Chapter 72

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Military training is over.

The results of University A's 15th school beauty election finally came to fruition. The school belle is Lu Qingchu from the Department of Finance, and the school belle is Jiang Baiyu from the Department of Science and Engineering.

According to past practice, the new school beauties must be interviewed by the Propaganda Department and have their photos published in campus magazines.

After school that day, Jiang Baiyu followed the instructor to the place designated by the Propaganda Department for filming and interviews.

Teacher Li from the Propaganda Department and his staff were waiting at the scene. Someone shouted: "Is it Jiang Baiyu? Jiang Baiyu is here. Hey, he's so handsome!"

Teacher Li raised his head and looked outside. Under the autumn afternoon sunshine, a boy wearing a loose beige sweatshirt and light-colored jeans walked toward them. The boy was thin and tall, with a handsome and bright face. He looked at them with a smile on his brows, giving him a relaxed and handsome look.

Because of his work, Teacher Li often interacts with the beauties of the school, so he is used to seeing handsome boys and beautiful girls. But she was still shocked when she saw Jiang Baiyu.

She hurriedly put down the materials in her hands and ran out to greet the boy. She smiled and said, "Jiang Baiyu? Oh, he is more handsome in person than in the photos. He is indeed the school darling chosen by everyone."

Jiang Baiyu bent his eyes and nodded slightly to them: "Hello, Teacher Li, I finished class late and kept you waiting for a long time."

The voice is soft and clean, it sounds very comfortable, and the person is very polite.

Thinking again that this child is the little prince of Jiangsheng Technology, or a top student of A University who was admitted to A University based on his own ability, Teacher Li fell in love with this boy even more.

"It's not too late, it's not too late. You have a lot of classes in your freshman year, so it's more important to go to class. Our work here is secondary." She carefully observed the boy's soft face and praised: "Oh, your skin is so good. No makeup. They all look so good, I just need to put on light makeup for the photoshoot later."

Jiang Baiyu was confused: "You still need to put on makeup?"

Teacher Li laughed and said, "As you say, it only needs to be softened a little. The foundation is really good."

Just as he was talking, a white sports car stopped outside the studio, and a beautiful, slender girl jumped out of the car and walked towards them.

"It's Lu Qingchu, Lu Qingchu is here too."

"God, this girl is so beautiful!"

Teacher Li and several other teachers looked at the approaching girl and Jiang Baiyu beside them in surprise.

This year, University A has gathered almost all the children of wealthy families in City A, and they have all been selected as school beauties. With their own popularity, they do not need to rack their brains for publicity, and they can also save a lot of publicity funds for the Propaganda Department.

With a bright smile on her beautiful face, Lu Qingci walked in openly and said, "Sorry, I just had something to do and was late. I kept the teachers waiting for a long time."

Teacher Li and others:

"It's okay, it's okay, we didn't wait long."

"Everyone is here, let's get ready and start taking pictures."

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