Chapter Seven - A Quiet Fourth of July...

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Quiet? What? Now I know what you're thinking. Jillian, why would you include a part of the story where you experience a busy holiday where nothing happens? Well, my JJ Little Besties, I believe that you already know the answer to this. Considering my drunken episode that triggered my nightly bedwetting, that embarrassing trip to Walgreens to buy the diapers, the search at the TSA checkpoint that almost made me hyperventilate, and my embarrassing airplane incident where I peed my pants, I think that you know where I am going here. Oh no. Jillian's going to have another accident! My JJ Little Fam, let me tell you. You haven't seen nothing yet. The countless stories I have in this chapter and in the later ones will make that plane incident seem like a walk in the park. Now about the title. I may be lying to you just a little bit. Yes, the Fourth of July that I had was quiet, but if I was to be totally honest, it was mostly quiet. Mostly? My JJ Little Besties, it's time for a diaper check. Are you dry? If so, then keep reading. But if you're soaking wet, use this time to get yourself clean and into a new diapey. Don't worry. I will not go anywhere. I, Miss Jillian will be here waiting and ready to continue with your bedtime story. The story of how Miss Jillian Jenners continued to embarrass herself until she eventually found a job that granted her stardom. All clean, changed and in a new pamp? Very good, my JJ Littles. Get yourself a tall bottle of milk and your pacie and let's continue.

For those of you who are still dry and have not changed yet, let me assure you. By the time you get through this next chapter, you are going to need a new diapey. Anyway, let's continue with the story. Now where was I?

Ah yes. With the weekend all over from traveling to Cleveland to get my things moved out of my old apartment, my new permanent home was now here with my twin sister Jen. As I laid there that night, a very fun dream began to fill my mind.

To begin the dream, I was over at Gary's house. We were playing Super Mario Bros. on his old NES. I was playing through WORLD 4-2 when I gasped. I felt my pants and I realized that there was a bulge in my butt. Oh my gosh. I was over at Gary's, and I was wearing a diaper! Of course, it was one of those Certainty Fitted Briefs that I bought from Walgreens.

As I was finishing up WORLD 4-2, I suddenly had to pee very bad. Rather than just telling Gary that I had to pee, I just went. I smiled as I watched Mario glide down the flagpole and enter the house at the end of the level.

Gary gave me the look and nodded, as if he knew exactly what I was doing.

Before I could even play WORLD 4-3, Gary pressed the pause button on my controller. He then gave me a pat on my diapered butt.

"Jilly Jill!" He said in a cooing voice. "Does my little baby need a new diaper?"

I gasped, as I realized that Gary knew my secret. "Um..." I said, as I continued to flood my diaper with more pee. The SAP powders gelled up and my diaper began to sag and swell.

Gary smiled. "Yes! My baby Jilly does need a new diaper! Come. I will change your diaper and then we can continue playing!"

I gasped, as Gary led me into another room with a bed in it. He got me to lay on the bed and he pulled down my pants. He then undid the tabs on my soggy and wet diaper. He took a couple of baby wipes and began to wipe my area. You know where. Basically, he wiped whatever part of my skin that got peed on. Then he saw a red spot below my belly button.

"Oh no!" Gary gasped. "My wittle Jilly Jill has a rashy rash! Here, I got just the thing!" He wiped some ointment on the rash and then got out a package of diapers.

To my shock, the diapers were a pack of Pampers Baby Dry. Size 5? Wait a second!

I looked at Gary and pouted. "Gary, those diapers are too small! They won't fit me!"

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