Chapter Four - A Date?!!!

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Rather than just flat out tell you, you are just going to have to wait for me to get to that part of the story. Don't worry, my JJ Little besties. Good things are worth waiting for.

After my shower, I noticed that my sister wasn't out of the bathroom yet. Out of curiosity, I approached the other bathroom. I had my hair tied into a ponytail. No braids. Nothing special. Just my hair in a hair tie. I knocked on the door.

"Enter..." my sister said, granting me permission.

I noticed that my sister was all dressed, but she was working on her hair. She was finishing braiding her hair into two dutch pigtails. They both hung down the back of her head, making her look extra cute. I could also smell the perfume that she already sprayed on herself.

"What's the occasion?" I asked her, realizing that I already knew the answer.

Jen finished her braids and looked at me. "What's the occasion, Jill? I'm going over to Joey's house and we're going to go on a date..."

I let out a sad sigh and looked at my sister. "I know that Joey is awesome and everything, but do you have to go on a date today?"

Jen nodded. "Yes Jill. Since I picked you up, this has been the longest time since I have dated Joey. Before I picked you up, we saw each other almost every night! Well, we always see each other at work, but that's different..."

What a way to make me feel miserable again, Jen! What's this about Joey introducing me to his friends? I guess I'll be all by my lonesome here today. Thanks sis for not caring...

But my sister maintained her smile. "Jill, I want you to do something productive while I'm gone. You can have fun and play more video games, but just do something worthwhile, okay?"

I was almost in tears. She has her boyfriend. What about me? "Okay," I said, trying not to bawl my eyes out. Oh, there goes a few tears!

But my sister just kept smiling. "I'll be back later..." she told me. "Have fun!"

She grabbed her purse and made her way towards the exit of the apartment. Yeah. I'll have fun. Being here all by myself...Thanks AGAIN, sis!

About 20 minutes later, I heard the "Shallow" song playing again. What does my sister want?!

"Yeah..." I said, sounding a little annoyed.

"Jill? I just realized that we're out of Special K Red Berries. Do you think that you can go to the store and get some? I know that you don't like that cereal, but get something you like while you're out!"

"I will!" I said, smiling. I still had $79.87 after buying the diapers yesterday. So yeah! I'll get my cereal and her's at the same time!

"Thanks Jill!" she told me. "Have fun!"

I smirked when she told me that. Since when is going on a trip to the grocery store FUN? "I will..." I told her. "Bye."

I hung up and got my purse. I got the key fob to the 2012 Chevy Impala and left the apartment. I got to the parking deck and entered the car. For being 11 years old, it still ran pretty well. Jen really took good care of this car! I put the directions in Google maps to the nearest grocery store, and it gave me Trader Joe's on Arch Street.

The directions took me down 15th Street, around South Penn Square past the Philadelphia City Hall, turned onto East Penn Square, Juniper Street, and then finally onto Arch Street. I parallel parked and got out.

I entered Trader Joes and grabbed a shopping cart. Knowing what I wanted, I went right to the cereal aisle. I saw my sister's cereal and put three boxes into the cart. More importantly, I saw my cereal, Golden Grahams. I put three boxes of Golden Grahams into the cart.

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