chapter seven

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The next morning comes l sigh before getting out of bed l needed to go out on a double date with mason and sarah. I tried to be excited but l dont even like the guy. I go downstairs and make some oats for myself.

I eat up and l had to get ready before going so l went upstairs and changed into a purple crop top and blue jeans. Now l had to do my hair and face. I go to the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth then l comb my hair and tie it into a cute bun. I get my phone and put it into my pocket and just as l was about to step out of my room l hear a honk outside by my house.

I was confused but l went downstairs and opened the door to see masons car he opens the passengers window and tells me to get in. I was very confused but l closed and locked the door and headed to his car. I open the passengers door and went inside. "Hey." He says smilling l smile back. "Hi." I put on my seatbelt and he starts to drive. "You still with your boyfriend?" Why was he so obsessed with my boyfriend. "Wow so not even a how are you." I see him roll his eyes. "Just answer."

"Duh." He stays silent l wanted to ask him something now that we were on the topic of realationships. "Do you really love your girlfriend?" I ask him. "Of course l- why wont wouldn't l. "
"I dont know about that." He scoffs and looks at me. "I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world." I looked deeply into his eyes l could tell something was not right. "You know we have been best friends for sixteen years now and you really expect me to believe that acting. You must really be attending drama lessons with that."

He focuses on the road again and sighs. "Fine maybe im guilty too but unlike you l dont have a choice."

I was flabbergasted he didnt know if l had a decision or not. "Excuse me l dont also have a choice."
"Whatever anyways tell me your boyfriends address." I take out my phone and text my "boyfriend" asking for his location and soon he responded l hand mason the phone. "Damn he lives far. You sure this is worth it?" I nod. "It would be better than watching you and your girlfriend making out." I laugh thinking it was funny but he looked dead serious. "Okay." He didnt even crack up a smile maybe l did something wrong l just stay quiet not wanting to cause more trouble.

The car fell silent and awkward and he soon stopped the car by a gas station. "You want anything?" I shake my head  he takes off his seatbelt. "Okay l will be right back."
"Okay." He leaves the car leaving me alone. I sigh l regretted asking him all those questions and saying all those replies l really did. But whats done is done l cant possibly take it back.

After five minutes he comes back with a energy drink. He gets back into the car. "You better not ask for this because im not giving it to you." I roll my eyes and snatch the can laughing. "Give it back its not funny." He says smilling. "No." He come closer to me and tries to take back the can l pull harder and clench onto the can and soon it had enough and bursted spilling everywhere it was on me everywhere l was speechless. "Oh my lord."

I open my eyes and it was everywhere. "Is your car okay?" He starts up his car. "Yes we need to go back to my house and clean this mess up before it becomes sticky." I agree with him and he speeds back to his house.

We soon make it to his house l get out of the car so does he. I get into his house. "So since you were the cause of this you have to clean it up with me." I was shocked why!? "No the fuck. You think im cleaning you car?" He throws a cloth at me and l caught it. "Yes you are." I shake my head not wanting to but he just pushes me out of the house to his car. "Clean." I shake my head once again and stand my ground. He comes closer to me infront of my face trying his best to look intimidating. "Clean it now." He says angry almost in a faint whisper. "Fine." I move him out of the way and start to clean his car it was even on his dashboard and center console. I scrub as hard as l can and soon l got it all off. "Im done." I say exhausted from scrubbing the sticky substance. "Good now we need to change." I nod and leave the cloth on the kicthen counter. We head upstairs to his room he closes the door behind me. "What are you going to wear?"
"Your clothes duh its your fault."

He rolls his eyes. "Of course it is." I open his closet and find a shirt and baggy jeans. "You have way too many jeans." I say looking at him. "And you have too many short things but you dont see me complaining do you?"
"Were you looking at my ass?" His face turns red. "Of course not why...why would l. Anyways lets put on the things." I just let it go it was okay if he was looking at my ass.

"I will change in the bathroom." I say heading to it but he stops me. "No l will, you can change here."
"Okay." He goes to the bathroom either way l didnt really care where l went l put on the outfit that l chose and waited for about five minutes but then l got bored and l laid on his bed. Thats when l noticed a book on his desk l take the book and open it. It looked like a cute diary. It was just him writing about his day onto the pages and it was pretty intresting. But on one page he talked about me and him saying that he loved being around me which l found quite cute. But l decided to not read any further because l didnt want to do that to his privacy even though l invaded half of it. I sigh he was taking so long l wondered what was taking him this freaking long so l decided to go to the bathroom door and knock. "Mason?" Theres was silence for a second. "Uhm yes?"

"Are you done putting on your clothes it should not take you that long." I hear him sigh. "I am currently doing something okay!? I will be out of here in a bit but just go and do something and dont read my diary!" Now l wanted to go back and read the diary. "Okay." And l thought girls took the longest to get ready.

I pretend to close the door but l opened it again and quietly slipped into the room again just to continue reading the diary. I knew it was wrong but l was bored and he was my best friend so of course l had to. I flip the pages and on one page he talked about how much he really wanted to kiss me l didnt know this about him l was quite shocked he went into detail about how and why he wanted to kiss me. I wanted to read more but l heard the door open l had to think fast so l threw the book towards the door. Thinking that was the last of my problems l see mason but instead he was shirtless which l had never seen before. There was some awkward silence while we were more still than a deer in headlights. "What are you still doing here and did you read my diary?" I shake my head. "I did not read you diary and also l came back because l forgot something."
"You are a bad liar." I nod feeling ashamed. I get up from his bed but he stops me. "What." He pushes me back onto the bed. I was confused what is happening. He climbs onto me. "Can l kiss you." He whispers into my ear i shiver from his voice. "I dont know mason y-you have a girl-girlfriend." I say stuttering over my words.

"I told l dont care about her." I thought he did love her since she was the most beautiful according to him. "Okay." His lips crash onto mine the kiss was intense l could feel his soft lips dig deeper into mine and l loved every peice of it he knew the rhythm of everyhing l felt the connection between us two and l never wanted the kiss to ever end l wrapped my legs around him and pushed him closer so his lips could not leave me wanting more. But sadly we were interrupted by my phone ringing it was my boyfriend or should l say fake boyfriend.

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