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"Can I help you?" I ask Cameron as his eyes find mine.

"I'm sorry if it got too out of hand down there," He offers comfortable words.

"If?" I ask my blood still hot with anger and fear. "Why did you all keep saying I don't understand."

"Because we choose you, you're special and you don't even understand how amazing and beautiful you are." He says standing.  

"You talk you talk about me as if you have known me longer than just a few days," I suggest and draw my body back to my desk.

"We've had our eyes on you for a while, I won't lie to you." He says.

"JC and Kian found you four years ago," He sighs.

"What? How? When I was 12? That's sick!"

"That was only the first time, it was only two years later that they thought about it and told the rest of the a year after that."

"You've been planning me!?" I shout disgusted. "But how? I was never...for sale before that night."

"Kian saw you all those years ago and asked Ben. They kept returning and asking. A deal was finally made about six months ago."

"Why did I just find out that night?"

"I'm not sure, we didn't tell Ben to do that. I promise." he assures.

"I could have warned her..." I say as a whisper.

"Tell who, what?" He inquires quickly. Jumping at the first chance to be apart of my life.

"Maelee," I say filled up with equal parts anger and sadness. "She was only ten." I stifle back tears.

"I'm sorry," He presses forward.

"Stop," I command, he does. "So do you know everything about me?" I question.

"No, just that you were born there and have never left." I shiver runs over my spine as his lips form the cold words. "I can't tell you how sorry I am."

"You bought me from that place. Should I be thanking you for saving me? If that's what you were expecting you'll be waiting a long time for a 'Thanks'."

"None of expected you to like us right away, pretty much, we just want a chance. And we are willing to give and be nice to you to." He says as I step out to the balcony trying to run away from his reasons and excuses. What they did was wrong. I'm wrong.

He follows me out and I take a side step to the edge of the balcony. Far away from him. "We are willing to let you live life and be happy. Anything you want you can have it." He says.

"I want a real life," I beg.

"We're going to try to come as close to that as possible." As he says this there is almost a tiny bit of appreciation growing inside of my heart for him. I push it away quickly and stare directly away from his glance. It's obvious because he won't stop staring at me. "Can you give us a chance?" he asks wanting the answer I won't give him.

"Cameron you have to understand that I can't, that I want a real life and not to pretend that it is but when I come I have to sleep with you. I'm sorry," I say as if it is my fault and direct my eyes back to his. He looks down at his feet as if he is declaring his defeat and I relax.

"Can I just bring up one point?" He asks me looking back up with a barely visible smile through the darkness. I nod slowly and before I know it Cameron rushes forward to me until my back hits a wall and I gasp right before he brings his lips to mine. He's kissing me. I've never been kissed, never. Especially like this. It's soft but vigorous, passion, I can feel it. I return it back to him, I kiss him after several seconds of standing there, the temptation is too much. My toes curl as he places hands gently on my hips then pulls the fabric of the robe close to him, making me follow behind. I gasp again, pulling away just for a second as his finger tips tickle my hips. I bite my lip holding back and we go at it again.

The kiss deepens as I feel his tongue on my top lip, he kisses the corner of my mouth with force then trails it to my ear. I'm becoming a totally different person as the kisses to my neck have me moaning. "Uhhh, Cameron." I say breathlessly.

"Jump," He whispers seductively, as if I'm under a spell I do so and his hands catch my thigh and he wraps me around his waist. He bites my bottom lip and begin feeling a pressure like no other between my thighs. It's coming from me. He trails his hands up my sides to my back. I can't resist so I wrap my arms around his neck as he slips his tongue through my lips and into my mouth. I allow his and let him explore as I kiss him back. My mind is racing, I must be going crazy. I'm making out with the man who bought me.He redirects his lips back to my neck and starts sucking on a complete sensitive sweet spot that makes me moan again. He bites gently, which feels amazing then swirls his tongue around in circles.

I open my eyes to find my hands tangled in his gorgeous hair, I let out another sigh and pull him back up for another kiss. Before we start again I stop holding his face in my hands I truly see how beautiful and gorgeously attractive he is. A great jawline, strong and sharp, lips soft and plump, eyes dark like chocolate and I can stare at for hours. "What's wrong?" He asks gazing back at me.

"One week," I repeat ashamed with my actions. I jump off of him and he just stands there shocked, as am I.

"I'm sorry," He apologizes and slowly walks out of the room. I shut and lock the door behind him and switch off the light, carefully finding my way to bed.


I know it's short but I hope you like it! The next two will be longer but not until next week, I'll start writing them tomorrow. If you are bored please check out my other stories. Thanks so much for the likes and support!! I love you guys, please keep reading I promise updates will come, don't give up!


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