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I've used my knives to climb up one of the ancient trees to take a rest. I lay in a canopy of vines, and close my eyes taking a sip of my limited supply of water.

The sun beats down on me through the leaves making me sweat.

The afternoon is promising.

I've gotten over my first kill. I didn't really realize how awful it feels to kills someone for the first time...

I don't ever want to die in here.

So I will win.

There's a slight breeze that sways the vines I'm laying apon. I love this.

I hear a rustle, and I sit up quickly. No need to be careless.

I scan the leaves looking for the intruder.

This I see her.

I don't think she's seen me just yet, so I quickly and quietly pack my belongings in my back pack and grab my knives, and run as much I can through the tree tops.

The thick branches giving good footing, but there's no way to conceal the noise I'm making.

She looks up at me. It's Dulce, my district partner. Oh well.

She gets up and stumbles, and runs. We're sliding down tree branches, and climbing down tree trunks.

One time she almost fell. I kinda wish she would, so I didn't have to kill her.

She stumbles and she didn't recover from it fast enough. I reach her, and tackle her to the branch. She's not much bigger than I am, but I hold her down with my weight.

I cut her arm and collect a little bit of blood in the same can I did earlier in the day with the other tribute.

Then I cut a vine, and tie it around her neck. She gets her arm free from under me, and it hits me right in the jaw.

I'm thrown off for only a second. Then I wrestler her off the branch.

And she tumbles to the ground with the vine around her neck.

I watch as the vine pulls tight, and stops moving.

I climb the rest of the way down, and take my notebook out, and find a pointy stick to write on it with her blood.

Sorry district three...
But I must win.

Then I stake it underneath Dulce's body to a large stick, and I walk away.

I don't let myself cry anymore. Instead I smile. I haven't smiled in forever.

I smile and let the tears build up in my eyes, but they don't spill.

I'm sorry district three.

I take off in a run. I'm alert of my surroundings, and take in the tiny details.

I will win...

I stop running, and pull out my water and take a small sip and put it away.

It's quite. We're in a rainforest it shouldn't be this quite. I look around cautiously. I pull out a knife ready to fight.

Then out of nowhere there's a sharp pain in my back. I scream out in agony.

Not my best moment.

I spin in the direction where the weapon came from, and try to grab the object lodged in my back. Not my best idea. I trip on a stick and fall to my knees.

What the heck is in my back!?

Theb I reach it. Lodged in my back is a knife, and I grab the handle and pull.

Another scream erupts from my mouth. I feel blood run down my back, and I yank off my shirt, and throw it to the ground.

Then I take the knife and throw it as hard as I can in the direction I thought it came from.

The pain is unbearable, and I don't have much energy to fight so I run away.

I run away like a coward.

A coward...

The sweat stings my wound, but I keep going. I don't hear footsteps behind me so whoever attacked me isn't coming after me.

I'm a coward.

I find a tall tree, that is easy to climb, and scurry up it. The pain from my back killing me slowly.

I sit down with my back to the trunk, and I scout out the area to make sure there wasn't any tributes that followed me.

I don't see any.

I close my eyes, and focus on calming my breathing.

I need to stop the bleeding, or I'm going to die.

I pull out my wool blanket, or what's left of it, and cut a strip from it. Then I wrap it around my chest so it covers my back wound.

I do this several times so my wound is covered completely.

It's quite hot, and itchy but the bleeding is controlled.

The pain brings tears to my eyes, and this time I let them spill.

I take out my notepad and use my own blood this time to write.

I will not die in here,
The knife thrower will pay,
And I will come out on top.

I throw the paper up so hopefully a camera will get a shot of it.

I put my arms down, feeling my wound protest to the movment of my right arm. I set the poster next to me and close my eyes again.

Oh gosh the pain.

I hope the knife didn't rip any muscle.

I let out a laugh. It wasn't a happy one by no means but one of insanity.

I'm going to kill everyone. I'm going to find the one who threw the knife and kill them too.

A scream erupts from my lips. I know it's not safe to do that, but it needed to be done.

After that I felt calmer.

With my eyes still closed, I smile.

I smile a big, meaningful smile as if I was the happiest person alive.

At least the pain reminds me I'm still alive.

I realese a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and a wave of nausea hits me, but I don't throw up.

Soon I begin to sweat again, and I doze off.

I miss the cannons, and the screen showing who's dead so far.

Instead I hallucinate little birds are trying to pick me up, and fly me away to safety.

Too bad that isn't how life works.

As the birds twirl around me a piercing light strikes through the sky. The tree tops shelter me from the blinding light.

I need medication. I need to stop hallucinating.

Then out of nowhere a sound erupts causing my ears to pop.

The little birds fade away from my vision, and my hearing fades too. Somehow I just knew the sound was still there but all my ears were taking in was a high pitch ring.

I call for the birds to take me with them, but they don't come back for me. They don't come back just like my family didn't.

I throw my hands to me head to try to block out the insane sound.

Faintly I watch as the leaves shake, but I don't really feel anything. Then it's here.

A wave of water crashes down around the trunk of the tree I'm in. And it doesn't go away. The water gradually rises towards me, and all I think about is that I've never learned how to swim.

I need to win.

I will win.

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