Chapter Ten - The Most Embarrassing Day of My Life!

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Welcome back, my JJ Padded Pals. I surely hope that you have changed into a fresh diapey because the very next chapter of my life has got to be the most humiliating experience that I ever had. Forget the accident on the way to Cleveland. Forget the accident in front of my boyfriend Gary at the King of Prussia Mall. Forget the messy fireworks that I experienced on the Fourth of July. The very next thing that I'm about to share will make even the most embarrassing experience that I have had so far seem mild by comparison. Accident at Twinsburg High School? That's child's play, my JJ Little Babies. This is your final warning. Make sure that you're in a dry diaper before reading this, or you're going to have a bad accident to clean up. You have been warned, my JJ Little Fam.

At this point, I'm going to just assume that you have heeded the above warning and I'm going to continue with my story (there's no helping you naughty babies that kept reading without getting a diaper change).

To recap everything from the last chapter, I didn't even bother to wear my panties the day that I came home with my sister. In having to deal with the added stress of a job interview the next day and my incontinence becoming worse during the trip to Twins Days, I chose diapers over wearing panties for a short time. Besides, I would be wearing diapers for the rest of the day anyway if it were a normal stream day, which it wasn't since my sister and I just got back from Twinsburg and there was no way that I was going to stream after having a vacation that spanned the length of a long weekend.

Although my initial plan was to try re-potty training after getting back from my vacation, the job interview changed all of this. To make things easier for the job interview, I delayed my re-potty training and wore diapers all day, as my toileting could take a back seat if I am to prepare for a job that could very well change my life. Being an evening news anchor would be a very big thing for me if I were to get the position.

But then an anxious thought entered my mind regarding the possibility of getting the job. How would I be able to hide my diapers at work? There would be no way that I could dress in any outfit that would clearly reveal the outline of my diaper. I am hoping that they would have an ankle length skirt that would look professional so that it would be able to hide any noticeable bulge. I would even need an outfit like this for the interview, as wearing panties to the interview would clearly be a recipe for disaster. There would be no doubt in my mind that they would give me a rejection if I were to have an accident right in front of them. What kind of person in their right mind would hire an anchor woman who can't even control her own bladder? This then needed to be a situation that I needed to avoid right away.

I feared that the absorbency of my Certainty Unisex Fitted Briefs was not enough to handle a large accident if I were to experience one during the interview. To address this problem, I made another trip to Walgreens while Jen was at work. And no, I didn't do Pilates with her or any kind of exercise as I wanted to focus solely on the interview with CBS Philadelphia before I resumed my normal schedule. At Walgreens, I bought a bag of Size 7 Huggies Overnight Diapers. Now I know what you're thinking. Jillian, there is no way that you can actually fit into a baby diaper. Well, my JJ Fam, there was obviously no way that I could wear the diaper alone. From what I have read on different forums, a Size 7 should fit a child with a 21–22-inch waist. Since I have a 32-inch waist, there is no way that this diaper was going to fit me. But those forums gave me another idea when I saw that some of the users were using baby diapers as doublers or stuffers. This would allow my diaper to hold one massive wetting in the Huggies diaper before it ended up leaking into my other diaper. With this being the case, I bought the Size 7 Huggies Overnight Diapers. With there being 13 diapers in one bag, that should be more than enough to handle my interview for today.

I brought the diapers home and began putting my plan into motion. Since I wanted to practice my interviewing questions and answers, I wanted to prepare my diaper ahead of time before the interview. I entered my room and laid out another Certainty Unisex Fitted Brief. I folded it open and peeled open the back waist band with the two wide tapes and the front waist band. I then opened the bag of Size 7 Huggies Overnight Diapers and pulled out a diaper. I felt the crispness of the diaper as I opened the cloth backing, which felt more durable than my diaper, since this was a baby diaper intended for overnight wettings. I opened the front wings that lined the front of the waist band and peeled open the back wings, which had the two Velcro tapes. I stretched the diaper a few times and fluffed it before sitting it down over the opened-up Certainty diaper. I carefully ran my fingers along the leg cuffs of the Huggies diaper and pulled the cuffs outward.

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