10k Views!!! :D

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We made it! 10k views!
I never thought that this book could ever amass this many views in only 3/4 of a year! This was just originally supposed to be something that was fun for me, but overtime it became something that I loved to do in my free time (to which I have close to none...). I thank everyone who has followed me on this journey of this book and the people who help give me tips and motivation to keep writing.
And I promise that I am trying my best to post a new chapter as fast as I can for all of you! I will try to make it worth the wait, but for now, you guys can sit in suspense and wait. (hahahaha)
I cannot express the amount of thanks I give to you all for this book's progression, and I can't wait to share more.
Stay happy and healthy, and as always...

Happy reading!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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