Chapter 1: The Start Of It All

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!TW! Mentions of blood, death, description of wounds.

I'm sincerely sorry if I get the season number wrong, I couldn't find which season most of this story is based on. This story is based on Minecraft, but I mixed some real life aspects with it.


(Clown's POV)

[Clownpierce joined the game]

As I materialized into Lifesteal, I noticed other fellow members around me as I joined. This was the start of Season 3. As everyone joined, everyone formed a circle. I noticed some returning members, such as Spoke, Prince Zam, Parrot, and others. As I continued looking around, I also noticed Vitalasy, my worst enemy. I also noticed some newer members that joined this season, such as Branzy, Reddoons, and some others.

After our usual speech at the beginning of every season, everyone split off, going their own ways. I headed towards a cave, hoping to find diamonds quickly before anything bad could happen. I found a decent cave with a ravine and jumped in a lake of water. As I dried myself off, I looked around for anything useful. As I walked through the ravine, torch in hand, I soon spotted a vein of diamonds along with a mineshaft.
           "Great," I said to myself. "This will be very useful." As I mined the first diamond in the server, the achievement popped up in the server chat.

[Clownpierce has made the advancement (Diamonds!)]
[BranzyCraft: Nice!!]
[Spokeishere: WHAT?! HOW?]
[PrinceZam: I want some]
[Vitalasy: ...]

             As I read the members' reactions, I smirked to myself and put my communicator away. I had gathered a total of 10 diamonds and a gapple from the ravine and the chests inside the mineshaft. I also tore down some cobwebs from the mineshaft for string later. I crafted myself a chestplate and a sword. Doing so, I quickly strapped the armor to me using the leather straps.

              When I finally climbed, or rather, swam my way out of the ravine using my water bucket to make a waterfall, I could smell the fresh air of the world. Having being in a cave and smelling the rotten flesh of zombies and other things, it was nice to be out of there. As I set out away from spawn and the ravine, I looked for an area to make my house. Unfortunately, due to me being the deadliest player and having everyone after me and my items, I had to make it somewhere that was concealed and far away from the others. As I was looking for a place, I noticed Branzy, ItsSubz, and Vitalasy together in the distance. I clenched my fists at the sight of Vitalasy, knowing I would have to get my revenge on him sooner or later. I set off in a different direction until I settled on a forest filled with spruce trees. There seemed to be barely any spaces above or around, so the only way someone would find my house is if they accidentally discovered it, or followed me. I started to make my house, gathering materials from forests nearby so I wouldn't make a huge space by my house.

             Within a few hours, I had finished my house, which included a decently large storage area, a farm room for an infinite amount of food, and other rooms that would be filled later. I had also included a living room with couches that led to a nearby kitchen. And of course I had to add a few bedrooms for myself and if anyone decided to visit me later on. After finishing the last details to the exterior of the house, I decided to head back to spawn to see if anyone had done anything there. My house seemed to be about a few hundred blocks away from spawn, which I hoped no one would find it, although I didn't really have much loot yet.

             As I was about 100 blocks away from spawn, I was shot with an arrow out of nowhere that pierced my left arm. As I pulled out the arrow to put pressure on the wound, blood began to gush out of my forearm where the arrow tip previously was. I grunted in pain as I looked around for who or what shot me. Pain shot through my arm as I tried to move it when I tried to stand up. I saw a person in the distance, who had to be the person who shot me. As The person who fired the arrow came into my view, I could see faint traces of purple on their skin, and I figured it was Vitalasy, who probably was here to kill me. But it wasn't Vitalasy, but instead ItsSubz, who has a similar skin. With his brown eyes, ruffled jet black hair, and splotches of purple on him, he wasn't too menacing, until I noticed he also had acquired a full set of armor, but it was only iron. As Subz slowly started walking up to me, I tried to scoot away from him, but he quickly stopped me by shooting an arrow above my head.
            "Where do you think you're going, Clown?" Subz angrily said.
             "You wouldn't want to fight me." I said as I smirked at him while getting up.
            "Oh, you're not getting away that easily," Subz said as he took out a diamond sword. Before he could react fast enough, I quickly took out my own sword and slashed across his face, making a scar. He stumbled back, but just as quickly leaped forward. I dodged his sword, but he still managed to graze the side of my stomach. I groaned in pain as the sword passed by. As he charged forward again, I used my sword and thrust it towards his chest. His sword cut across my shoulder and my chestplate, while my sword penetrated his lower chest as he grunted in pain. Blood splattered from his mouth as he knelt to the ground.
              "Don't. Mess. With. Me." I said to Subz as I pulled my bloodied sword out from his chest. He fell to the ground, gasping. But it wouldn't help much, as more blood came out with each gasp he took. Eventually, he took his last gasping breath, as his body dissipated into a purplish smoke. A heart rose from the smoke, one of Subz' former hearts. As I swiped the heart out of the air, I let it hover above my palm before I absorbed it. And sure enough, as I looked at my right forearm which showed how many hearts everyone had, it showed 11 hearts.

          My communicator started making continuous dings, so I decided to check the chat.

[ItsSubz was slain by Clownpierce]
[Vitalasy: NOOOO, NOT SUBZ!]
[PrinceZam: First death???]
[Parrot: What happened?]
[Spokeishere: Clown killed Subz...]
[BranzyCraft: Oh no!]
[BranzyCraft whispers to you: Hey! I just saw the message in chat, and I was wondering if you wanted to meet with me at spawn?]

Seeing what Branzy had asked me, I was cautious, knowing I had seen him with Vitalasy and Subz earlier on. So I typed to him,

[You whisper to BranzyCraft: sure, I'll meet you there in a bit]

I wanted to see what he wanted, he was one of the new players after all. I just had to make sure to be careful. And what's the worst thing that could happen? That I will kill him if anything goes wrong.

(1238 words)

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