Chapter 10: The Beginning of All the Fun

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!TW! Mention/description of wounds and injuries

(Clown's POV)

The tables have turned.

Spoke agreed to let both me and Branzy join, but I was still cautious about them, we've been enemies before after all. Branzy and I walked back to my house together after splashing an invis potion on both of us so no one would follow. Branzy seemed content at first, until we shut the door of the house. His friendly facade had changed to a worried and angry look.
                "What were you thinking, Clown?! You could've gotten hurt out there!" Branzy yelled at me.
                 "I'm fine, Branzy, sure it took a little longer to get to you, but I wanted to make sure you were okay, that's all, I swear." I told him calmly.
Branzy's angry expression faltered slightly, but he still held an irritated look.
                 "I just didn't want you to get hurt, Clown. You just got out of a battle and was seriously injured, you should be resting." Branzy ran a hand slowly down his face.
                 "I'm sorry if I worried you, I know you're just trying to do what was best for me, and I appreciate it greatly, BranzyCraft." I turned to Branzy, who now looked calm.
                 "I'm just glad you're okay, Clown." He smiled as he looked up at my mask.
I felt glad as I gazed back at Branzy, one of my few friends. One that cared for me, helped me, protected me. And then it hit me.
Branzy. And the funhouse.
I had gotten some of the materials for the trap, until I had been interrupted by Vitalasy yesterday. But I had not gotten all the needed materials.
"We should get started on the funhouse soon, but I might need some help getting the last materials." I told Branzy.
                  "Of course I'll help you Clown! You don't have to ask, it was both our idea to build the funhouse! Come on let's go get the last materials. I'll wait for you." Branzy walked out the door and closed it, leaving me alone in the room. Before leaving, I went to go get a new mask, since I had been wearing a slightly broken mask that Vitalasy had slashed across. I save all the masks that I no longer use, because majority of it is still unbroken and pristine, but just set it to the side. I also went to a nearby bathroom to wash and redress my injuries. And when I took the wraps off? It was a lot more gruesome than I thought it was.
Multiple deep gashes marred my skin, leaving a deep red area. I also had bruises peppered all over my arms and legs, some bad, some not as much. But the biggest injuries of all was the scar across my shoulder, chest, and the bottom of my face. The scar that hurt the most was the one that rested across my bare neck. At times it still felt fresh, sometimes making it harder to speak normally, or even breathe. Not to mention the white, thin lines from previous battle scars that never healed or are slowly healing. But I wouldn't let these little things stop me. So I made sure to carefully but tightly rewrap new wraps around the bigger wounds to keep pressure on them, while simply putting some ointment on the smaller and less critical scars. I then finished the treatment with a large bandaid to cover my neck scar and went back to my room to get something to wear. I settled for a black turtleneck, thin gray gloves, and black pants. I checked to see if I needed anything else and then putting on the new mask and setting it properly on my face, I went to meet Branzy, who was sitting in the living room.
               "Right. So we still need more concrete, sticks, and leather." I told to the amethyst-eyed man, who turned around at the sound of my voice.
               "I can get the concrete, I might have some materials at my base, you okay getting the sticks and leather?" Branzy asked me.
               "Of course, I can just cut some trees from a nearby forest and hunt some cows. An excuse to get more food anyways." I said in agreement.
So Branzy left to go back to spawn and get materials for concrete while I headed off to a forest on the other side of a river to get the needed wood. As I was still healing from the fight, I would be slower, but injuries don't slow me down much, rather it limits how much I can move. As I crossed the river, I found a good forest clearing and got to work.
As the day went on, it was peaceful for once, and before I knew it I only had a few hours left to find cows for leather. The sun was still out, but it wouldn't be for long. So after gathering a few stacks of wood, I went to look for grassy hills or flat areas, which turned out to be pretty easy to find. So I spent the rest of the time before sunset to hunt cows, resulting in multiple stacks of fresh leather. I then headed home to set the materials down in the living room and made some dinner. I didn't know if Branzy would come back if not, but decided to leave some food for him in case. The funhouse plan was finally coming together, this would work. Not only would we be having a little fun, but we'd be getting revenge on our enemies.
A few hours later, I checked all the materials and changed out of my clothes and into a comfortable gray shirt and sweatpants as I got ready for bed. Branzy had not come back yet, so I assumed that he would stay at his base until the next day. Although I had been brutally attacked the day before, I still felt satisfied, knowing that Vitalasy would soon meet his own demise, as well as Subz and Zam. And Branzy could even get revenge of his own if he somehow already acquired an enemy. So as I laid back on my bed, I felt a pang of satisfaction and peacefulness for once on the deadliest server.

Hello! It's been a while since I've posted here hasn't it? Yes? No? I don't know how long it needs to be until I can say that I've been gone for a long time... Anyways! Although it's one of the shorter chapters, new chapter anyways! Happy reading!

(1097 words)

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