Third Entry

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The water never receaded. Through out the night I cling to the tree so I wouldn't fall in and die.

I have an infection.

Whoever did this will pay.

I have a fever, and I'm sweating quite a lot. I need to replenish my body of strength. I want to grab some water from my bag, but it's scaring me.

There's been a low growl coming from it ever since the water appeared. I don't know what it is though.

And to add to my troubles the world keeps spinning around me making me dizzy.

I rub my hand over my face.

I want to sleep, but I know if I do I will be killed and that's not happening.

I want to eat, but that growl stops me.

I want to win.

So I will.

My eyes begin to close slowly, and as much as my mind tells me to stay awake I can't.

The tree begins to slowly rock me to sleep, and it quietly sings lullabies from my childhood.

Soon I see a little bird fly down to me. It lands only inches away from my face. It opens its mouth really wide and a teny tiny airplane flys out. The birds explodes.

I watch as the plane flys around my head, and it starts to drop bombs on me, but I swat then away.

The tree sings louder and louder and then all of a sudden the plane is swallowed by a monkey whom pounces on my stomach.

The pressure of the jump makes me spit out a little sail boat.

I watch as the monkey grows smaller and smaller until it fits inside the boat and sails away in the water.

Take me with you.

Then out of no where a parachute hits me in the head. I grab it.

A parachute?

My eye lids grow heavy, but some how I open up the parachute and take out a small kit. I grab the first tube.

The birds are back and they help me take off my bandages. I wipe the sweat from my forehead away.

The birds help me rub the oaitment into my back wound.

I can't do it...

My eyes close.


I awake to a terrifying feeling. Someone is nearby.

My eyes open and standing above me is a tribute I don't quite recognize.

My heart rate speeds up.

I'm going to die.

She brings a knife down toward my chest as I scramble out of the way.

She lunches at me again my I got the knife out of her hand. She brings her other hand up though, and punches me in the side of the head.

I duck away from the next punch, but I don't dodge a swift kick in the jaw. I fall on my back.

I grab onto the tree branch that I lay on, and kick her legs out from underneath her.

She falls a few branches below me. I get up and hop down to her.

I kick her in her side, and she tumbles down a few more branches and splashes into the water.

I lower myself cautiously down toward her. Her arms got cut up from the fall, and her face is submerged in water.

I place my foot on her back and I put all my weight onto it.

Hey body goes under the water, and she begins to struggle again.

I can tell she's getting weaker.

She stops moving. I reach down carefully, and feel for a pulse.

She's dead.

I climb back up to my back pack and i grab my notebook. Then I climb back down to the tribute's body.

I rub a stick into one of her cuts, and begins to write.

I shall not lose these games, I will conquer all, and I will win.

Iv leave the note sticking to a branch close by to the girls body.

I'm sorry.

I climb once again back up to my backpack once again, and place my notepad back into it.

I sit with my back to the truck of the ancient tree.

I take a deep breath in, and slowly exhale.

Then I finally take in my surroundings.

I'm shirtless.

The bandages I put on are gone, and I feel for my wound.

It's gone.

The parachute.

I grab my backpack and look in. Sure enough there's a small first aid kit int there, and an open tube of medication. A creation of the capitol.

A creation that completely healed my stab wound within hours.

I smile.

I get up, and begin to climb away from the tribute I just killed. The capitol will be here soon to take her body.

The sun beats down through the leaves, and I can hear birds chirping.

And then a realization hit me.

I need a raft.

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