chapter five

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Someone helped me up my vision was still blurry. "Are you okay?" I remembered that voice a soft mans voice. "Who are you?" I asked but l could not hear a thing the music was way too loud for me. The person lifts me up a bit before walking out of the house now l was getting worried was l being kidnapped!? I didnt know but l could not do anything my body just shut down on me and l soon passed out.

I woke up in a dark blue room l remembered this room. I sat up and l didnt feel dizzy anymore l felt ten times better now. I hear the door open and it was mason holding a white bowl. "You're finally awake." I was wondering how l got here. "What happened what time is it how did l get here why-" he intterupts me. "Too many questions at once l can only take one." I roll my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Its currently 5:10pm." I was shocked l slept for a long time. "Okay why did you take me to your house?" He sighs before speaking up. "Because l was just thinking fast and l just decided to take you here."

I guess that made some sense. "Okay." He hands me the bowl l look into it and it was soup. "What soup is this?" I was allergic to mushroom so l had to make sure that l could eat it or l would have a severe reaction.

"Its pumpkin dont worry." I trusted him and drank up the soup it was nice and warm and it made me feel good. "Thank you." He smiles. "No the way..." he sighs before continuing his sentence. "Im sorry that you felt like we were not hanging out a lot and sorry for always mentioning my girlfriend and all that." I move closer to him and hug him. "Its okay bestie." He laughs. "Im glad bestie." I smile and get up. "Anyways l better go thanks for taking care of me my mother is most probably worried about me." I say putting on my shoes. "Okay bye."
"Bye." I leave his house but then l remembered that l didnt know where my house was so l had to go back and ask mason to drive me back and he agreed so we went into the car and he drove me back home.

Soon l made it back home l thanked him and said bye to him before leaving the car. I get back into the house and no one was there l just shrugged it off and went back to my room. I was bored so l decided to get a peice of paper and pen and l started to draw and after a bit l heard the door open.

I go downstairs and it was my mother she gasps and runs up to me and hugs me tightly. "What is it?" I ask confused. "I was so worried sweetie l searched for you everywhere and you werent picking up your phone."
"Oh im sorry l was at a party." She sighs out of relief. "Im glad you were but remember to answer my calls okay?" I nod. "Do you need help making dinner?" I ask. "Yes."

I help my mother make the dinner it was potatoes and chicken. I decided to eat in my room because l needed to do some more homework that l left out.

The next day comes l yawn and stretch before getting out of bed l head to the bathroom and shower. I wanted to text some people goodmorning until l noticed that l didnt have my phone! I was panicking where did l leave it at did l leave it at the party house? I was hoping and praying that l left it at masons house or else. I started to calm myself down and l went downstairs to eat some corn flakes. I see my mom coming downstairs perhaps l could ask her to take me to school. "Hey mom could you take me to school?" I ask while drinking up my milk. "Of course sweetie!" She says with a smile l smile back. "Great." I load my dish and head upstairs. I had to do things quickly because my mom always rushed me so she could get to work. I go towards my closet and open it contemplating on what to wear l wanted to stand out today so my energy could match with my new girl friends! I decided to wear a light pink wavy dress with white sneakers it was the best l could come up with. I brush my teeth and get my bag before heading back downstairs and luckily my mother didnt leave me. "Are you ready?" She asks looking up and down at me. I nod. "You really need new clothes but lets go." I just roll my eyes and go with her to the car. She starts up the car and drives me to school.

We soon make it to my school. "Bye sweetie."
"Bye mom." I get out of the car with my bag and close the car door after. I get into school and go to my locker. As l was about to open it l feel someone softly tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see mason. "Oh hey." I say with a smile. "Hey." He hugs me l hug him back. "You left your phone at my house." I was relieved that l did. "Great can l get it after school?" He nods. "Thanks."
"Anyways l better go my class starts soon see ya later." He says hugging me. "Okay bye." He lets go of me and goes off to who knows where. I open my locker and exchange my books and look at my timetable since l didnt really remember and my first class was maths l sigh but l had to go no matter how much l hated maths. I hear the bell ring that meant l had to go to class so l hurried along and sat in my seat the lesson was very boring it was just complicated algebra which l hated with my soul.

Next class was english then CAT and physical science then lastly life science.

I was Soon done with school thanks to time flying by fast. I see my little friend group. I go up to them. "Hey guys!" They look at me. "Oh hey! Uhm what are you wearing?" Shalom asks waiting for my response
"Well uhm l didnt really have anything else in my closet soo..." shalom and riley look at each other before looking back at me. "How about we do this we go shopping on monday after school." I mean it wasnt a bad idea l really needed new clothes. "Sure!" I say excited. "Great."
"Anyways l better go bye guys." I smile they smile back at me. "Bye." They say l get out of school and see my moms car l get into it and she was on her phone. "Hey mom." She shook by my voice. Until she looked up. "Oh hey honey." She starts up the car before driving. "Could you maybe take me to masons house l need to get my phone." My mom looks at me strangely l was wondering why. "Didnt you say that you were at a party?" I had forgotten about saying that. "Yeah but l just wanted to meet mason before going back home." I could tell that she didnt buy it but there was nothing else that l could say. "Okay."

After a while we make it to masons house l tell my mom to stay in the car and l would be back soon she nods and goes onto her phone. I get out of the car and go to the porch. I knock on the door and it soon opens l see masons mom and she had a sweet smile on her face. "Oh hello sweetie!"
"Hello uhm could l maybe go to masons room so l can get my phone?" She smiles even wider. "Of course." She fully opens the door for me and l go upstairs to masons room and without thinking l opened his door...

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