chapter eight

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Mason gets off of me. I get my phone and answer the call. "Hello babe." I say waiting for his response. "Hey why did you want my location again?"
"Oh uhhm we are going to come there soon." He stays silent for a bit. "We?"
"Oh yeah me and my best friend."
"Okay? I guess l will wait." I feel someone hold onto my waist. "Yeah bye." I hang up the call and sigh. "We need to go mason." He pulls me closer to his body. "No come on." He says whining. "Yes come on." I move away from his arms and head for the door he follows me to the car.  we get in and he starts to drive. "So uhm.." he tries to say something but l guess nothing came to his mind. "Lets just not talk about what happened." He stays quiet and l do too.

After twenty minutes of silence we make it to my boyfriends house. The house was a two story house with the mix of white and brown which looked nice. Mason honks and soon we see  the door open it was my boyfriend he closes the door and gets into the back seat since l was in the passenger seat.

"Hello." My boyfriend says. "Hi." Mason says with the mix or anger and annoyance. "Hey babe." I turn around to him and kiss him. "Could you guys not." Mason says annoyed. I hit his arm and laugh. "Anyways lets go get your girlfriend mason." He starts to drive once again l turn on the radio to ease out the awkwardness.

We make it to Sarah's house in five minutes. The house was black and it was a beautiful modern house. Once again mason honked and sarah soon came out in what looked like a golden dress. She gets into the back too. "hello guys." She says sounding excited. "Hi." I say. "Hey." Mason just stayed silent. "Hey babe." Sarah says poking mason but he didnt say anything. "Alright who made him mad." It wasnt me. I dont know why he was acting this way l softly pinch him. "Gosh hi." He says annoyed again l swear this man had a problem with all of us.

"How about we go to the store to buy snacks." Sarah says it was a great suggestion. "Yea lets go." I say excited. Mason starts to drive once again. And soon we made it to a store.

We all get out of the car and into the place it looked amazing and it was a big store we walk around and soon enough we splitted up and l was with mason. "What are you ganna buy?" I ask since l was definitely not buying anything. "I dont know you choose." I look in the snack isle and chose some chips. "Can you get a cart?" He nods and leaves for a bit. I see a cute dog wondering around it looked injured as it was limping.

I felt bad for it but l didnt know what to do. While thinking of a plan l see a small child come up to it. I thought they would be caring and loving to the animal but instead the child kicked it. I watched in shock as the kid kicked it over and over again and laughing when it fell down. This was utterly disgusting and l could not bare to watch and hear the wimpers of the dog l go to the dog and the boy was angry. I  pick up the dog. "Stop that!" I shout at the kid but he just laughed and left what a horrible sight. I hear the dog whimper and l felt bad for it l knew l had to take it home with me or something so no one else would hurt it. I pet the dog trying to calm it down. It had blonde fur and it was very small. I thought it was a golden retriever. I soon see mason back with the trolley and he looked confused. "Why are you holding a dog?" He asks. "Uhm someone was kicking it and l didnt want it to be hurt so l took it."
"What if it has rabies."
"Oh come on it hasnt bit me stop being dramatic." I put the dog into the trolley. "Now lets get the snacks." He rolls his eyes and we get some snacks before looking for micheal and sarah. We soon spot them chatting to one another and laughing. "Guys lets go." Mason says they stop and look at us. "Okay but why is there a puppy?" Sarah asks.

"Well l took it so l could take care of it." I say with a smile they found it weird but they went along with it. We pay for the snacks and stuff and leave the groecery store. "So what are we going to do about the dog?" Sarah asks. "Dont worry l know everything about dogs l think."she shrugs. "Okay."

We soon make it to mason's house. We get out of the car into the house l carry the dog to the kitchen and get out a bowl and put some water into it. I put the bowl down and let it drink some water while l petted it. "So are you going to watch a movie with us?" Mason asks. "No you can watch l will be taking care of the dog."

They sit on the couch and watch a movie while l made sure the dog was okay l had to do something about the injured leg though. So l went upstairs into masons bathroom but he only had a shower so what was l going to do? I sigh nothing came to my mind. But l got back to his room looking for some bandages and soon l found some. I put the small dog onto the bed and make him lay down . I unravel the bandage and put it on his leg making sure it was tight and secure.

While doing that l hear someone come upstairs l didnt think much of it but when l looked up it was micheal. "Oh hey."

He comes into masons room and examines the dog. "Will it be okay?" He asks l nod. "It will." I was wondering what gender it was. I soon finish putting on the bandage and micheal came closer to me. "Anyways its been so long since we have kissed so how about we a have a short make out session?" Even though l did not want to but l had to so l could keep him. "Sure." He holds my waist and pulls me closer to him. He lands his lips on mine l was hoping for a nice kiss but it was not that great. He was not a good kissed and l could tell he was a beginner.

After about two minutes we hear a throat being cleared we stop kissing and look to where the sound came from and it was mason he looked angry. "Oh hey mason! Uhh how about we talk in....your parents room! Yeah!" I take his arm and basically drag him to his parents room and close the door. "Look-" he cuts me off. "I dont care if you like that guy or not." I sigh. "I dont l promise l have to do it so he does not leave me mason." I say holding his hand. He sighs. "Why...why should l even're just a friend anyway." I guess he was right l am just a friend even though deep down inside l wanted to be something else to him..

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