Chapter 6: Dawn of the 5th Day

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!TW! Mentions of death

(Clown's POV)

As the morning light shone through my bedroom windows, it was the start of another day. As I got ready, I headed for the bathroom. I finished my morning routine as I shoved on my outfit. I walked out to the living room to make some bacon and eggs for breakfast. And within a few minutes, I had finished cooking enough for me and Branzy in case he was hungry. I was looking around for my red and black gloves as I saw Branzy from the corner of my eye. I looked at him to realize that his hair was very ruffled, almost unnaturally, and his eyes seemed shallow, but otherwise normal.
"Hey, Branzy. I made you some eggs and bacon if you're hungry." I told him.
"Thanks, Clown! You didn't have to!" Branzy said, tiredly.
"I had extra food, and I figured you'd want some, anyways," I said. "Can I tell you about the plan I made to get Vitalasy, Subz, and Zam back really quick?" I asked Branzy.
"Sure! What are you thinking about?" Branzy asked.
               "I'm not 100% sure if we should do this plan, because it would take a while, but I figured we could build a funhouse!" I told him.
"A funhouse? How is that going to trap people?" Branzy asked with a confused look.
I laughed softly as I told Branzy with a smile, "Oh Branzy, it wouldn't just be a normal funhouse, it would be a deathly funhouse, filled with traps of deathly galore!"
              "Ohhhhh... I think I'm starting to get it now! So you pretty much just want to build a whole bunch of traps and cover it up with a funhouse exterior?" Branzy said.
              I gave Branzy another smile, or rather, a look with my mask as I exclaimed, "Exactly! And I was just going to go out and gather some of the materials for the funhouse. You want to come along, or are you going to go back to spawn?"
"I think I'll go back to spawn, but I could help later!" He replied.
I stood up from my chair and opened the door as I told Branzy, "Okay then, don't get lost trying to find your way back to spawn then!" I told him, holding back my laughs as I snickered and closed the door.
I could hear Branzy shouting at me from the distance, leaving me in a fit of laughs as I set off to find materials.

(Branzy's POV)

I set off to head back to spawn after leaving Clown's house, bracing myself for the long journey back. I happened to have a few pearls from a few endermen that I had killed earlier, and now seemed like an opportune time to use them, but I wanted to save some, as I could need them in the future. So I used one, and threw it as far away from me and towards spawn as much as I could. When the pearl hit the ground, it ripped me from my previous position and materialized me in the spot where the pearl previously landed, leaving purple end particles around my feet. After using about half of my pearls, I had come up close to spawn, about 50 blocks away. As I finally came up to my base, I noticed something was off-my doors had been left open. As I walked around my base checking everything, I noticed that nothing seemed out of place, or stolen, but why were my doors open then? As I traveled further through my base, I saw something sitting on the lid of a chest, a note. It read:
Don't forget what you agreed to.

I stood there, staring at the note blankly. Why? Why were they trying to do this? I crushed the note in a rage of fury. No. I wasn't just going to betray my friend, especially because I wouldn't want to get on Clown's bad side, but Vitalasy and Subz weren't even really my friends. I was just another one of their weak minions to them that they were just trying to manipulate. But I won't let them think that, I'll prove them wrong instead. With that, I grabbed some materials that would hopefully be useful to build the funhouse. Redstone comparators bits and whatnot. And some other blocks that could possibly be used.

And I set off, traveling again towards Clown's house, using the route he had taken me on earlier, shortening the distance to his house from spawn about 100 blocks. Which still left about 600 blocks or so. Why must the travel to his house be so gloriously complicated? Because he's a deadly assassin, with many enemies, of course! But no matter how long the journey was, I braced myself for a walk of torture and started to walk. Most of the walk to Clown's house was just bare land, with a few occasion of some trees every once in a while. There was a few rivers along the way as well, which led to who knew where, but they didn't seem to end anywhere in sight. The scenery of the travel? Wasn't the best. You could pick a few wildflowers here and there, and find a small forest every half an hour or so. It wasn't a wasteland, but it was basically empty. There wasn't anything you would want that could stop your travel out here, unless you were a weird person who liked to find stuff out here.

I knew I was getting closer to Clown's house, as I could see the edge that marked a side of the large forest where his house was located somewhere in. About 40 blocks away from his house, I noticed a black and grayish plume of smoke coming from the ground below, and into the sky above the trees about 100 blocks to the left of the location of Clown's house. I ran toward the smoke, hoping no one except maybe Clown was there. The smoke kept getting thicker and thicker, blurring my vision and line of sight to the point where I could barely see in front of me. As parts of the smoke cleared out, I saw the worst case scenario I could've arrived in. Vitalasy, purples particles swirling around his figure through the smoke, fighting Clown, in a ring of fiery flames.

Well, this one wasn't as long to do. It's one of my shorter chapters, buuuuuuuuuut I wanted to post something to keep the story up, so here you go!
(1095 words)

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