Day One

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I turn around in the mirror.

My tan pants fit perfectly. Their style, I've never seen before. My top is a little too tight. It has no sleeves, and I can't find an explanation for it.

In my district we dressed to the nines. Everywhere I went I needed dress pants and a tie. Maybe it was just my section of the district. I don't know.

I sit on a stool to lace my boots up. I have seen these before. I even owned a pair a few years ago. But I've grown a lot since then.

I stand up and walk around, breaking in my outfit. I run my hand through my blonde hair, messing it up.

I haven't smiled in a day. I haven't been broadcasted in a day. I haven't talked in a day. But I will smile again. I will be broadcasted again. And I will talk again.

For now I'm a puppet of the capitol, but in a few short weeks I will return to my district alive. I will return as victor, and watch as my family will try to wiggle their way back into my life.

I will crush them.

My mentor walks into the room, and announces it's time to go. I walk silently out of the room, passing him.

"Hey Jacob." He states, and I stop walking but I don't turn. "You have a spirit I've never seen before. You need to unleash it, and let it go wild. Remember I'm still here on your side. You do your part and I will do mine, and we'll get you home in one piece, okay?"

He probably tells all his tributes he's ever mentored that.

I smile. "Thanks." Then I walk away from him. Not forever of course, but it seems like it.

I step into the tube that will bring me to the battlegrounds. My mentor is there.

As the door closes me in, he begins to say something.

"It's not about the ending, Jacob, really it's about the story don..." He gets cut off. I wave to him a quick little wave.

I place my signature smile on my face as I'm pushed upward.

I'm nervous. I'm scared. I'm on the verge of crying.

But I'm also prepared physically, emotionally, and mentally. I've set a goal and I will reach it.

I will not die and I will win.

I break out into the rena and watch as other heads pop out too. We all look around us.

It's some kind of jungle.

I look at my district partner. We could of been allies, but I chose not to be.

I eyed the rest of the tributes.

I will kill every single one of you if I have to.

The timer begins to count down, my smile still on my face.



Seven. One of the tributes is staring at me merderously. I squint my eyes a little in their direction. The tribute looks away quickly.




Three. I pray a short quick prayer of safety.



Everyone begins to sprint for the cornucopia.

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