Chapter 18: Torture and a Ray of Hope

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!TW! Mention of torture, wounds, possible killing, blood

(Clown's POV)

I felt like I was swimming in an endless pitch black pool for what seemed like forever until I started to gain consciousness. I slowly opened my eyes, but wasn't greeted to blinding light, but instead a small dimly lit cell.
Wait. A cell?
I tried to stand up but was pulled down as two medium length chains attached to my wrists held me down. The links were attached to the cold stone wall, preventing me from getting anywhere. And that was when I realized my situation.
I was trapped without a way out and with no one to help me.
It seemed like the group hadn't killed me when they took me, as I noticed I still had all my possessions, but they seemed to have taken my unenchanted armor from me. And I couldn't risk making any noise as I was apparently on half health from whatever they did to me. As I scanned through my items, I couldn't find anything that could cut through the chains that held me.
As I struggled to find a way to get to my feet, the chains made a loud rattling noise as I moved.
"Shoot..." I muttered.
I held the chains tightly as much as I could to attempt to muffle the rattling. But it would do no use as I heard pairs of footsteps descending the stairs.
              "Well well well, look who's awake! Vitalasy said as he came walking from the stairs. He strode into my cell as he opened the door.
               "Had a nice nap?" He said jokingly as he sneered.
               "Why am I even here? You don't need me here, you're just trying to get something from this, aren't you?" I said, ignoring his question.
                "It's quite simple, actually. This is to show Branzy that he made the wrong choice betraying us. We could let you go any time we want, but that most likely won't be anytime soon."
                "You'll never break him that easily, he's stronger than you think." I told him as I snapped back.
Seconds later, icy cold water was splashed across my body. I shook the chains holding me as I shivered through the coldness.
                 "You'll think twice before saying something like that." Vitalasy spat out.
He choke-slammed me into the stone wall, forcing my breathing to shallow gasps.
                 "You're-going to have to-try harder than that-to break-me." I gritted out in short breaths.
He responded back by kneeing me hard in my stomach as he dropped me back to the floor. I lay there, hacking and gasping for several minutes as he stood and watched. Each hacking breath more blood came spewing out from my mouth.
                 "Oh please. You're lucky I'm not trying to kill you right now. Though I must say, the famous ClownPierce seemed to be very weak just from those moves." Vitalasy said in a monotone voice.
I gritted my teeth as I stayed on the ground. Vitalasy, who was standing a mere foot away from me, watched in what almost looked like glee as he got to watch his enemy suffer through a fate he most likely went through. Using my strength I had left, I kicked as I high as I could towards the particled man, aiming for his stomach. The chains held back most of my force but I successfully kicked him slightly above his waist, forcing him a few steps back. Vitalasy responded to the attack with a hard blow to my lower stomach by sword. I slumped even lower to the cold floor. He used the bloodied edge of the weapon to lift my chin to look at his face as he threatened my throat.
"Don't even try to get out," he stated angrily. "You have no chance of getting out, and even if you somehow do, you have a very, very high chance of loosing another one of those precious hearts." He continued, voice laced with more venom in every word.
Vitalasy dropped the sword as my face fell. After storing his weapon away, he walked towards the cell door, but not before saying,
"Have a nice stay here, ClownPierce. You better get used to it."

(Branzy's POV)

I woke up to items and furniture strewn and tossed around the room, dust still falling slowly from the air. As I sat up, I realized I was still in the meeting room, but I didn't see anyone else with me. I tried to stand up but failed to do so, as my knees buckled from my weight as I stumbled back to the floor. Waiting a few minutes, I took note of the situation. I then gained the strength to stand as I glanced around the room. On the other side of the long wooden table laid Parrot and Spoke. Mapicc still seemed to be laying across the flipped over couch. As I walked over to the duo, Parrot was already awake trying to wake up Spoke.
                 "Parrot, Parrot. What happened? Where's Clown?" I asked the winged man.
                "I don't know, there was a huge bang and I think it knocked everyone unconscious. And... I think they might've taken Clown hostage." He replied as he attempted to shake dust from his wings.
Clown was in danger, and we didn't know where he was or if he was still alive, or if he had escaped.
Making a split decision, I told Parrot, "Get Spoke, I'll get Mapicc. We're making this plan to rescue Clown."

(Subz's POV) (Another new POV :) )

As I woke up, the sunlight streamed through the windows of my room. I got dressed into my usual clothes, purple jacket and black pants. As I walked down to the main room of the house that Vitalasy, Zam, Ash, Red, and I shared, I looked to see the four of them already sitting at the table, mid conversation.
                 "Well, look who's up!" Zam said cheerily.
                 "What? I didn't wake up that late!" I told him.
                 "Pal, you woke up at 11! You usually wake up at 9, or even earlier!" Red exclaimed.
I looked at the microwave time to see that it was indeed, 11:10 A.M.
                 "Oh," I said sheepishly as I scratched my head. "I guess I was a little wiped out from the battle yesterday."
                 "You bet you were. You just went to your room and fell asleep as soon as we got home. Did you even realize we captured Clown?" Ash asked me.
                 "We did? Where is he?!" I said with wide eyes.
                  "In the basement cellar. He's chained to wall right now. And he woke up earlier, but i think I knocked some sense into him." Vitalasy said boringly.
Coincidentally, at that exact moment, we heard a huge rattling of what seemed to be chains coming from the basement door. The door definitely wasn't soundproof, so that must've been Clown. The five of us got up from our chairs as we all headed down to the cellar.
In the single cell, laid what seemed to be a slumped and weak Clown. His head lifted slowly as he looked at us as he asked,
                 "What do you want? You just saw me like 30 minutes ago." Clown said weakly
                  "Noises of the chains rattling. Why are you even bothering trying to get out? You're stuck here, why try?" Vitalasy spat back.
He then produced a silver thin key into his hand as he reached and unlocked the padlock holding the cell door. He waved us all into the small cell as we faced the jester sitting on the stone floor.
"Now, tell us, we know you know the locations of all your little teammates. So why don't you tell us?" Vitalasy asked Clown.
                  "Why would you need to know? You apparently already know where we meet. And I'm sure you've figured out the trio's locations already." Clown said, with more strength in his voice this time.
                 "We have. But that's not who we're looking for at the moment."
Through the broken mask, Clown's visible eye seemed to widen as he realized what Vitalasy was saying.
                  "No, you're not looking for him..." Clown trailed off.
                  "Yes, ClownPierce. Yes we are. Now tell us the location or whereabouts of BranzyCraft."
                   "I'll never tell you where Branzy is!!" Clown shouted, his voice reverberating around the cell.
Vitalasy turned to Zam, who nodded as he stepped forward and slapped Clown across his masked face. Clown's black and brownish hair fell across the top of his mask as he turned back to face us. Vitalasy then stepped forward, but crouched down to Clown's eye level before saying,
                  "I'm only going to ask you this so many times, Clown. Where. Is. BranzyCraft?"
                  "And I'll never tell you." Clown said quietly, his visible eye glaring at Vitalasy, as they seemed to enter in some sort of staring contest. But it did t last long as Vitalasy slapped Clown, but with even more force than Zam as he stood up and strode to the door to leave the cell. We followed suit as we all exited the cell, leaving Clown even more slumped than before. The last thing Vitalasy said to Clown was,
                "With your help or not, we will find Branzy, and we'll end this little team of yours."

(Clown's POV)

As the group left my cell and ascended back up the stairs, I sat still on the floor for several minutes, each breath sounding more rattled. The wound from Vitalasy's sword had started to stop bleeding and heal itself, a natural ability of gaining so many scars in so little time. But I was starting to worry, what if Branzy or the others were found? Would they be facing the same fate as me, sitting in a cell, chained to a wall? Would they ever find me, or do they even know where to start looking? As quietly as possible, I shuffled around the grab my communicator from my pocket as i opened it to be greeted by a bright screen.  I grimaced slightly at the blinding light as I adjusted my eyes to the light. Miraculously, minimally shaking the chains, I was able to type a message to Branzy.
(You whispered to BranzyCraft: I'm still alive. I'm in a cellar somewhere that Vitalasy, Zam, Subz, Ash, and Red all have access to. Please hurry, I don't know how much time I have left. Be careful, tell the others.)

Helloooooooo my lovely readers!
Hope you're all doing well. It's been a second since I published a chapter, so here's one before I go on my spring break trip. I might be able to still do my next chapter while in the plane, not sure. But hope you enjoy, stay safe and healthy, and happy reading!


(1809 words) (new record! I think...)

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