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I rummage around the wallet I had just lifted, one hundred and twenty-three dollars and movie theater gift card. There are a few credit cards but those are traceable, but I've been thinking of ways we could use them. I push through some old receipts and find a picture of two children, they're smiling brightly and hold a sign saying "WE LOVE YOU DADDY!" and little hearts drawn around the edges. I feel bad for a minute then remember these were the same types of guys that came into Ben's club, they all had families, they all were cheaters, they all were scum. I toss the wallet into the sewer and walk back to the lively streets. 

"Jos," I hear Kian's voice come up beside me, I turn and greet him with an awkward smile, "we got our new phones," he steps onto the curb and hands me something I barely can identify. It looks like a really old cell phone, but the front is bright yellow and has a screen and some small buttons. I take it out of his hands and examine it.

"What is this?" I ask him.

"It's called a Walkie Talkie, it's a two-way radio, hear watch," he says and pulls out a similar looking device. He presses a button on the side and speaks closely to the device, "Josie do you copy," I hear from Kian then from the yellow and black box I'm holding. 

"That's so cool!" I nearly shout, I hold a button just as Kian did and speak in the front, "I do," I laugh hearing my voice echo from his Walkie Talkie. 

"They aren't amazing but they have a 26-mile range so we can get to you from almost anywhere in New Orleans. Also, they have ear pieces," he hands me another device, this is small and clear. 

"That goes in my ear?" I ask he nods. "I don't even have my ears pierced what makes you think I'm stuffing that into my head?" He sighs rolling his eyes and forces the object close to me and I feel it lodged in my ear. 

"It feels like nothing's there, this is so we can communicate better with pocketing and lifting," He tells me, "we all have them, it's connected to the radio Walkie Talkie so we can all hear and listen to each other without holding the actual Walkie to our mouths." 

"That's kind of smart," I say pulling at my ear lobe. "Where is everyone?" I ask him. 

"JC will be waiting with the Jacks down a few streets, we have to get you clothes right?" I nod, "So have fun lifting from a store." He smirks. 

"You're sending me in alone?" I ask frantic. 

"You're better at this than any of us, it's even easier in stores, you can do it and Jack, Jack, JC and I are going to be your look out and distraction," he assures me. 

I take a deep breath, "Where is everyone else?"

"We'll meet them at dinner in about an hour or so," he tells me. It's been a couple hours since we started our lifting game, the guys and I go have been going around taking what we see. Taron's stashing all of the stuff at the hotel, and making sure we avoid areas with police. 

"Okay let's go," I say and we walk along the streets of New Orleans, the sounds of drunk people being careless is money to our pockets, literally. This whole city is magnificent, I'm totally amorous with everything about it. The culture is evident in every corner, the music, the food, the laughter, the beads, decorations, everything is celebrated here. Mardi Gras is a holiday that is really big with the people, I don't know much about it but I learned it's a day in February and is a religious day for Catholics, I think. What's great about this town, is that every day is Mardi Gras, that means every day is sunny and happy, food and drinks, parties and live music. Everything is exciting here, I never want to leave. We walk up to the guys waiting for us in front of the long street filled with shops. 

"How's the little criminal doing?" Johnson asks me sarcastically. 

"Criminal? More like a genius, I just taught all of you how to make money like that," I say along with snapping my fingers. 

"Are you guys ready?" JC asks Kian and me a sudden wave of confidence rushes over me. Maybe it's because I've been so successful all day or the atmosphere or maybe it was that kiss with Nash, whatever it was makes me feel invincible. Jack hands me a purse, I assume this is what I'll put the things I'm stealing in.

"Watch a pro boys," I say smirking at all of them and walk into the TopShop. I begin searching for things I want, my eyes find the register and I watch the lady behind the counter take off one of those plastic tags that have sensors in them. She uses a bar on the counter it looks like a magnet, "Hey can you guys hear me?" I whisper softly. 

"Yeah," I hear Kian's voice answer first. 

"Can someone get me a magnet?" I ask. 

"For what?"

"That's how they take off the anti-theft devices," I say even quieter. 

"Josie, damn, you are a genius," I hear Jack G laugh, "I saw a hardware store down the street, I'll go get some magnets and scissors."

"For what?" I glance my eyes downward toward the floor so people don't see me talking to myself. 

"Some of the tags have ink in them and they will explode if you try taking off with a magnet," I hear Kian explain, "so just use the scissors with those."

"I have to cut up clothing?" I ask shocked, "But they're all so pretty," I whine. 

"We can sew them back together, don't worry," Jack assures. 

"Since when can you sew, Jack?"

"We'll figure something out, just look around and figure out how you're going to pull this off," JC tells me. 

"Just hurry up," I sigh, "besides I already have a plan," I smirk looking back up to my reflection in a mirror. 

"What's that?" JC asks me. I stare at myself, I'm so blonde, I don't even recognize myself. At least, it's still long, I run my hand through the front to the back and it falls around my shoulders like curtains. I feel isolated from my old self, but did I ever have a past self. Before this I was no one, literally, no one knew I existed, so possibly this is me and I could have never found myself being locked away from the world. Questions swarm around in my head and I feel dizzy, overthinking everything. If my mother could see me know, would she be able to tell I am her daughter? I'm sorry mom.

"Josie, you still there?" The guys try breaking my daze. 

"Yeah, sorry, it went quiet for a minute there," I lie. 

"Okay, JC is coming in with the stuff,"I hear Jack's deep voice. I nod as if they can see me then realize they can't, stupid. "What's the plan, Josie?" 

"JC and I will act like we know each other," I say and start walking to the entrance.

"The supplies are in my front pocket, see if you can take them without me being aware," JC chuckles and I see him turn into the store. I put on a fake smile and light up my eyes as if I'm excited. I run over to him and we pull each other into an embrace. "Hey boo, sorry I'm late." 

"It's okay babe, just help me pick out some stuff okay?" I say going along with the ploy. He arches his neck forward trying to kiss me but I pull away, "Sweetie not until I have a new dress I need for the party." He narrows his eyes at me, I give him a look back that says: 'Sorry, I'm not going to be easy' and wink over my shoulder as I turn back to the store. I quickly drop the contents from JC's pocket into my bag, without anyone seeing. 

I collect anything that looks cute but pretending that I only came in to get a dress, "Oh my God! These are to die for," I say and grab at few shirts. 

"Honey, we only came to get a dress," JC warns me, creating convincing dialogue. I rush to the changing rooms and begin my work on a pile of things. Once alone I whisper in the walkie-talkie, "JC keep bringing me clothes so they won't see a difference of what I came in with to when I walk out. 

"As long as you can get as much as possible in that bag," he responds. 

"I need bras and underwear too, just don't grab anything too slutty," I say praying he obeys. 

"No promises," he chuckles. 

"Finally, we get to choose something," I hear Jack's voice. "JC get her stuff we all like, knee-highs!" 

"Fuck my life," I say rolling my eyes and cutting a tag off. 


I love you guys 

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