The Interview

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I cross the stage and sit on the couch that awaits me. It didn't take long for the four tributes ahead of me to get their interviews over with. Now it's my turn.

I look at the interviewer and he smiles at me. I smile back. I have to be on his good side because this man is one of my only chances to get people to love me, to send me parachutes so I can survive.

My blonde hair is cut in an old fashion style, and I have a black tuxedo on. My stylist wanted me to seem minimalistic, but also dangerous so she added a feature I'll show to the crowd later.

Then the interview begins.

"Good day to everyone here!" The announcer bellows out. The crowd goes wild. "This is district three male, Jacob Nash!" The crowd gets even louder.

It's that a good thing? I think so.

"Now young man," he smiles, " How has the capitol been treating you? Any favorites?!?"

The room goes silent as every person waits for my answer.

"The capitol is a large place, and I've seen about three percent of it..." The crowd howls as if I made a joke... "And what I've seen has been nice and the people have too, but I'm sure everyone is nice to us because they pity us..." The room goes dead silent.

"And then there's this food. I've never seen it in this form before, but it's corn that is heated to high temperatures and then the form changed."

"Ahhh, my boy that's popcorn!" The announcer yells. The crowd goes wild again.

"So Jacob, what is your home like? I know you're younger, so do you have any siblings?!"

Siblings... Last time I saw them was, hmmm, five years ago now I suppose. The traitors. Actually one of them was picked for a hunger games a few years ago and he didn't come home... I didn't feel anything when I watched him get killed. Why didn't my parents want me?

"My home life... Siblings..." What do I say? I take a deep breath in and exhale. "I have a mom of sorts. She feeds me and clothes me... I love her, and I do miss her, but she isn't my birth mother..." The crowd coos.

"Well what about your birth mother then" The announcer asks.

My smile fades. "I don't know..." I trail off.

"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it "

"No, I do. She and my father sat me done one day after school and told me that I didn't fit into the family. That my blonde hair and blue eyes didn't originate in the family, that I wasn't smart enough or big enough... They took my two older brothers and younger sister and left the next day while I was at school... They took everything."

I look into the crowd we're I see a few people crying, while others have grim faces. I glance at the announcer, and I see a tear roll down his face. He's just playing the crowd.

"That's quite sad son, but if you win then you can prove them wrong!" The announcer states. The crowd roars with agreement.

I could be done with the interview right now. I've played my cards right, and I've come out on top.

"Well Jacob we all saw at the reaping that you volunteered. How come?"

"Well you see, I don't have much for me in my district, just my mom, and like you said earlier, I want to prove my family wrong. I want to win, and be the youngest winner ever!"

The crowd cheers. I have them wrapped around my finger. I smile.

"Perfect attitude! I haven't heard who your mentor is, Jacob, so why don't you tells us all?!"

"Well, he's and I know the code name that were suppose to call him but I have no idea what his actual name is, but I call him Tobias."

"Well if a man wants his identity secret, you let him do what he wants!" The crowd laughs again.

How much longer?

"Let's move onto the other tributes. Who are you most afraid of?" I smile again.

"Me." The crowd grows confused.

"You?" The announcer even says.

"Me. I am determined to win, and nothing will get in my way, and it scares me I don't feel bad that I want to kill these people..." The crowd is torn. They thought I was a sweet innocent boy for a second there and now I've turned the tables.

Was that a mistake?

The crowd behind to clap. They still love me, good. I smile.

"Well to begin to finish, are you ready for the games to begin?"

I sit there with a smile on my face. "I was born ready." Then taking that as my que, I stand up. I click a little button on the back of my neck and watch as everyone's faces change.

My suit turns into steaks of electricity. They're red, orange, and yellow, and they carry a glow like fire.

The crowd loves it. They worry for my life, but really all this electricity is lights built into the suit.

I smile. It's become my signature move. I turn to walk of stage, but the announcer stops me.

"One last thing son, may the odds be ever in your favor!"

I stop moving, and turn to face the crowd. This is what I hoped would happen, what my stylist hoped to happen.

The bright lights are on me as I click a second button on the back of my neck.

Slowly the electricity starts to fade and so do I. My whole being fades in front of everyone. The crowd screams and hollers.

It's just a trick of the eyes, but they love it.

I walk off stage.

I win.

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