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New Orleans is beautiful and one of the easiest cities to lift from, from people, from stores, I have at least two weeks of clothes acquired included shoes, jewelry, and other accessories. We're all at a restaurant, at a table on the balcony overlooking Royal street. Since New Orleans is on the coast, it's known for their seafood, oysters, crawfish, shrimp along with Cajun style foods like jambalaya, gumbo, Po-Bo's (which is just a sandwich) and my favorite so far, Beignets. I know they aren't cajun but they are a french pastry and they have the best here in the French Quarter, at Cafe Du Monde. We have been traveling all over the place, exploring the city, making small lifts and obtaining as much cash and goods as possible. 

An order of Beignets are placed in front of me, sprinkled freshly in powdered sugar that piles on top of the fried delicacy. "So you're seriously not going to eat anything else for dinner?" Matt asks me as his plate of something with eyes is put on the table. Cameron sits closely next to me and at my left Nash does the same, he probably is only doing that because Cameron is also and now I suppose because Nash and I kissed that we have something the other guys don't. I scrunch my nose at Matt's plate of sea creatures and take a sip from my glass of iced tea. 

"I also ordered a salad," I tell him and like on command our waiter places a plate of lettuce, chicken, cheese, tomatoes, and croutons next to my glass. I listen as street performers begin playing some folky-southern song, "but yes these things are to die for." I even out the plates on my side of the table referring to the Beignets. The waiter leaves the balcony once everyone is served and we are left alone, above the tourist we stole from. 

Taron opposite of me and speaks up, "I would like to propose a toast," he begins lifting a glass of beer high above his head as he stands. The rest of the guys do the same with their drinks and I follow in sorts, "To us and to being three thousand dollars richer than this morning," Taron smirks. That was our big total today, I know it's insane, I've never held that much money before. "And thanks to Josie's plan with the credit cards, we should expect another twenty-five hundred by midnight tonight." Everyone turns their attention towards me and I blush as heat rises to my cheeks. My idea was rather simple, taking the cards from those who were already intoxicated then withdrawing the money from banks further away, so now one looks for thieves in New Orleans. We handed off the cards to "Friends" of the guys and they were able to get into accounts without pin numbers, after this cards and any history of card use is deleted, permanently. 

"To Josie," JC declares and they all respond in suit with the clinking of our drink glasses. 

"And to you all for choosing some of the most sulty clothes and lingerie, I've ever seen," I say sarcastically. 

"Let the record show that I never had any part of that," Taron's rich accent rings in his voice, I roll my eyes, trying to hide a slight grin.

Cameron leans over to me and places a hand on my upper thigh as he draws his lips to my ear, "That reminds me, we have to discuss our agreement."

"Why can't you just be happy you aren't broke right now and we will wait a little longer before you turn me into your whore," I snap back in a whisper. 

"Remember we wouldn't be in this situation if you weren't here," he grips my thigh a little tighter. 

"And you remember that I never asked for this. You are in this situation because of you, not me," I say standing up for myself.  He stares into my eyes with equal amounts of anger and regret. 

"I'm sorry, you're right," he catches me off guard with the sincere-sounding apology, "we've put you through a lot recently and it's fine if you want time to yourself, but," of course, there's a condition to the compassion and kindness, "no more avoiding any and all contact with us."

"So...?" I ask needing more than just that.

"No sex, that's off limits for all of us, can's your body Josie. Get to know all of us, we'll revisit this topic in two weeks or so," he says and I just realize his hand is still applying pressure on my leg, but I don't seem to mind, in fact, it's almost comforting -- in a completely strange, foreign way that I don't necessarily want. 

"What if I wanted to have sex with someone?" I blurt out impulsively, what's gotten into me? I don't want to have sex with any of these people, but the fact that Cameron is telling me it's something I can't do makes me want it so much more. If anyone has a defiance problem, it's me. Cameron's face becomes strict and all hard with muscle and bone. His hand releases on my leg, surprisingly, and he shrugs it away his eyes stuck on me as if he's trying to figure out what's going on in my silly little head. 

"If you make a decision, we're going to make sure everyone knows before you engage in anything," he looks down at his plate of food, "I'm not sure how long we're going to be here, what do think?"

I furrow my eyebrows, I give him a questioning look, "What do you mean?"

"Do you like it here?"

My worries and confusion melt away leaving me with parted lips almost in a smirk, "I love it here," with that I grasp onto his hand with mine and give him a light squeeze. 

"I'm glad," he returns my small smile. He turns his attention back to the group taking another swig of his drink with his free hand, we manage to keep our fingers locked together throughout dinner, happily. 


I know it's short and I know it's been forever since I've updated. All I can say is I'm sorry and I hope you all haven't lost faith in me. I broke this chapter up into two so the next one should be out tonight. I miss you guys! It's actually been forever and I can't wait to jump back into writing my stories. What do you think of the plot so far? Thoughts on the characters and what might happen next? Love you guys! See you soon, thanks for all your support :)


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