carry the 15 bags of 10 Pink Trest diapers into my room. I stacked the bags in my closet and closed the door.

By the time that I completed my stream that night, I had nearly 200 new subscribers. Most of the Tier 1 Subs were actually Prime Subs, since they used their Amazon Prime account to get a free Twitch sub. While it was free for them, it was still $5 for Twitch. Twitch kept half while I kept the other half.

During today's stream, I managed to complete the Forest of Illusion and finish most of Chocolate Island. Unlike yesterday, I wanted to talk to my twin sister about what happened during the night that I first came to Philadelphia. The night that I ate at The Capital Grille. That one bottle of Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast. That one bottle of red wine that made me get so wasted that I couldn't even remember anything on the way home. Jen had all the answers, and tonight, I was going to get every last one from her.

I opened the door to Jen's bedroom to find my twin sister in a midnight blue silk pajama set with a button down tops and matching bottoms. My sister was laying on her queen-sized bed with a large leather book opened in front of her. It looked like the Bible.

When Jen saw me, she took a bookmark that she had nearby and stuck it between the two pages that she was reading before closing the book and setting it on her bed. "Yes Jill? Was there something that you wanted to discuss?" Her face lit up. "Oh Jill! Is this about CBS Philadelphia? Did they call yet? I've been praying, Jill. I've been praying every day..."

I shook my head. "No Jen. This is not about CBS Philadelphia. This is about day one. The very first night that I came here to Philadelphia..."

Jen nodded, and gave me a pensive stare. "Did you want to talk about the restaurant? The Capital Grille? What did you want to talk about, Jill?" Jen tapped an area on her bed that was right next to where she was sitting as an invitation for me to sit there. Understanding the cue entirely, I took the very spot where she tapped so that I was right beside my twin sister.

"Now," Jen began. "What did you want to know about your first night?"

I sighed. "First of all, I would like to address everything that I can't remember during the night that I ate at the Capital Grille. Now I can remember having my dinner, and I can definitely remember drinking the entire bottle of Walt, Las Brisa, Sonoma Coast. As delicious as that wine was, I could not remember anything else after that. Can you please fill me in, Jen?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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