Chapter 13: A Spark of Fun and Feelings

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!TW! Very small amount of fluff .0.

(Branzy's POV)

I woke up to dazzling sun rays streaming through the windows as a sat up from a red and soft sofa. Right, I almost forgot I slept on Clown's sofa in the living room. I didn't feel safe around spawn yet especially after I was betrayed by Vitalasy, Subz, and Zam. Clown's house seemed like the safest and only place now that I was comfortable in. Sure, the other members were nice, Spoke, Parrot, Mapicc, they were all fine, but Clown was different.
Clown was the first friend I truly trusted. Someone who would have my back in bad times like this, someone who trusted my decisions and actions. I know Clown has really exposed himself to me too, at least his softer side that's masked by his menacing facade.
"Well, let's get this day started I guess," I said with a deep sigh. "Maybe I'll make some breakfast for Clown and I."
"Speaking of Clown...there's a quite menacing one standing behind you."
I turned around to see Clown, who was indeed standing behind me in the doorway.
"Had a good sleep, BranzyCraft?" He said menacingly as he slowly walked toward me, almost like a waltz.
"Uhm-yeahhh! Yeah, I did! Ehm-what are you doing, Clown?" I asked as he got closer and closer.
He stopped in front of me, a foots length away as he looked me as I stared back at him, until he took a step back, laughing lowly.
               "What's wrong BranzyCraft? I can't have fun teasing you?" He said in a voice that most likely held a smirk.
I was well aware that my face was flushed a hue of pink, as Clown too pointed it out, saying,
               "Hmmmm... looks like that worked though, and quite smoothly as well..." he chuckled as the crossed eyes of his mask seems to pierce my purple irises.

We stood there for a few seconds until Clown looked down and muttered,
              "You have no idea..." he muttered under his breath, if he said anymore, I couldn't hear it through it mask clearly.
At this point, my face was a red and pink mess of blushing, so to try to avoid the awkwardness, I told Clown,
"C-Clown, I gotta cook breakfast, aren't you hungry?"
"Hmmmmm... actually now that I think about it, I am kind of feeling hungry, some bacon sounds nice..." he trailed off before heading towards the funhouse materials that were lain on the ground of the living room. "You up to cooking, Branzy? I can cook if you don't want to, or I can start getting the materials."
"N-no! I can cook the breakfast, don't worry! And, what materials?" I asked.
Clown shook his head a little harder than he needed to, causing him to wince in pain from his neck scar by Vitalasy. As the pain ceased he told me,
"You silly goofball, Branzy. The funhouse materials! We need to start the funhouse, before we can't get revenge on Vitalasy or the others at all."
"Ohh! Right, the funhouse! How could I forget? Alright then, I'll cook the bacon for you and I, and you can start gathering he materials, I'll bring the bacon for later too in case if we get hungry!"
"Good idea, Branzy, you do that." He replied as he walked off to the living room.
As I was cooking the bacon, I suddenly felt a wave of giddiness wash over me. Does me? And the flipping feeling in my stomach, was that because of happiness, or even love? Reality came crashing on my thoughts as I realized I was starting to burn the bacon on accident, and Clown must've smelt it, because he called from the living room,
                "You better not be trying to burn down my house, Branzy!"
                "I'm not! I was just thinking about things and got distracted, I swear! That's all!" I said in a fit of laughter.
                "And what might have you been thinking in that brain of yours, BranzyCraft?" Clown said lowly as he peeked around the corner at me.
                "Nothing... that's concerning. You don't need to worry." I told the black and red man, trying to hide the fact that my blush had not gone away fully.

(Clown's POV)

I finished gathering up the last materials into my inventory as I hauled the rest in my arms for Branzy to carry. As I was walking into the kitchen, I could smell the amazing aroma scent of fresh bacon coming through.
                "Mmmmmmm... that smells amazing, and tastes delicious, Branzy!" I told him as I munched on a long piece. With a satisfying crunch, I finished the piece happily as I told Branzy,
                "Here's your items to carry, don't worry I can carry the rest."
He looked at the materials before looking back at me as he remarked,
                "Clown! You're carrying a lot! At least give me a little more, I can't have you overexerting yourself before we even get started!"
I growled lightly in defeat as I handed Branzy some more materials as I lightened my load, which seemed to make the man happy.
We headed out the door and ran off towards spawn, as we both planned for the funhouse to be near spawn. After all, the more members there are, the more targets there are, and the more hearts to steal. Hearts is the key to success of the season.
We arrived at the set location a few minutes later as we set down our materials on the soft grass. I quickly marked down the base of the build. I had been planning to build a casino tent, but I also realized the funhouse could be inside as well, and we would use the casino as an exterior.
And we got to work, placing block after block and material after material, eventually founding a starting wall. And the wall shot up into the sky, forming a shadow over the two of us as it got taller until we finished it. Next was the roof. As I leapt down and and saved myself from fall damage with water, I grabbed the red, white, and black wool and swam back up to the top to start on the tent canopy. I could see Branzy had walked inside and started building the beginning of the funhouse, as I saw the purple and black walls slowly protruding from the ground up.
As just as night had fallen once again, I put the last piece of canopy up to finish the casino walls, and everything looked perfect, but it was still missing lots of details. Branzy had made some progress as well, finishing the walls of the trap and even starting on the parkour entrance. As I walked over to the silver haired man, i noticed his hair and his purple clad shirt were dusted in grains of redstone, making his outfit sparkle in the dim light. He looked up at me with a bright smile when he noticed I was standing behind him.
"Hey Clown! You finished the walls already?"
"Yes, I did, and you've gotten yourself into quite a mess here I see." I lightly laughed as his cheeks became tinted light pink.
"I-I didn't realize! Uhhhh- yeah, we'll, oh well I guess." He said as he tried to brush out the red grains but ultimately failed, making the grains more mixed in his hair.
Cute... I thought, wait, what? And here it was, feelings, they messed with me, but were they true this time? The thought stayed in the back of my mind, refusing to leave my mental space. I turned back to Branzy as I asked him,
"Did you even realize it's nighttime? We've been out here all day." I told Branzy, who stood up to look out at the black and inky night sky.
"Oh! Wow, the time has passed, but I think I can finish soon, I only have a few more redstone lines to put down, and then we can go, you're welcome to look at the inside if you want." He told me.
"Sure, I guess I'll look around," I replied as I saw three doors.
Each of them were labeled differently, Not scary at all, Scary, and Very Scary. As I walked through each door, the walls seemed to be moving, and below was the same white concrete floors that caught you if you fall. But the Scary room, was much different.
Instead of the usual white and blank floor that used to catch you, it'd be your demise that followed shortly after. Underneath this 'floor', was a hidden hole that the victim would drop into, where I would end them. Branzy had put large white maps on top of open fence gates to make it look like there was a floor, but in fact, there wasn't. It was a genius idea, no one would expect that this wasn't a floor, but instead only maps. It looked the exact same.
               "This is brilliant, Branzy! Well done! This will work for sure." I exclaimed excitedly to him.
               "Thanks, Clown! I just finished the last redstone wire, so everything should be all set now, we just need to get the 'prizes' that they would win and we'll be completely set!"
I smiled from under my mask as I told Branzy,
            "Excellent, let's go back home, and get some rest tomorrow. It's time to have some real fun."

Ok, I know, I lied, I said probably wouldn't be back before finals, but here I am. I happened to have a lot of writing time on my hands so I figured why not! So here's an early chapter for you guys, and the next one will be out after finals :D
Happy Reading!

(1637 words)

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