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I awake to a bright sun shining in my eyes.

The bruise on my jaw hurts even worse, and I apply what's left of my medicine to it.

I stand up, my clothes are drenched from melted snow.

Then it hits me. The snow is gone. There's just large puddles of dirty water everywhere.

I crouch, and cup up some of the water and drink as much as I can.

I feel like an animal.

I stand back up and stretch. There's a few pine trees that are beginning to make up a forest, and as I turn I see mountains.

Beautiful, capitol made, creations.

I hate them.

I turn to grab my backpack, and it's gone. I freeze.

It's there a tribute nearby?

I react quickly, and fall to my knees and then onto my stomach. My face is half submerged in a puddle. I slow my breathing, and wait.

I don't hear any foot steps, or breathing. Nobody is here, but where is my bag.

I stand up feeling like a fool. I don't need that stupid backpack even if it carried the supplies that was keeping me alive.

I angrily go up to a tree and snap a branch off. The tiny branch snaps, the broken part is pointy and ridged.

Not a knife, but good enough. Then I rip off the rest of the smaller branches.

Next I search the ground for sharp rocks. I don't find many, but I gather them together.

I rip the piece of wool I tied around me to keep from being frost bitten only days earlier, and tie it to a belt loop on my pants.

It's just a big enough pouch to hold the few sharp rocks I found.

Then I pick up smaller branches and tuck them into my waistband. If worse comes to worse I can use them as weapons.

Then I grab my large stick and begin to walk.
Far off I can hear a howel.

I stop dead in my tracks. Animals?

At first I'm afraid, but then I realise that means food.

Now that I'm alert to the animals presences I spot them.

A squirrel here, a rabbit there. They're wonderful sights that give me hope.

I feel as if I'm one of them. Just another wild beast hunting for his next meal, killing for survival, being hunted.

I kinda like it.

I walk for what seems like are miles upon miles, but something seems off.

The arena seems smaller... But it's probably just my mind losing its sanity.

Overhead clouds grow dark, casting shadows.


A branch snaps behind me.

I spin, and only feet away stands my district partner Dulce.

She looks hopefull that she found me. Then she's running towards me and I lift my sick, but she hold up her arms, and runs into me.

She's hugging me.

A dead girl is hugging me.

"Jacob, I though you were dead! I thought it was just me out here trying to fight off the clones and last two tributes!" She exclaims, tears running down her face.

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