Chapter 12

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(A/N- Heyy guys!! I hope you guys had enjoy my other book 'One Person To Trust Is All You Need'^^ You guys know the drill and I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!! Now Let's start, shall we?)

-3rd POV-

Detective Tsukauchi just received a call from a girl who had almost got attacked in xxx alley. He checks if the girl is okay and assures her that he is on his way. When he reached the alley, he saw a guy tied to a pole and had been knocked out. He went towards the girl who seemed to be in shock. He waved his hand in front of her which seemed to get her attention. She smiled sheepishly and muttered a sorry.

-Tsukauchi POV-

I think the girl is still in shock from the attack. That could have been worse though. Now to see if she is okay other then that.

"Miss, What happened here?"

"I was being chased by this man before I was saved. He left a note as well for you."

"I will check that but are you completely fine now?"

"Yes I am. Thank you."

"No problem. Do you want me to drop you to your house or will you be fine?"

"Oh, I will be fine. Thanks again."

I watch as the girl leaves and turn my attention towards the tied up man. walk towards him and see the note. I pick it up and open it.

Dear Detective,

I am pretty sure you know what happened by being told from the girl itself. This man here is also a drug dealer as well so better interrogate him. He is part of a huge association named 'The Devils Eye' which I am pretty sure you are aware of. I have a few theories as to where their base is but I have not tested all of them yet. I am coming close though. Also do be aware of a few of your colleagues. They are also a spy for this group. Will be sending the details soon.


Shadow. He is back. He is alive. He is Fine.

I can't believe it! I must go back to the station and call Eraserhead and Nezu right away. They will be really happy to know about this. Though the other information is very troubling. I have to be a bit more careful now. I run back to the station and go straight to my office. I dial Eraserhead's number and wait for him to take the call. It rings 3 times before the call is answered.

"Hello Eraserhead."

"Hello Detective. What did you call me for?"

"Can you come to the station quickly with Nezu as well?"

"For what?"

"That you will get to know when you come. Now please be here as soon as possible."

"Okay. I will be there in 10 minutes."

"Okay then."

I hung up the call and sit at my table, taking a sip of my coffee as I patiently wait for them to come.

-Aizawa POV-

I wonder what Tsukauchi wants me and Nezu for. I have to call Nezu now. I pick up my phone and dial Nezu's number. It rings once then twice before it is picked up.

"Hello Aizawa, What have you called me for?"

"Hello Nezu. Detective Tsukauchi has called both of us to come to the station right now. He didn't mention for though."

"Okay then. I will come over right now."

I hung up the call as I went to grab my cup of coffee before leaving. I went out the door and saw Nezu waiting for me.

𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 {𝐁𝐤𝐝𝐤, 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚}Where stories live. Discover now