chapter eighteen

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Soon it was after school and l was heading to my locker until l saw mason once again standing there and once he caught my gaze he came up to me. "Stella oh my word why didnt you answer my texts." I push him out of the way and open my locker. "Come on just talk to me please you cant just ignore me after the se-" l put my hand over his mouth. "Dont say anything about last night we were both in our feelings and it was wrong of us l just...l dont wanna talk about it right now." I close my locker and leave the school. For some reason l felt guilty about everything me sleeping with mason lying to my mom and dad. I just sigh and head to my mother car and get in. I put on my seatbelt and she starts to drive it was silent in the car. "Mom..."
"Yes." She says stopping at a red light. "I broke up with my boyfriend." She looked shocked. "What!?"
"I broke up with my boyfriend okay?" She stayed silent for a second. "Why?"

"Because l saw him cheat." She sighs and stays quiet. We soon make it back home and l got out of the car and went into the house l was bored now l didnt have any homework because tomorrow was Saturday so l decided to take my dog out on a walk so l got a leash and l put it onto him. He could kind of walk he just had to do it slowly. While walking him through the woods he stops and looks around. "What is it boy?" I ask curiosly. He starts to sniff the ground he was acting a bit strange. After doing that for a bit he started to lick the bandage on his leg. "Hey hey dont do that." He didnt listen and l didnt know what to do so l petted him hoping that would take his mind off of his bandage l knew l had to do something about this or his leg would never heal like this so we went back home and l knew l had to make a diy cone for him. So l thought and searched up some alternatives and l found one so l got to it.

I got a old comfy towel and l folded it a bit before wrapping it around my dogs neck but he was moving way too much making it almost impossible for me to do this but after some fighting l finally did it. I then took duct tape and l put it around the towel to make sure it was secure. "Done!" He looked goofy but cute and now he could not lick his leg which was great. I pick him up and put him onto my bed then l give him some belly rubs he looked so damn cute. While rubbing his belly l get a call. I checked it and it was from my ex boyfriend l rolled my eyes and answered it. "Hello?"

"Hey, could we maybe like restart our realationship please?" I didn't want anything to do with him so I said no. "No." l hung up the call and went back to petting my dog


once the sun setted it was dinner so l got off of my bed and went downstairs and my dad was there. l sit between my mom and dad and started to eat but then my mother spoke up. "So sweetie who are you going to date since you broke up with your boyfriend?" l sigh not this again. "Mom l have tests coming up next week so l do not have time for that."

"okay..." l continue to eat and it was very awkward now so l ate fast and when l was done l loaded everything into the dishwasher and went upstairs to prepare for bed. l opened my closet and picked out a yellow shirt with green pants to sleep in since l didn't have a lot of cute pajamas. Max was still in my bed and l just let him be and got to sleep.

The next morning arrived and l got out of bed today l was going to go to a party with my friends and l was excited. l head downstairs and make breakfast to eat while doing that l see my mother. "Hey sweetie so uhm l am having a tea party with Helen tomorrow and maybe you could join?" l thought about it l mean sure l didn't have much to do tomorrow anyways. "sure but im going over to my friends place today."

"Okay they should come over sometime." she suggests. "yeah sure maybe l can bring them over tomorrow.'' she smiles widely. "Amazing!" I nod then get my cereal and head upstairs. Max was still sleeping so l tried my best not to wake him up and l ate. after eating l got my outfit ready and l picked out a nice blue medium length dress and block high heels then l sprayed some perfume that smelt like flowers in the summer. After that l called shalom and she soon answered her phone. "Hey girl where are you." I could hear loud music in background. "Hey can you maybe pick me up?"

"Of course sit tight be right there just send me your house address."

"Okay bye."

"Bye." I hang up the phone and send her my house address on google maps she sends me a text telling me that she would be there in about 10 minutes or so l text her back saying okay and l wait. After waiting for about ten minutes l hear a car l got off of my bed and quickly got my blue purse. I go downstairs and get some spare keys before seeing my mom playing with the dog. "Bye mom gatta go." She stops playing with the dog. "Oh bye honey."
"Bye." I say opening the door l see shaloms car so l closed and locked the door behind me and got to her car and opened her door then got in and closed the door. "Hey." I say smilling. "Hii." She starts to drive and l wanted to ask some questions on the way there to fully understand what will be going on in the party. "So whats the party about?"

"We are just going to play diffrent games and theres going to be dancing and shit."

"Oh okay." We soon make it to her house. We both get out of the car and head into her house. I hear some loud music playing and people were having the time of their lives dancing and drinking. "The games will start soon begin you can just look around or somehing l need to get some snacks." I didnt want her to leave me because now l would be lost in the crowd but l couldnt keep her here because of my fears. "Okay bye."
"Bye." She leaves and now l was alone l was a little bit anxious but l continued around the party and l soon saw a face that l very much didnt want to see it was mason but he was dancing with another girl my heart ached a bit but l was the one that said l wasnt intrested in him.

I was about to turn around but someone said my name. "Stella hey why dont you come dance with us." It was mason l guess l could anyways. "Okay." I go towards him and the girl and l start to dance with them l wasnt really good at dancing but l was atleast decent. I analyze the girl and she had big brown curly hair, her skin was like chocolate and her smile was brighter than my future. She had light brown eyes and perfect eyelids. I could see the connection between the both of them but l didnt care anyway. While dancing l see them get closer to each other and they end of holding each others waist. My blood was boiling as that point so l walked away and took a bit of a breather. Why should l care about him there are plenty of other hot men in the world. The music stops and l was in confusion until someone with speaker spoke up. "Alright guyss! First game is seven minutes in heaven. If you dont know how it goes its basically a game where you spin a bottle and it should land on two people. Now those two people will have to go into a closet and make out for seven minutes so everyone gather up on the carpet and let the games begin!" The crowd cheers and heads to the carpet and so do l. I sit down next to random girl and on the carpet l saw five familliar faces.mason, sarah, micheal, riley and shalom but l didnt really care because l was here to have fun and maybe l could make out with a hot guy. Shalom puts the bottle in the middle of the carpet and spins with her hand. The bottle spins and slowly begins to stop until it stopped on me. I didnt expect it to stop on me but it did. Shalom smiles at me before spinning it again and it stops on the person l hated the most micheal...

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