Chapter 11

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(A/N- Hey guys! I am back with another chapter!! You guys know the drill and I hope you guys enjoy the chapter^^ Now let's begin!)

-Katsuki POV-

I can't believe it! Izuku was here the whole time and alive! I had told about Izuku to Izuku itself. And just as I find out, he is gone. I don't think he is gone though, I feel like he is still there somewhere. He said to remember it, 'He Always comes back.' I have a feeling that he knew this was going to happen and prepared just in case. This is Izuku we are talking about, he is really a smartass nerd.

But did he make it out or not? No one has found the body but it could have been washed out by the waters, or something could have not went according to his plan. I guess only time will tell.

-Aizawa POV-

I can't believe it. Shadow is gone. He saved everyone from danger but sacrificed his life. I wish I could have saved him but now he is gone. I can't help but feel so bad about it. The whole Japan has been mourning for Shadow now.

-Nezu POV-

I did not expect that to happen but I feel bad that we couldn't do anything to help Shadow. I do miss Shadow and his games. I wish I could have met him in person. He was really smart. We should have set out early and stopped them. We should have not listened to those 2 thugs. I might have some cleaning up to do.

- 2 years later-

-3rd POV-

It has been 2 years since Shadow died. Katsuki only has 10 months left before the UA entrance exam starts and he has been training a lot ever since All Might passed down One for All to him. All Might has been helping him train so that he will pass the entrance exam and make it to UA. The civilians of Japan still miss the vigilante but he is gone now.

-Somewhere Else in Japan-

A brown-haired brunette girl was running through the alleys, trying to run away from a man who was trying to get her. She keeps running until she was met with a dead end. She turns around with fear in her eyes as the man gets closer.

"Oh dear girl, you are not going anywhere now!"

"P-please l-leave m-me a-alone."

"Now come dear girl, Let's have some fun."

Just then, a black blur came right past and kicked the man right on the chin, making the man yell in pain. But before he could do anything else, He was hit on his neck at the pressure point, knocking him out. The black blur tied up the man and placed him against the pole.

The black blur walked towards the girl and held out a hand.

"Are you alright?"

"I am fine, Thanks for saving me from that man."

"It was my pleasure. Now, can you call the police to arrest this guy? I have to take my leave now."

"What is your name sir?"

"Oh, let's say that Shadow is back in business."

"S-Shadow?? You are alive?"

"Yes, I am. Now I have to go, I have left a note on the man so that they know. Bye."


Well there you go folks! Shadow is Back!

(A/N- Hey guys! Surprise! The book will still continue so no worries^^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I will be updating on Monday any one the books. Please do comment on which book I should update on Monday^^ Hope you guys have a good day/night!! Stay Safe!)

(620 Words)

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 {𝐁𝐤𝐝𝐤, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚}Where stories live. Discover now