✮Talking with Friends✮

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Grian woke up the next day and already felt totally exhausted, he wanted to hug Mumbo and make him comfort him but he also just wanted to hate the redstoner with all his non-beating heart. His eyes glistened and he looked up at the sky, the sun was shining so he couldn't go out, but he needed to get his mind off of this so he decided to go mining for resources for his base.

Grian quickly discovered the perks of being a vampire, his normal bird-self hated the mines and constantly felt claustrophobic down in the mines, but as a vampire, an undead, he felt fine and his stamina was improved so he could spend forever working away without even needing to catch a break. The vampire looked at his watch and saw that it was almost sundown, so he grabbed all of his stone, gravel and ores, everything, before he began to make his way back to his mansion-base, back to the base without a back

As the parrot-hybrid got back he saw that Xisuma was in his base and he looked at the man in front of him and then went over to him.
"What's up X?" He asked and tried to hide the unusually sharp teeth and the fact that he was literally dead.
"Nothing, have you seen Mumbo lately, I haven't seen him and him being a vampire must be stressful, I'm just worried"
"No, I haven't seen him" Grian quickly answered and dismissed his the questions.

"Are you alright G, you seem off today?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me" he said but X took a step closer to him and grabbed his hand.

"Grian, you're freezing cold" he exclaimed and the vampire looked away with tears starting to form in his eyes.
"G, you're not alright, what's wrong?" The voidwalker asked and put a hand on the parrot's shoulder. "No! I'm not fine! I feel betrayed!" He yelled, tears running down his cheeks. X took a step back.

"Did I betray you?" He asked worriedly, maybe the Watcher was still mad about X banning him, but that didn't seem to be the case as Grian fell into his arms. "Mumbo... he bit me! I don't know what to do" he cried and X stiffened but then laid his arms around the vampire and stroked his hair. "Shhhh, it's alright, we can talk if you want" he said soothingly and Grian nodded. "I'd like that please" he said and the duo sat down on his bed.

"How long ago was this?"
"Around yesterday evening" he answered and X nodded. "Do you want me to ban him, in order to be safe from him?"
"No, he doesn't deserve that, it's fine, I just need my time"

"Are you sure, a hermit hurting another player is unacceptable and this is almost as good as perma-killing you" X stated and Grian looked away, his eyes glistening again.
"Oh, I'm sorry for bringing it up like that, if you don't want him banned then it's fine, I'm not going to ban him"

"Thank you, I just need my time to get used to this I think" Grian said even though he wasn't so sure. Xisuma nodded and stood up. "Get some sleep G, I'll leave for now and won't tell a soul about this for as long as you want this to be a secret"

"Thank you"
"Goodnight Grian" the voidwalker said and the vampire waved goodbye.

He went and took a shower, got into some clean pajamas and then got ready to go to bed. Just as he was about to lay down, the sound of rockets could be heard and Mumbo came flying. He landed just in front of the door and went inside to the watcher.
"Grian, I'm so sorry" he cried out and took a step towards the parrot but the blonde took a frightened step back and put his arms up in front of him as a shield, not even trying to do so, just following his instincts.

Mumbo immediately took a step back and looked at his boyfriend with all sorts of emotions waving over him. "You're scared of me?" He asked with trembling voice and something inside Grian snapped.

"OF COURSE I AM! YOU BIT ME! I AM DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" The hybrid yelled but regretted it instantly when he saw the look on the other vampires face. Before he could apologize the redstoner flew away hastily.

Grian wanted to follow him and say sorry, but on the other hand he didn't feel like the vampire deserved his apology, not now at least, he needed time to process everything, needed time to accept this. So the parrot-watcher-vampire hybrid went to sleep instead.

✮Time Skip✮

Days passed and Grian didn't see the slightest of Mumbo, but he also took his distance from everyone, which a certain vex took notice of. Grian was just organizing his chests in his base as the sun was shining outside and he had nothing else to do, he couldn't go out building which he definitly prefered over sorting out this chest-monster. His head perked up at the wooshing sound of rockets. He looked up to see who it was when Scar flew in, gracefully as ever and took only a couple of hearts damage.

"Hey G!" he yelled, cheerfully as ever and Grian gave him a genuine smile. "Hello Scar, what are you up to?" the parrot asked and the taller shrugged. "I haven't seen you around lately, I wanted to check in on you, is everything alright?"
"yeah yeah, I'm fine Scar, I've just been busy" he told and tried to shrug it off but his friend didn't seem to quite buy it. "I haven't seen you and Mumbo hanging out either, did something happen?" he asked worriedly and Grian's eyes went blank. He blinked a couple of times before shrugging, "I guess you could say that" he told and Scar led him over to sit on his bed.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he suggested and gently stroked the parrots wings, it all became too much for the small avian, so he broke down, the tears started flowing down his cheeks and Scars eyes widened. "Hey, hey, it's alright, did I do something wrong?" he asked worriedly and Grian shook his head. "No, it's not you" the smaller assured and Scar stopped stroking his wings as he came to a realization.

"Did something happen between you and Mumbo? Did he break up with you?" he asked and Grian shrugged again. "We didn't officially break up" he explained and Scar pulled him into a hug. After Grian's tears had dried, Scar pulled away. "You're cold" he stated and took the watchers hand, then his eyes widened in shock, and then anger.

"He bit you! Didn't he!?" Scar fumed and got up. "I'm gonna kill him!" he said and his eyes turned a bluish-grey and so did his hair and skin, while his scars turned red. Small grey wings grew out of his back with redish edges. Grian grabbed the vex's hand to stop him. "He didn't mean to! He was in a sort of trance!"

"You're dead because of him!" He yelled and Grian pulled him into a hug. "I know, and I still love him! I don't know why or how but I do" he said with tears streaming down his face. This made the vex calm down and return to his humanself. "I'm sorry G, I just find my vex-part difficult to control when under strong influence of emotion." he explained and Grian just nodded, still shocked over what he had said regarding Mumbo and even more surprised that he actually meant it.

He still loved the vampire. He had no way of controlling those instincts.

~1319 words

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