
13 1 2

***If you want a more dramatic feel for this last entry search up Alexander Rybak's "13 Horses."***

I'm running. I can't remember waking, or why the heck I am running, but I'm doing it and my instict tells me there's danger behind me.

My vision is blurry from the rain, hard, little, bullets that fall as fast as I can blink. Tears run down my face creating it harder to see.

I jump over large, broken, branches, and duck underneath low limbs. The terrain is  uphill only meaning I'm going up the side of the mountain.

There's only three tributes left. Only two tributes to kill. Only one more day.

I'm going to win.

But tears run down my face instead of a smile forming.

I run and run up the side, and I come out onto a clearing. A cliff hangs off the side of the mountain for about half a mile.

I run into it. Not my smartest idea today.

I turn around, and nobody is there.

I look up into the sky. A mass of grey clouds still hang there, dropping their raindrops into the arena. It's dark too.

Darker than I've really ever seen.

Then a shadow comes onto the cliff.

I grip my pointy branch ready to attack.

But the tears still run down my face, and the  blood keeps coming. I cough, giving away my location.

I back up as the shadow comes closer to me. Then I see the face. Sohey.

I glance behind me, and there's nothing there. At the very bottom of the mountain you can faintly see, and hear a river raging in the storm.

Sohey comes closer to me, a weapon in her hand.

The tears still run. I killed those people. I did it without thinking. I shake my head. What am I talking about? I need to win, I need to prove my family wrong.

I rip open my sweater, and take it off.

I take one of my smaller sticks and press it into my skin.

I carve out out of my flesh, Forgive Me.

Then I drop the stick, and grab my larger one.

Sohey comes closer, and I think she says something, but the storm makes it too hard to hear.

I look up into the sky hopping a camera is there.

This must be the day I die.

Sohey is only feet away from me, she wants to win just as bad as I do.

No, nobody wants to win as bad as I do!

I grab a hold of the stick with both of my hands, and lift it in front of me.

The tribute stops moving towards me, a look on her face I can't explain.

The tears, the blood, the rain.

I bring the stick towards me with as much effort as I can, and it slides into my stomach easily.

I let go.

I cough again, blood coming out this time.

I take a step  backwards, and Sohey is reaching for me, but I take another step back...and I'm




Everything seems to slow.

The branch sticks out of my abdomen.

Blood comes out of my mouth.

Blood comes out of my cuts.

Tears still fall from my eyes.

I'm Jacob Nash. I'm thirteen years old.

My family abandoned me when I was little.

I volunteered.

I wanted to be the youngest victor yet.

I wanted to prove my family wrong.

But instead I became insane.

I killed innocent people.

I thought I could win.


God please forgive me.

Then I hit the churning water of the river.

My body sinks in the waves, and comes back up. The current takes it away.

And in the end I realise that I did win.

That there's twenty-three victors.

That there's only one losing tribute.

And it won't be me.

And then I'm at peace.

***Ob man. Hahaha. :( I want to cry. :( It's the hardest to kill your beloved characters off... Anyways I do want to act like I just won an award and give a speech. So without further ado,

I can't believe I made it to top three! @sherlockion hunger games are always so fun to compete in, and I look forward to next summers! Well if there is one next summer... Anyways I want to thank God, because well, he created everything so without him this wouldn't have happened. My mom, too, because she listened to me talk about this whole contest as it progressed. I want to thank anyone who voted for me, and any readers who didn't because you still read it, and that makes you special. :)
*cue instrumental music that cuts me off*

****Really do check out Alexander Rybak because he's pretty talented. And if you don't get why I picked 13 horses for the song, its because all these horses are struggling to survive, and slowly they die, and then all except one horse lives. So yeah, awful song, but it sounds good.

Far well my beloved readers!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2015 ⏰

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