Chapter 18

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Broken Bikes, Broken Bikers, And Maybe Mending The Broken


Fucking A.  I've been up in Washington State for the past few weeks, helping the club up there rebuild the bar that was blown up a few weeks ago.  Some dumb as fuck assholes blew up the clubs bar, it was a cool place, a fucking valuable asset to their club and it went up in smoke.  

Most of the Oblivion clubs sent some guys out to help rebuild it quickly, all of the paperwork was taken care of before we arrived, and we worked like strippers at a bachelor party to get it finished.  As much as I loved the original bar, I have to admit, the new one is even better than the original.  

The Washington brothers are good, and they opened up their club and bar to all of us, had some blow out amazing parties, and the club girls were not shy with sharing their goods.  I had a blast, it was great catching up to people I hadn't seen for years, and it also sucked explaining that yeah, I was gone, and yeah I'm back, and no, I'm not ever fuckin leaving again.  My bed, my mess, my explanations, my lessons learned.

Most of the guys knew Shea from being at our club, or seeing her at a few rallies, they all knew Rocky and Jax, and some wild stories were shared, my eyes were wet more than once.  I wish that Shea had heard about 75% of the brothers told us, the rest?  Well, Shea doesn't need to know the fucked up sex stuff her brothers got into before they met their girls.

The parties were fun, but I was usually in my room before 1:00 am, I talked with everyone, never for one second flirted with any of the more than willing girls.  I wasn't interested in a conversation, hook up,  blow job or hand job.  Not gonna go there, my dick gets hard for Shea only.   Whether or not that particular meeting ever happens, I'm never again gonna give her reason to doubt my commitment to her.  So no snide rumors or gossip will be spread, because there's no fuckin way I'll ever put myself in a position where I have to explain something to her, she's gonna see and understand that I will never hide something from her again.

I'm fully committed to Shea, and everything Shea.  Shea is on board with me having a relationship with the kids.  Thats all that she'll give me right now, fair enough, I'll fucking take it and smile.  I'm slowing entering her world again, now I get weekly dinner with the family, the kids all are cool with me now, the club brothers for the most part trust me and will hang with me.

But my sweet Shea?  Nope, she's still not letting me in.  Sure we talk, she asks for advice about the boys occasionally, but I'm clearly on the outside of her circle.  But it's better than where I was a few months ago, so, like they say, beggars can't be choosers.  And I will beg for her time and attention for the rest of my life, I've got no pride where she's concerned, I've just got tunnel vision and a focus that should scare a stalker.

"Hey Rider, I'm heading up to bed now, what time do you wanna leave tomorrow?  Early?  I wanna get back before it's too late so I can see if Shea needs anything."  Leaning against the bar, I'm watching Rider put the moves on some townie chick who is already showing that she aint shy, and she's into sharing.  Lifting her hand off my arm, I smile at her coldly.

"Don't touch me, I'm not into you or sharing you, or any other chick, have your fun, but I'm not gonna be a part of it."  I try not to be rude, but fuck it, I don't really care if I am or not.

"Yeah, he's saving his dick for the one who got away, and who is still far fuckin away."  Rider laughs at my predicament, but he's not wrong.

"Whatever man, what time do you wanna go?"  I'm beat, and I want to check in on Shea and the kids.

"Let's get out by 6:00 am, I wanna sleep in my own bed tomorrow night.  But don't worry about Shea, Hack told me she had a date tonight, and the kids are all sleeping at friends.  So don't feel you need to rush back."  He gives me his evil, shitty as fuck smile, grinning like I'm not clear on the fact that she has a social life that in no way involves me.

"I know man, I know she's on a date and I know who she's with, I just wanna get home and make sure they're all ok.  I know I'm fucked and I know I deserve it, doesn't mean I'm gonna stop taking care of her.  I did that already, and it fucked me up the ass with a cactus."  I nod to him, ignore the girl, and head to my room to nurse my hurt little feelings.  Fuckin pussy.

The Next Day


"Aunt Shea, your phone is blowing up, you're getting calls from the club, want me to get it?"  Rock yells from inside the house, the girls and I have been planting in the garden, and I forgot to bring my phone, and now I'm too dirty to go in and get it.

"Yeah, thanks Rock, let me know if it's anything important."  I call back, then turn back to Tess who has a bunch of pansies in her hands that are absolutely crushed and dead now.  Concentrating on Tess and her handful of flower murder, I don't realize Rock and Tell are approaching, when I see their serious faces, I also notice the growl of several Harleys coming up the driveway.

"What's going on Rock?  It's bad, isn't it?"  I'm shaking as I reach for the offered phone.  Standing up, I pull the kids around me, needing to feel them as I see that it's Rider on the line, I answer as quickly as I can.

"What's wrong Rider?  Are you or the guys hurt?  What's going on?"  I'm trying to sound calm for the kids, but my heart is racing, I'm sick to my stomach, and I know that we all just stepped back into the moments we found out about their moms and dads.

"We're all alive Shea, please don't stress too much.  Is Dev there?"  I can't process his words, I'm just concentrating on his 'We're all alive', jeez, I can't do this again.  The phone is taken from my hand, and I feel a strong body behind me.

"I'm here Rider, I've got you on speaker, Shea and all the kids are listening.  Fill us all in."  Dev is in prez mode, quiet, calm, professional and it's comforting, knowing that someone other than me is in charge right now.

"Ok, we're in a hospital outside of Medford, Oregon.  A logging truck lost its load on the ride earlier, some of the logs came off and were rolling on the road, most of us avoided them, but War and Stoner were in the front, and some of the logs took them out, sent them flying off their bikes and onto the road.  We were lucky that there wasn't any oncoming traffic, but they're a bit busted up.  Both are getting some tests to see what's broken or not, or if they have any internal injuries.  The least will be road rash, and I know for a fact that War broke his arm, because I saw the bone sticking out of it.  Both were conscious when they got in the ambulance, but both had been knocked out for a bit too, so they're getting their heads checked."  Rider takes a breath, and slows his speech.

"Shea?  War wanted me to tell you, that he's ok, he's banged up, but he's fine.  He doesn't want you to worry.  Both he and Stoner don't want you guys to freak out, I'm telling you, fucking honestly, they are fine, they're bruised but they're gonna be fine.  You ok Shea?  Dev?  Why isn't she answering me?  Are the kids alright?"  Rider blasts out the questions rapid fire.

Looking at the kids, we all try to breathe deeply, holding on to each other for support, nodding at one another to silently check in.

"We're good Rider, tell War we're ok, Rock and I have the girls, we're gonna take care of them."  Tells voice comes out strong and confident, though his eyes show his worry.  My little man is trying so hard to be brave and strong, when this has got to be gutting him.

"Yeah Rider, you guys take care of yourselves, we'll be there as soon as we can."  Rock looks at me, I nod, confirming that we will be there to help the guys.

"Not necessary Rock, we can handle this, we just need a few trailers to bring some of the bikes, some are gonna need some work at the shop."  I hear the chuckle in his voice which relieves me more than his words of comfort did.

"We'll be there in a few hours Rider.  Tell War that I'll bring a trailer with the suburban, you and Dev can figure out what else is needed."  As I speak, I'm planning and trying to organize so we can get out quickly.  Should I take the girls or leave them here?  Probably leave them, we don't know how long the guys will be there, and the girls need their structured days. We'll definitely be spending at least one night, so the boys need to pack, my mind is spinning with what I need to do quickly.

"Shea, no, you guys don't need ..."  Rider speaks, but I cut him off.

"We'll be there Rider, we'll also bring whatever you guys need.  Let me know soon, I plan on being on the road within the hour."  I turn and head towards the house, the kids talking and following behind me.

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