Chapter 17

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(A/N- heyy guys! Another chapter on the roll! Christmas is coming up and I am excited^^ You guys know the drill so I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Now let's begin!)

-2 months later-

-Aizawa POV-

It has been 2 months and now we can finally take action. Shadow has confirmed the base and sent us enough information to get them under arrest without a problem. We are currently hidden outside, surrounding the base with many other heroes. We all have our weapons ready for attack. Each of us heroes have an earpiece to communicate and Shadow may use it in case he wants to get through something.

I ready my capture weapon as a few of the heroes get into the base through an open window. I look around to see that we are in some kind of lab with many kinds of substances, this must be where all the drugs are being created. No one's around right now, they must be getting a break. Soon, they are going to be on a break for many years in jail.

I put my hand on the earpiece, very sure that Nezu will be able to hear me.

"Hello Nezu. We are in the base now and have found the lab where these drugs are being created."

"Okay Eraserhead. Stay hidden for now and alert us when they are back."

"Got it."

I hide next to cupboard which is in a corner and hidden from the rest of the room. Now All we have got to do is wait.

-Izuku POV-

All of the heroes are in the base and ready for attack. I am currently on a rooftop where the whole base can be seen clearly and I am hidden from view as well.

These 2 months have been really hectic for me, from doing my vigilante routine to looking after a café that is free for all to spending time with the Bakugo's. I had also talked with Masaru who was like a father I never had. I explained everything to him as well as Mitsuki and Kachaan, and god, they had so many questions!

Me and Kachaan have been getting a lot closer but we have not exactly spoke much about what happened in his room since I have been quite busy lately and I have decided to wait until this whole operation is done. He is preparing himself for the UA entrance exam and I believe that he is going to pass.

Oh, the members are coming back now and the heroes have noticed as well. That's good. I put my hand in my earpiece and press it.

"Everyone. They are coming back so stay alert and be ready. Nezu, the security systems have been disabled."

"Okay, Copy that."

I watch as the members type in a code and the entrance opens up.

-3rd POV-

They all get in and the door shuts behind them. Midnight and Sir Nighteye slowly walk towards the door and types the code which they had seen. The door opens without a noise and they are met with a whole gang of drug dealers. The heroes rush inside and soon, a fight has begun. Heroes outside join the fight but some stay behind to capture the ones that try to escape.

The whole gang is captured and arrested. The villains did really put up a fight but it was managed easily. In the end, It all turned out fine. The largest drug dealing Association has been put to an end and everyone part of this has been captured as well.

Mission Accomplished.

-2 weeks later-

-Katsuki POV-

It has been 2 weeks since the news told about the how a drug dealing group was stopped and 2 weeks since I have seen Izuku! He has been coming around whenever I am in school and by the time I am back, he is gone. I wanted to know if he really does mean what he said that day in my room but I don't know how to ask him and he never talked about it either.

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 {𝐁𝐤𝐝𝐤, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚}Where stories live. Discover now