chapter twenty

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While we were making out we heard a throat being cleared. We look towards the sound and we saw the random woman that came into the party. "Sorry to disturb but where is the guest bathroom?" I was embarrassed and l quickly came to her aid and helped her find her way to the bathroom. After that l went back downstairs and mason was still in the kitchen. "Hey you should go outside." I say to him he looks back at me. "Alright." He goes outside and l head upstairs waiting for the random woman to get out of the bathroom and soon she did. She was suprised to find me "oh hello?"

"Hi if you could can you please please not tell my mother or father or anyone about what you saw please?"
She stayed silent for a bit. "Okay fine." She headed back downstairs l sighed out of relief and heard a knock on the door. Wondering who it was l headed back downstairs and opened the door. It was micheal my worst enemy. "What the hell are you doing here!?" I shout with anger. I felt a hand on my shoulder l look back to see my mom. "Oh hello micheal!" Did my mom invite him or something l was outraged. "Mom did you invite him!"

"Yes l did and dont shout at me!" I was so mad at my mom how could she. I stomp upstairs and go to my room and slam the door behind me. I could not believe that my mom did such a thing to me. I sit down on my bed and l tried to cool down and soon l did. I hear a knock on my door. I sigh. "Who is it?"

"Me." It was Michaels terrible voice.

"What do you want." I hear my door open l knew l should have locked it l see micheals figure standing by the door coming towards me. "Stella come on lets sort this out." He softly touched my hair but l took his hands off of me. "Get out of my room."

"Please stella lets just talk."

"About what." I say crossing my arms.

"About us." He comes closer to my face and he kisses me l was shocked l didnt expect that and l was too slow to process what was going on and once l did l pushed him away from me. "No micheal l dont want you. "

"Come on." He tries to touch me and l fought back but he overpowered me. "No is a no dont you understand?"

"Look lm trying to help both of us." He takes both of my hands and he presses them onto my bed l struggle trying to escape. "No use in struggling babe lets just start over again." Now l was purely terrified of this man and his strengh. He brings his face closer to mine. But just then l remembered that my legs were probably the most powerful part of my body as l walk almost every single day so l kicked him in the balls he backed up covering his crotch l smirked. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He shouts l roll my eyes. "You deserve it dickhead." I hop off my bed heading for my door but micheal grabbed my neck and pushed me agaisnt the wall. "Stop being difficult!" He hisses. "Let me go."


I see mason by my door. "She said let her go."

Micheal looked towards him. "You again..."

Mason intervened and pushed micheal off of me. Micheal got closer to mason looking intimidating. " You think lm going to let you steal her away from me fuck boy?"

"Theres nothing to steal when she is already mine."

Micheal looks towards me and l look away. "Is this true stella." I knew if l said no he would persist in trying to date me or something. "Yes im his."

I could feel his eye contact intensifying by the second. "So leave." Micheal scoffs and leaves. Mason comes towards me. "Did he hurt you?" He said with a the look of concern on his face. "No but l surely hurt him."

"What do you mean?" He asks confused. "Lets just say he might not have any kids."

"Oh...well lm glad he didnt hurt you." I nod and he comes closer to me and hugs me. "Always call me when your in trouble okay?" I nod while smilling. "Will do." I kiss him. I loved him he is protective, kind and the perfect man for me!

"Stella wh...WHAT THE HELL!"

me and mason stop kissing and l see my mom. "What are you doing kissing mason!"

"Mom l-"

"Wait what is my son doing with your daughter?" It was masons mom we were so fucked. "And what is my daughter doing with your son?"

"Mom we like each other okay?"

"What! How could you like a boy that looks like that!?"

"Hey dont talk to my son like that!" My ears started to bleed by the loud shouting.

"Then keep your son away from her!"

"And keep your daughter away from him!"

I didnt know what to do in this situation and it seemed like mason didnt know what to do either. "Mom-"

"Shut up lm not done monkey."

"Excuse me! Get the fuck out of my house with your trash." He pulls mason out of my room. I folllow. "Mom please-"

"No sweetie im doing this for a good reason."

"Whatever anyways l never liked any of you." Masons mom says angrily. "Get out of my house." My mom pushes them both and once they were out she closed the door. "I dont ever want to see you with him ever again you hear me?"

"Yes..." l go upstairs and l lay on the bed thinking about the things that just happened l cover my face in shame. What if mason was the same as his mother. I just sighed at it all l anyways had a test on Tuesday and l wanted to study for it so l took out my history book and opened it and read some of the content inside of it. It was boring but it was important unless l wanted to fail and get another lecture of "l didnt know my child was this dumb." Type of thing even though all you have to do is remember shit.

After some hours of studying l was tired and hungry so l got out of my room and went downstairs and l saw my mom but she was not alone she was with masons dad they seemed like they were talking l walk towards them. "Mom?"

"Oh hey sweetie!" I was wondering what was going on so l looked at my mom then at masons dad. "Oh yeah l was just speaking to harold. Thank you so much for understanding."

"No problem l hope you can forgive us someday."

I just walk away from this situation l was too hungry for this. I go to fridge and get some custard. I pour some into a bowl and l grab a packet of chips before heading back upstairs. I open my laptop and put on a movie and eat my food. I had to go back to studying in one hour but l did not care l just wanted to have fun while l could.

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